Chapter 210

"I changed my mind and haven't tried this sofa yet"

In a blur, Zhao Qiaosheng heard the man's low laughter.

"Sister Yue, I checked on the Internet, and there is a crime of intentional injury, will I be arrested?"


After the last incident, Chen Yi only made a phone call with Lin Jingyue. She hadn't seen her for several days. What does it mean to come to her and cry after meeting her?
Lin Jingyue herself was quite annoyed, and now that Chen Yi was crying in front of her, she was even more annoyed.

"How many days have passed. If Sheng Lan wanted to pursue it, he would have pursued you long ago."

"But I'm afraid, Sister Yue. My mind is full of what happened that night. I will be woken up even from a dream. I'm really worried, I"

"Okay, okay." Impatiently, Lin Jingyue interrupted Chen Yi, "I've done everything, is it still useful for you to be afraid?"


In one sentence, Chen Yi bowed his head.

Lin Jingyue raised her hand to support her forehead, Chen Yi said she was afraid, isn't she afraid?

After all, she, Lin Jingyue, was also involved in this matter. If she really pursued it, not only this time, but even the previous time she would be involved.

The most important thing now is to let Chen Yi leave first. If Chen Yi leaves, Sheng Lan can't do anything about her for the time being.

Thinking of this, Lin Jingyue met her gaze again on Chen Yi's face, "Why don't you go away for a while and come back after the filming of this movie is finished."

"Isn't it going to be another three or four months?"

In a low voice, Chen Yi hesitated.

Lin Jingyue looked at her, "Otherwise, what better way do you have?"


"You left the crew now, Sheng Lan was out of sight and out of mind, and soon forgot about it, and besides, Zhao Qiaosheng was not hurt either, so they have nothing to pursue!"


In the second year of Ming Jing, during hunting in autumn, Rong Meiren was the only female family member in the palace to accompany her. Emperor Ming Jing hunted quite a lot and won the beauty's smile. That night, the officials had a banquet with delicious wine and delicacies, which was very lively.

On the way back to the palace, Rongmei felt a cold, and since then, her health has not been as good as before.

Emperor Jing of the Ming Dynasty recruited famous doctors from all over the world. He once said: If Rong Meiren can be cured, I will reward him with ten thousand taels of gold and one hundred hectares of fertile land.

However, after seeing this glorious beauty, everyone shook their heads and sighed one by one, feeling that their medical skills are not good, and they are afraid that they will not be able to recover.

Rong Le is seriously ill, Ming Jing has no intention of governing, and Fu Yangxiu has repeatedly reminded him to no avail.

Rongke's old department took the opportunity to cultivate power and colluded with courtiers.

The spring of the third year of Mingjing.
"Okay, let's start—"

In front of the Hanyue Pavilion, under the old locust tree, there is a couch for a noble concubine. The woman lying on it has a haggard face and almost no color on her lips.

The woman closed her eyes, as if she was taking a nap.

The little maid at the side stood beside the woman, gently fanning the cattail fan in her hand, she had a good face but a bad complexion, as if she was worried about something.

"Mianyu, what time is it?"

The voice was slow, with a hint of hoarseness in it, and Zhao Qiaosheng only opened his lips.

The little servant girl standing beside said: "Your Majesty, it's already time."

"It's time to apply."

Zhao Qiaosheng closed his eyes and murmured softly.

The little maid just stood there, wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it, and finally could only fan the cattail fan dully by herself.

After a while, the eyelids that had been closed all the time were slowly lifted, maybe feeling that the light not far away was a bit dazzling, so Zhao Qiaosheng closed his eyes lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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