Chapter 193 Distress 2
"Zhao Qiaosheng, go to hell!"

The woman shouted, the knife in her hand was already raised, and she stabbed towards Zhao Qiaosheng's back.


Zhao Qiaosheng's face turned pale with fright, she instinctively ducked to the side, avoiding the knife.

His elbow suddenly hit the sink, and Zhao Qiaosheng frowned in pain instantly, looking very painful.

The woman in front of her was crazy, she rushed towards Zhao Qiaosheng again with red eyes, still yelling the same words as before.

"do not"

Shrinking her body back, Zhao Qiaosheng shook her head, she felt her whole body trembling.

The woman couldn't listen to Zhao Qiaosheng's words at all, she was very crazy.

His throat was clamped suddenly, and a feeling of almost suffocation came over him. Zhao Qiaosheng was forced to look up, his pale face turned red, his lips were constantly opening and closing, and the faint breath seemed to be absent.

Both hands tried hard to push away the hand in front of her, but the more she struggled, the heavier the force locked around her neck became.

Is she going to confess here today?
Will anyone find out?

Sheng Lan
The woman raised her hand, the knife fell, and the corners of Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes closed helplessly, a sense of powerlessness enveloped her heavily, and in an instant, the emotion that could no longer be suppressed was released, and the two lines of tears suddenly burst into tears. rustled.

"I can't bear it. You guys"

He could feel his lips trembling constantly, and hot tears flowed down his side cheeks. Looking up, Zhao Qiaosheng had been waiting for the knife to fall, waiting for the momentary pain to hit his bones.

But no, the knife didn't come down for a long time.

Zhao Qiaosheng opened her eyes subconsciously, and a drop of coldness happened to land on her lips.

It wasn't serious, but it made her heart tremble violently.

In front of him is a hand with blood on it, no, it's not blood, it's
It was the man who was bleeding!

Her throat was still being pinched, and Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't breathe all the time. Her vision was sometimes clear and sometimes blurred, and she couldn't see clearly, let alone see this person's face clearly.

Zhao Qiaosheng only slightly pursed her lower lip, and the drop of coldness smudged around her lips. The lips nourished by the blood became more vivid and eye-catching, and also added a bit of blood to the almost pale little face.

The salty taste gradually mixed with saliva and filled the mouth.

The tears in her eyes couldn't stop pouring out, but Zhao Qiaosheng felt the influx of fresh air little by little, and the force on her neck was slowly being pulled away.

Finally, with a bang, the knife fell to the ground.

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't know where his strength came from, so he pushed the hand pinched around his neck away, and put his hand on his chest. Zhao Qiaosheng propped one hand on the floor, leaned over and coughed violently. gasping for breath.

Not caring about the wound on his own hand, let alone the woman in black sitting slumped on the ground, Sheng Lan squatted down in front of Zhao Qiaosheng, and he helped her along the back, "Shengsheng, how are you?"

His voice was trembling, and Sheng Lan was also taken aback, especially when he first came in, he couldn't even think about that scene now, if he was one step late, he was one step late!
There was a frightening aura all over the man, making it impossible for people to get close, but when he looked at his girl, all his hardness melted into a puddle of clear water.

(End of this chapter)

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