Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 211 If I want to find a reason to spend money on you, it depends on your face

Chapter 211 If I want to find a reason to spend money on you, it depends on your face
At a quarter of the hour, Sheng Lan came over on time.

Mianyu bowed to Sheng Lan, but Sheng Lan just shook his head at Mianyu, signaling her to keep quiet.

Mianyu retreated to the side knowingly.

Silently, Sheng Lan bent down to hug Zhao Qiaosheng, but the moment she lowered her body, the person on the bed woke up.

It also seemed that he was specially waiting for this moment.

Zhao Qiaosheng's eyes suddenly opened, with a trace of clarity.

"There you are," she said.

Sheng Lan nodded, "Well, we agreed to have dinner with you every day."


Sheng Lan took a step to the side, took Zhao Qiaosheng's hand with one hand, and helped her up, followed by Mianyu, and the three left Hanyue Pavilion together.

After a scene was filmed, Chen Qifeng arranged for everyone to go to rest first, but he called the leaders of several makeup teams to come to him.

"Several teachers, I also just got the news that the production dates of the latest batch of cosmetics are all wrongly printed, and they can't be used yet. I'm afraid I will trouble the teachers in the next period of time."

"It's all printed wrong?"

Several people sighed, but didn't ask God any more, just nodded, very cooperative.

On the other side, Zhao Qiaosheng followed Sheng Lan back, still holding her script in his arms.

"There is still one big show that will be finished, and then I will treat everyone to a meal."

"Well, no problem." Sheng Lan hugged her and turned her to the sofa, "How about in the name of husband and wife?"

"What are you?" Zhao Qiaosheng only frowned.

Sheng Lan had a smile on his face, "Can't I pay the money?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Sheng Lan sighed, "If you want to find a reason to spend money for you, it depends on your face. It's not easy for me, Sheng Bao, I really don't think about it." a bit?"

Nunuzui, Zhao Qiaosheng turned his head away from the man's gaze, "Do whatever you want."

Sheng Lan only smiled, and sent a message in the group with his mobile phone.

Not long after, Zhao Qiaosheng saw the news of the bombing in the group, "Why did you post it so quickly?"

Sheng Lan: "Isn't it because I'm afraid that you will go back on your word?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Looking down with his fingertips, Zhao Qiaosheng saw the latest message from Chen Qifeng:
【@All members, I’m really sorry, due to the quality problems of the new batch of cosmetics, our filming progress may be affected, please forgive me. 】

"There is a problem with the cosmetics."

Zhao Qiaosheng murmured, Sheng Lan also saw the message, he read it for a while, and then asked Zhong Shuo to investigate what happened.

If he guessed correctly, the cosmetics for the entire crew should be provided by a company under the Tiansheng Group.

After a while, Zhong Shuo's message came.

【Master, I asked a few people in the make-up team, and they said that the date was incorrect and the batch was delivered by mistake. The batch sent to the production team has expired, and logically it should be destroyed. 】

There was such a big mistake.
"What's the matter?" Zhao Qiaosheng tilted his head, and saw Sheng Lan's frowning expression.

"It's the first time that Big Brother's company has made such a big mistake."


Zhao Qiaosheng still didn't understand, Sheng Lan showed her the phone, "The cosmetics of the entire production crew are from Manyo, a subsidiary of Tiansheng Group, if the quality problems of these cosmetics are not discovered in time, I'm afraid it will not only be a loss It’s a simple matter of some money.”

"what do you mean"

"That's right. If the whole crew used this batch of cosmetics, it would be an accident."

Not only Manyo, but even the entire Tiansheng Group is estimated to be investigated.

(End of this chapter)

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