Chapter 195 Distress 4
After washing the blood stains on his hands, Sheng Lan raised his eyes to look at himself in the glasses.

He took out two pieces of paper at random, and slowly wiped the water droplets on his hands.

More or less, a lot of blood still oozes out from the palm, and then it is sucked away with a tissue.

Looking down at the wound, Sheng Lan licked the tip of his teeth, and then he turned around.

Chen Yi stood behind him, wanted to help but dared not go forward, blamed herself and regretted.

"Why do it?"

After a long time, the man's lips lifted slightly, and he almost said a word through gritted teeth.

Chen Yi lowered her head, "I can't understand her."

"You want to kill if you can't bear it?"

Suddenly, Sheng Lan snorted coldly, the corner of his sneering mouth was full of sarcasm, and even those disdainful eyes became cold in an instant.

By the time Chen Yi realized it, someone had already grabbed her neck and pressed her against the wall.

The veins on his arms bulged abruptly, the bottom of his eyes were flushed, Sheng Lan could clearly feel his madness and loss of control.

Being strangled by the neck, Chen Yi showed embarrassment, and even her body was slowly being lifted up, the attachment force under her feet became smaller and smaller, and the feeling of insecurity became more and more pervasive throughout her body.

"I don't like you, can I also kill you?"

Tilting his head slightly, the corners of the man's sharp eyebrows were only slightly raised, and the palm of his hand involuntarily increased a little bit of strength, giving people a kind of extreme eerie horror like a devil.

Chen Yi shook her head, "No, no."

"Not what?"

Sheng Lan's eyes turned hard, and the red in his eyes became more and more unfathomable.


"cough cough"

"Master Sheng Sheng"


One after another, in the narrow space, the woman's voice for help became weaker and weaker.

Finally, only at the last moment, Sheng Lan withdrew his hand.

Chen Yi was limp on the ground, compared with Zhao Qiaosheng's previous appearance, it was even worse.

"This is the last time. It will happen again and again. Next time... I don't mind going in and squatting for a few years."


Taking a deep breath, Sheng Lan restrained the hostility in his eyebrows and eyes.

He didn't leave immediately, but went to the sink again. He was too emotional just now, and the wound was pulled again.

Along the lines of the palm, the red liquid also flowed a lot.

After cleaning up briefly, Sheng Lan pulled a tissue and went outside.

The location of the door, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't know when he arrived.It seemed that at the moment when she met Sheng Lan's eyes, a hint of surprise and astonishment flashed across the woman's eyes.

Sheng Lan's footsteps paused unconsciously, and the abrupt eyebrows jumped.

Walking quickly in three steps and two steps, Sheng Lan stood in front of Zhao Qiaosheng, "I didn't tell you to wait for me, why did you come here by yourself?"

Really disobedient.


Tilting his head, Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes fell on the person lying on the floor not far away, "Is that woman Chen Yi?"

The previous drunkenness was gone, and Zhao Qiaosheng was sure that he had read correctly just now.

Up to now, there is nothing to hide, Sheng Lan nodded, "Yeah."

"you put her"

"She's fine." Sheng Lan whispered, with a flash of disgust in his eyes, he only looked coldly at the person not far away and then closed his eyes.

"Let's go" Sheng Lan said in a low voice, holding Zhao Qiaosheng's shoulders.

Sheng Lan said it was all right, so Zhao Qiaosheng didn't ask any more questions. She felt that although Sheng Lan was a little impulsive sometimes, he still had a sense of proportion and shouldn't be able to do anything out of line.

(End of this chapter)

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