Chapter 192 Distress 1
Zhao Qiaosheng: [Why did you agree to go to the crew's party again? 】

Sheng Lan: [It's nothing, I just want to go, it's too boring to be alone in the hotel. 】

Zhao Qiaosheng: [Oh. 】

After replying this word, Zhao Qiaosheng put away his mobile phone, and was dragged by several people to have some snacks.

On the other side of the homestay, Sheng Lan was the first one to arrive, which surprised everyone.

During the dinner, several people persuaded him to drink, and Sheng Sheng had to drink a few glasses.

"I'm a little uncomfortable, I want to go to the bathroom, you go on."

After saying a few words, Zhao Qiaosheng went out.

After the door closed behind him, Zhao Qiaosheng took a deep breath.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhao Qiaosheng supported the wall and leaned his head against the wall at the door. The cold feeling spread quickly throughout his body, and the hotness on his face and heart was greatly reduced.

In his pocket, the phone vibrated twice, Zhao Qiaosheng took it out slowly and looked at it.

Sheng Lan: [When will I finish eating, it will be almost here on my side. 】

Sheng Lan: [I will pick you up when the time comes. 】

Sheng Lan wants to come over?
Zhao Qiaosheng replied to him:
【Well, I drank some wine and felt a little uncomfortable. I won't tell you. I'm going to the bathroom first. You came to call. 】

After drinking some wine, the words circled in Sheng Lan's mind.

The next second, the person who was sitting in the corner stood up suddenly, and made a lot of noise with his excessive movement. A group of people who were having fun not far away all looked towards Sheng Lan when they heard the sound .

"I'm fine, you go ahead" said in a deep voice, and Sheng Lan strode towards the door.

"what's up?"

"I don't know, just keep playing and keep playing."

"Come on, come on, who is in charge, I won the game just now!"

"I know, I know, I can't do without you!"

A group of people were laughing and laughing, and soon got together again.

The bathroom is located outside and needs to go through a long small corridor. Zhao Qiaosheng was dizzy. Although Zhao Qiaosheng's steps were a little unsteady, but fortunately there was something to support her, so she didn't fall to the ground.

The one who came out with Zhao Qiaosheng was followed by another figure.

The corridor was dotted with small lights, Sheng Lan followed him out, glanced around and saw a figure not far away.

Behind Zhao Qiaosheng, there was another woman, who was a little far away, and Sheng Lan couldn't see clearly.

He didn't think much, and followed directly.

The woman was dressed in black clothes, and even wore a black peaked cap on her head, which was very tightly covered, but...
She seemed to be holding something in her hand. With the tiny light, the thing reflected light, which was very dazzling.

Unknowingly, the steps slowed down a little, Sheng Lan was thinking, in front, Zhao Qiaosheng had already entered the bathroom, and immediately after, the woman behind Zhao Qiaosheng also entered the bathroom.

The bathroom is not very big, giving people a cramped feeling.

Zhao Qiaosheng supported the sink with both hands, and walked to the mirror.

A person also came in behind him, with his head down, and Zhao Qiaosheng splashed a handful of water on his face.

There was a moment of coolness, and apart from a little dizziness, Zhao Qiaosheng was quite sober.

Leaning down, Zhao Qiaosheng just took a breath, and when he raised his eyes, he saw something flashing past in the mirror. Zhao Qiaosheng only felt that his eyes were shaken by something, and before he had time to react, it was also at the same moment , the woman behind her held the thing and stabbed at Zhao Qiaosheng with a ferocious expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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