Chapter 209

This is a more appropriate angle.

Following Zhao Qiaosheng's line of sight, Sheng Lan hooked the corners of his lips, and couldn't help but chuckle from the bottom of his heart.

"Sheng Bao, do you think it's not a day or two for me to take a shower?"

The man frowned and smiled, and the curve of his mouth was undisguised, "I've been lying on the door listening for so long, don't you know I didn't lock the door?"


At first, I felt very ashamed, but now being picked up and beaten by the rightful owner, Zhao Qiaosheng's face turned red again in an instant.

".I'm not, I don't, don't think about it"

After faltering a few words in a low voice, I felt pale and powerless, as if I hadn't said anything, but I felt a little bit of a cover-up feeling that I couldn't wash away even if I jumped into the Yellow River.

It's rare to see Xiaojiao's wife being so cowardly, Sheng Lan imitated Zhao Qiaosheng's tone, he frowned, "What's not, what's not, I'm not thinking about it, I have evidence."

"You..." Zhao Qiaosheng raised his eyes, and the man's dark pupils were filled with unusual firmness.

The words on his lips lost all confidence in an instant, Zhao Qiaosheng pursed his lips, and muttered in a low voice: "Then what evidence do you have?"

Sheng Lan didn't say a word, and led him directly into the bathroom.

The frosted glass door has been covered with water vapor for a long time, and the curve not long ago is still there, but some places have been washed away by the continuous rolling down of water droplets, intermittently.

Zhao Qiaosheng was stunned for a moment, his eyes followed the curve above, and the line gradually outlined a familiar figure.
Tightly, Zhao Qiaosheng tightly grasped the hem of the lower garment beside him with his ten fingers, but his face still became embarrassed involuntarily.

Fortunately, she still pretended to be smart and thought that Sheng Lan didn't know that she couldn't see it, but it turned out that he knew it a long time ago, and even saw it!
At the scene of a large-scale death, Zhao Qiaosheng wanted to dig a hole with his toe and bury himself in it, never to come out again.

Standing behind Zhao Qiaosheng, Sheng Lan only lowered his eyes, watching the back of the small body in front of him stiffen up little by little, and then slowly collapsed, it was hard to say, but it was fun to watch anyway.

A muffled laugh came from behind, and Zhao Qiaosheng shook his head in depression for a while.

Taking a step forward, Sheng Lan leaned against her, her chest pressed against her back, feeling at ease for a moment, Sheng Lan closed her eyes and chuckled again, "Sheng Bao, it's a pity you didn't come in just now, sometimes The visual experience is far greater than the auditory experience, don't you think?"


In the narrow space, the man's low voice was amplified a lot invisibly, covering Zhao Qiaosheng's head like a net.

Now not only his face is red, but even the base of his ears are red, the thin patches of red make people blush and heart warm.

Her back was stiff, and Zhao Qiaosheng buried her head very low, so low that she wished she had no head at all.

She wanted to escape, but Sheng Lan refused.

Hooking the woman's chin with her fingertips, Sheng Lan kindly helped Zhao Qiaosheng lift her head up, "Sheng Bao, it's not good for the cervical spine to keep your head so low, be good."

The mirror surface in front of me was blurry, and it was covered with fine and dense droplets of water.

Suddenly, the tip of the man's teeth bit her earlobe, Zhao Qiaosheng was startled and did not dare to move.

After a while, Zhao Qiaosheng clearly felt that the force on her shoulders became heavier, and with her hot breathing, she vaguely heard Sheng Lan ask, "Are you here or go back to your room?"

Naturally, he didn't want to be here, so Zhao Qiaosheng dealt with him indiscriminately.

Sheng Lan said "hmm", and it took a few more minutes before leaving the bathroom with her in his arms.

 good night good night~
(End of this chapter)

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