Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 208 It's Embarrassing To Be Captured Like This

Chapter 208 It's Embarrassing To Be Captured Like This
As expected, Sheng Lan realized something shortly after entering.

However, Zhao Qiaosheng sat in the living room and waited for a long time, but he did not wait for the man to ask for help.

Involuntarily, Zhao Qiaosheng put down her phone, she felt that she needed to find out everything by herself.

Standing on tiptoe, Zhao Qiaosheng moved to the bathroom door.

There is the sound of drizzling water flowing inside, neither fast nor slow, and there is no reason for it.

In the bathroom, a graceful figure was vaguely imprinted on the frosted glass door, and that figure was still tightly attached to the glass door, looming.

The little wife actually still has this hobby?
Sheng Lan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a playful arc.

A few minutes later, the sound of running water in the bathroom suddenly stopped.

Zhao Qiaosheng's figure stuck to the door suddenly froze, feeling guilty.

She wants to escape.

But on second thought, after taking a shower, Sheng Lan didn't have any change of clothes, so he should call her, right?

Anyway, he didn't know and couldn't see his own, so Zhao Qiaosheng continued to stick to the door grandiosely, motionless, but in fact his heart had already been ruthlessly grabbed.

The position of the heart, every jump involves the nerve cells in the whole body.

Zhao Qiaosheng couldn't explain why he made himself so nervous.

In the bathroom, the man bent over and simply wiped off the water droplets on his body, and a bath towel was duly wrapped around his waist and abdomen.

Not in a hurry to go out, Sheng Lan walked to the door step by step.

Zhao Qiaosheng was still lying on the door, Sheng Lan stared at the glass door in front of him for a while, he raised his hand subconsciously, and traced the figure with his fingertips.

A slender curve was slowly outlined, and Sheng Lan's eyebrows and eyes were bent, and he smiled with satisfaction.

Outside the door, Zhao Qiaosheng felt a little weird, she couldn't tell, maybe it was because Sheng Lan didn't call her for so long.

But thinking about it, it didn't seem to be the case, vaguely, she seemed to be stared at by something.

The longer the time, the quieter the room became, and the stronger this uneasy feeling became.

Just thinking about it, Zhao Qiaosheng was almost unprepared, the door she was close to suddenly moved, and her whole body suddenly lost gravity and fell forward.

The movement of opening the door came to a sudden stop, and the man's arm was lightly lifted as if he had counted the timing, and he directly embraced the little wife who bumped into him.

Still in shock, Zhao Qiaosheng said "ah", and in the next second, he bumped into a strong chest.

The hairs all over his body stood on end in horror, and Zhao Qiaosheng felt like his little heart was about to jump out.

It took about five or six seconds for Zhao Qiaosheng to recover.

She was still leaning against Sheng Lan's arms, and her breath was unconsciously filled with the clear lemon fragrance.

Because he had just taken a bath, the man's body was still cool to the touch, and Zhao Qiaosheng took two breaths in silence.

The fingers clinging in front of the man moved, and then moved again
In an instant, his mind seemed to explode, and Zhao Qiaosheng was about to shrink back reflexively, but Sheng Lan didn't stop him, and let go cooperatively.

With a blush on his face, Zhao Qiaosheng took several steps back.

She was embarrassed to look directly into Sheng Lan's eyes, after all, it was embarrassing to be caught like this, but she was even more embarrassed to look at Sheng Lan's lower body.Instead of doing nothing, Zhao Qiaosheng turned his gaze to the doorknob next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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