Chapter 194 Distress 3
The familiar voice next to her ear made Zhao Qiaosheng dazed for a moment, then she shook her head, thinking that she must be missing him too much.

How could Sheng Lan come here so quickly? How could he catch up?
It was ten minutes ago that she sent him a message.


After a few minutes of panting, Zhao Qiaosheng felt that he had almost recovered. Holding the floor on one side with his hands, Zhao Qiaosheng was about to stand up while holding the counter in front of him.

Sheng Lan supported her, "Be careful."


this sound.
After standing up, Zhao Qiaosheng turned his head and bumped into those eyes that were too familiar.

Gentle and full of pity.

Sheng Lan just looked at her like this, with distress in his eyes.

"It's really you?" Zhao Qiaosheng murmured, still a bit unbelievable.

This kind of plot that only appears in TV dramas was unexpectedly encountered by her.

"Who else could it be if it's not me?" Sheng Lan really didn't know whether he should laugh, but he held back, "Stop talking, I'll take you out of here."

The moment she was protected by Sheng Lan, Zhao Qiaosheng suddenly remembered the knife that hadn't fallen when she was strangled. She lowered her head and looked along Sheng Lan's arm.

The thin joints had long been stained red with blood, and the blood was still oozing out, falling drop by drop.

It's scary looking.

After only watching for a second, before Zhao Qiaosheng could open his mouth, his sight was blocked.

Sheng Lan covered her eyes with her hands, "Let's go."

He didn't say much, just pretending that she didn't see anything and didn't know anything.

After struggling for a while, Zhao Qiaosheng still grabbed Sheng Lan's clothes in a panic, "Your hand"

"It's okay, I'll take you away first."

Sheng Lan seemed to be obsessed with taking her away, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't say anything, just followed him outside.

He helped her to the side of the corridor, and supported Zhao Qiaosheng to sit down, Sheng Lan took a breath.

Caressing Zhao Qiaosheng's side cheek with his fingertips, Sheng Lan patiently and meticulously helped her wipe away those tears bit by bit, the corners of his red eyes were slightly bent, he only smiled slightly at her, and then Then he said in a calm voice: "Shengsheng, wait for me here."

I didn't know what he was going to see, but Zhao Qiaosheng nodded instinctively.

His eyes were swollen from crying, and the tip of his nose was red.

Gently, Sheng Lan only lowered her head and kissed Zhao Qiaosheng's forehead, her slightly trembling lips stayed on her forehead for a few seconds before leaving.

He walked quickly and in a hurry.

Zhao Qiaosheng turned his head sideways, looked at Sheng Lan and turned back.

He went back to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the woman had completely lost the aura she had just now. When she saw Sheng Lan coming in, she quickly got up from the ground. She wanted to grab the corner of Sheng Lan's clothes but was very cautious and afraid, so she could only ask weakly. : "Master Sheng, are your hands alright?"

Lowering his head, Sheng Lan twirled his fingertips lightly, and those bright red flowers bloomed on his fingertips.

Qinghan's eyes were full of disdain and disgust, Sheng Lan pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, "Tell me, who asked you to come?"


"Chen Yi, do you still remember our conversation last time?"


"Very good, just remember." Unhurriedly, Sheng Lan had already walked to the sink, he leaned slightly, put his hand under the faucet, and a pour of clear water slowly flowed out from it.

In an instant, the white pool was mixed with more and more red, and the entire pool was stained with blood.

It looks very scary.

Sheng Lan's face was as usual, as if he didn't see those things.

 I almost forgot, thank you Baby Yu for the monthly pass!


(End of this chapter)

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