Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 191 Slow Hands, Red Envelope Distribution Is Over

Chapter 191 Slow Hands, Red Envelope Distribution Is Over

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Zhao Qiaosheng immediately retreated several steps back and forth, leaving a long distance between him and Sheng Lan.

Is he so scary?
Or is she so timid?

Just as Sheng Lan was thinking, the little wife on the opposite side smiled at him, it was just this smile.
It gave him a vague premonition.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sheng, we are gathering, and only colleagues in the medical field are invited, and family members are not allowed~"

It probably means: Don't think about it, if you don't take you, there is no play.

If you don't take it, don't take it, what else do you call him?
Call him "Mr. Sheng"!
His chest was congested with anger, Sheng Lan gritted his teeth, "What did you call me just now?"

The deep voice seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth, clearly gnashing the teeth, and every word showed a dangerous signal.

The right eyelid just jumped up without any sense of disobedience, Zhao Qiaosheng pursed the corner of his lower lip, "My family, what else can I call you?"

"No." Sheng Lan softly reminded her patiently, "The previous sentence of the family members is the previous sentence and the previous sentence."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Is it necessary to be so wordy?

I don't see where your reading comprehension is going.

Ringing his chest, Zhao Qiaosheng crossed his arms, "Is your surname Sheng or Mr.? Is my name wrong?"

If you pick words with her, then pick them all back for you!

Shocked all of a sudden, Sheng Lan hummed with a half-smile.

Really eloquent!
After driving Zhao Qiaosheng to the place where they met, Sheng Lan realized that this was also a homestay.

After he flipped through his phone and carefully read the address sent by Chen Qifeng, he was completely dumbfounded.

This fucking place is actually a place!
After much deliberation, Sheng Lan still had the cheek to send a message to Chen Qifeng.

Two minutes later, Chen Qifeng directly @everyone in the crew group, saying that Sheng Lan was going.

Too happy, Chen Qifeng immediately sent out a red envelope of 200 yuan in the group.

Everyone grabbed it and thanked Chen Qifeng and Sheng Lan one after another.

Staring at the words "I'm slow, the red envelope distribution is over" in my hand, I couldn't tell what mood I was in, Sheng Lan just squinted and scanned the news in the group.

Five seconds later, a 2000 yuan red envelope flashed in the group.

[Thank you, Master Sheng! 】

[Thank you boss, I bow to him! 】

[@Director陈启峰, one more and one more~]

[Wow, thank you, Master Sheng! 】

[Thank you Sheng Ye for the red envelope, I wish Sheng Ye more and more popular, and become popular in the sky! 】

The wechat group was swiped by a bunch of thank you comments, Sheng Lan only hooked the corners of his mouth.

Just as he was about to exit the chat interface, a new message popped up.

Zhao Qiaosheng sent a crying emoticon package, followed by the text: [I didn't grab a single one, crying.jpg]

There was silence in the chat group for half a minute, and half a minute later, Sheng Lan threw out an exclusive red envelope.

Sheng Lan: [@赵乔盛husband has this, and I'll give it to you.grinning.jpg]

While walking, Zhao Qiaosheng opened the exclusive red envelope.

! ! ! !
Sheng Lan is really willing!
Everyone in the group sent it for a few cents and a few dollars. Zhao Qiaosheng had never received such a big red envelope, and he felt a little scared for a while.

Feeling guilty for getting something for nothing, Zhao Qiaosheng sent Sheng Lan a "kneeling thank you" emoji in order to appease his excited little heart.

At this moment, all the people who had been silent in the group popped up. It turned out that it wasn't that everyone hadn't seen the news in the group, but they were all eating melons in silence.

Chen Qifeng took the lead and said "I wish Master Sheng and his wife a happy marriage for a hundred years", half a minute later, the words "+1" appeared in the group.

Immediately afterwards, this sentence was quickly swiped on the screen, and the chat interface between Sheng Lan and Zhao Qiaosheng was constantly pushed up, and it was unknown where it was pushed, and it had long since disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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