Chapter 207 OK, Then He Goes

Dare to say that he has a big face?

Seeing that Sheng Lan was about to lose his temper, Zhao Qiaosheng quickly slammed the phone into his face, "Look, you take up the entire screen by yourself, how does your son look at me?"

Seeing the blatant framing of Xiaojiao's wife, the corner of Sheng Lan's mouth twitched violently.

Zhao Qiaosheng still refused to give up, and took the phone closer again.

In the end, Sheng Lan could only turn his head cooperatively, and went to play the game by himself.

By the way, Zhao Qiaosheng stuffed his earphone cable to Sheng Lan, didn't speak, just patted him on the shoulder.

The meaning is obvious.

With lowered eyes, Sheng Lan stared at the white headphone cable in her arms for a long time, "I'm not even qualified to listen to it?"

Zhao Qiaosheng squinted at him, shook his head, "No, I'm afraid you'll be angry."

Sheng Lan: "?"

Turning his gaze to the phone screen, Zhao Qiaosheng asked, "Yanyan, do you love your mother?"

The little guy replied Zhao Qiaosheng with the word "love" almost without thinking.

Sheng Lan: "."

The next second, the man put on the earphones decisively, but his face was extremely ugly, and even a small flame was stirring in his heart.

For the next ten or twenty minutes, although Sheng Lan was wearing headphones, he couldn't hear the music inside at all, and all his attention was on the person next to him.

At first, Sheng Lan was angry and refused to listen, and played with himself. Later, when he occasionally heard Zhao Qiaosheng laugh, he couldn't calm down as if he was hooked. He would twist his neck stiffly and only glance at it from the corner of his eyes. people around.

Be careful and careful.

If a root of grass grows in my heart, it will grow bigger and bigger, scratching the bottom of my heart strangely.

Sheng Lan simply took off the earphones on one side, but not the side facing Zhao Qiaosheng, he didn't want to make it so obvious.

But after hearing a few words, the man's face, which had finally calmed down, sank again.

Slowly, Sheng Lan honestly put the earphones back in for himself, blocking the sound.

This went back and forth several times, and Zhao Qiaosheng almost ended the video call with Sheng Chengyan. She turned her head and saw the depressed face of the man.

Involuntarily, Zhao Qiaosheng raised his hand and pulled the earphone on one side of him, "I knew you couldn't help it!"

Sheng Lan: "."

"Ah, what should I do, I seem to be going home now holding Yanyan!"


Very decadent, Zhao Qiaosheng fell on Sheng Lan's shoulders, and wrapped his arms around his neck, "I regret filming with you now, wouldn't it be nice to go home and hug my son?"

Sheng Lan: "."

"It's all your fault," Zhao Qiaosheng muttered to him in a low voice, "You made me unable to see my son!"

Sheng Lan: "."

Do you dislike him, okay, then let him go.

Leaning on the man's shoulder, the woman moved her mouth wearily.

In the next second, Zhao Qiaosheng only felt his body lighten, and he lost the sense of attachment.

Sheng Lan pushed her aside and stood up by herself.

Tilting his eyebrows, Zhao Qiaosheng sat up on the sofa, "What are you doing?"

While looking at each other, the man's Adam's apple visibly slid down, Sheng Lan tilted his head, "I'm going to take a shower."

Just take a shower.
Zhao Qiaosheng said "Oh".

Sheng Lan waited for a few seconds without further words, and rushed into the bathroom in a huff.

Behind him, Zhao Qiaosheng looked at the back of Sheng Lan leaving quickly, and couldn't help resting his chin on his hands, feeling a little worried.

I didn't take the change of clothes, should I call her later?
 Lanbao from a second ago: (╬▔盒▔)╯ hate me?Then I'll go!

  In the next second, Zhao Qiaosheng: What are you doing?

  Lanbao: (^人^) Wife, I'm going to take a shower.

(End of this chapter)

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