Chapter 57

This is the second time for her to sit in a wheelchair. The boulevard in midsummer casts light intermittently, which is a beauty that the artist cannot explain.

From a distance, the man's back is slender and straight, and he is slowly pushing the wheelchair. The woman in the wheelchair hangs her long hair casually on her shoulders. The loose clothes not only did not conceal the woman's petiteness, but deepened her sense of weakness. Walking on the tree-lined road, the summer wind blows, and the light spots fall on their shoulders. The picture is harmonious and natural.

"Get out of the hospital." Ranchen raised her head and looked at the man with a smile on her lips. Since she woke up, everything seemed to be back to the past. She almost forgot that they had been separated for eight years.

Li Mufan stared slightly, then smiled lightly: "Okay."

Su Ranchen laughed and complained honestly: "If I don't eat something good, I really think I've lost my sense of taste."

"En, I got it." Li Mufan stopped, stretched out his hand to Ranchen, and looked at her dotingly: "Come down and walk."

"Okay." Su Ranchen nodded obediently, put his hand completely in Li Mufan's, and looked at him seriously, as if he would suffer if he missed a glance.

Li Mufan chuckled, "Why, haven't you seen me for a long time?"

"Well, I haven't seen you for a long time." Su Ranchen blushed slightly, really, it's been a long time.
Li Mufan's smile became more and more beautiful, and he raised his lips: "After you woke up, you changed a lot."

Su Ranchen chuckled and did not deny it.

"The first time I saw you was also in a wheelchair." Li Mufan said softly, very casually.

Ran Chen's smile paused, yes, he had already forgotten that they had known each other for a long time.

"En? Are you uncomfortable?" In Li Mufan's eyes, she was completely reflected at this moment.

Su Ranchen came back to his senses, and shook his head: "No, I'm just thinking, it would be nice if we can continue like this forever."

He smiled lightly, as if promising: "Yes."

"I know." Su Ranchen raised a smiling face, blinked childishly, smiled slyly, and put all his weight on Li Mufan's body shamelessly. If Xiao Nian was present, he would definitely spit out all the water he drank yesterday. This woman, too, has become too fast.
Li Mufan smiled and held Ranchen firmly. His deep eyes were extremely gentle, as if he could see her tricks clearly, but he smiled dotingly and whispered in her ear: "When will we get married?" ?”

The warm breath, the breath from him surrounded her, Ranchen smiled, smiling with great happiness, her smile was as bright as a flower, but deep sadness was hidden in her eyes.

"Huh? Have you repented?" His pleasant voice was still in my ear.

Su Ranchen smiled and shook his head: "The procedure is reversed."

The thoughtless words made this good-looking man stunned. It was the first time Su Ranchen saw such a confused expression on Li Mufan's confident face that always grasped everything, so he couldn't help laughing.

Her smile made Li Mufan even more puzzled.

Su Ranchen laughed, tugged at Li Mufan's clothes, leaned into his ear, and whispered, "Everybody gets married first, then bridal chamber, and then has a baby. We."

Ran Chen stopped talking suddenly, and Li Mufan smiled lightly: "Well, I see, then let's have a honeymoon first, then get married, and then get engaged."

"Okay." Ranchen smiled brilliantly, as if the time had returned to many years ago, she was still a simple college student.

Japan's Flower Grotto Shrine, offering sacrifices to the mother of the earth and the god of fire, as well as offering flowers to the sea, is the oldest shrine in Japan.

Su Ranchen is sitting in a wheelchair. In front of her are the stairs leading to the shrine. Unlike Chinese Buddhist temples, the shrine in her imagination should be a shrine with drums, and there are always women wearing Japanese national costumes Or the old man is sweeping the fallen leaves in front of the shrine.

"Mommy, why are you here?" Xiao Nian swept the ancient buildings above the stairs, looking at Ran Chen in confusion.

Su Ranchen smiled lightly: "I heard that making a wish here is very effective. Once the wishing wooden sign is hung up, the gods will see it."

Xiao Nian curled her lips: "I know you women always do weird things."

Su Ranchen looked at Xiao Nian ferociously: "Smelly brat, I didn't force you in."

Xiao Nian pouted, but stopped talking back, and added compromisingly: "I just followed up because I was worried about you, I'm not interested in that wish at all."

"I know!" Su Ranchen laughed lightly, how could she give birth to such a lovely child, but unfortunately, she couldn't let him be like other children and be happy forever.
Xiao Nian frowned: "Mommy, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at Xiao Nian like this?"

"No way." Su Ranchen twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled: "Mommy sees that Xiao Nian is getting more and more handsome, when can I have a grandson?" Saying that, Ranchen raised his head and looked up at the sky, as if he was serious thinking.

"A woman who thinks too much." Xiao Nian shook her head helplessly, turned her head to the side, and her small face suddenly became joyful: "Mommy, Daddy is here."

The man walking from the sun, with the light behind his back, the golden sun seems to be outlining his wings. This man is like a god, like a god walking out of a shrine.

Li Mufan walked down the steps and smiled lightly, as if a work of art had come out of the Louvre, it was extremely dazzling.

"Well, it's not open to the public today, but the old man promised to let us in."

"Really?" Ranchen was as happy as a child.

How wise, how proud, how profoundly kind, how unpredictable an elegant man, at this moment, he seems to have abandoned everything, just a simple man, accompanying the woman he loves deeply, taking their children, doing what makes them There is a thing of happiness.

Li Mufan bent down and gently hugged Ranchen, he was careful not to touch any of her wounds.

I don't know if it was because she didn't feel any pain at all, or because she looked at his profile and was so happy that she forgot about the pain.

Xiao Nian curled her lips, closed the wheelchair, and moved it up with difficulty.

Maybe Mommy really likes this man. For some reason, he faintly feels that something is wrong with Mommy. This happiness is so perfect that something is wrong.

Xiao Nian shook his head, growing up in a special environment, he is really nervous about everything.

Smelling the good smell on his body, Su Ranchen smiled peacefully, her long wine red hair shone golden in the reflection of the sun, she remembered that many years ago, he had told her that he wanted to see her grow up hair look
Li Mufan gently put Ranchen back on the wheelchair, Su Ranchen shrugged and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I'm so useless, but I let those guys hurt like this."

"Your performance is better than I expected." Li Mufan looked at her with affirmation, and then smiled softly: "Holding you and never letting go, it feels pretty good."

"Then I don't want to get better." Su Ranchen seemed to be saying seriously.

Su Xiaonian swallowed her saliva, they seem to be serious?
In front of the wishing wall, Ranchen flipped the written wooden sign upside down and hung it up.

"The gods will bless you." The old man handed the souvenir to Ranchen, and turned to go about his own business.

Seeing Ranchen mysteriously turn the wishing card upside down, Li Mufan smiled lightly: "What's written on the wooden card?"

Why does she need to make a wish, he can give her what she wants.

Su Ranchen blinked cunningly, and said solemnly: "This is a secret between me and the gods."

"That makes sense." Li Mufan raised his eyebrows, nodded cooperatively, and then smiled, "Since that's the case, what else do you want to do?"

"No more." Ranchen raised his head, looked at Li Mufan with a smile, "Let's go back to China."

"Okay." He smiled lightly, nodded, and pushed Ranchen out of the shrine.

Seeing the figures of the two slowly walking towards the sun, that scene was like a frozen photo.

Xiao Nian stood at the same spot, turned her head, and looked at the wooden sign that was turned upside down by the dust. Xiao Nian squinted her eyes, turned over the sign, and saw that it said: Fan, never forget.

Forget forever?What does it mean?
Su Xiaonian frowned, looked at the backs of the two, and was in a daze for a long time.

"Stinky boy, keep up!"

There was a dusty voice in front of him, and Su Xiaonian immediately came back to his senses, swept away the suspicious look, responded, and chased after him.

Coffee shop at the airport.

KISON took a sip of coffee, smiled and looked at Ran Chen sitting opposite him: "Going back?"

"En. That day, thank you." Ranchen smiled slightly, and said that after waking up, she hadn't seen KISON yet.

KISON nodded, put his hands on the table suddenly, leaned forward, and looked at Su Ranchen seriously: "That day, I saw Sister MAY enter the ward."

Su Ranchen's complexion changed, and he quickly forced himself to calm down: "Well, she didn't, what did she do to me?"

KISON looked at Ran Chen thoughtfully, and smiled lightly: "I'm sorry, I investigated you."

Su Ranchen's hand holding the coffee cup trembled slightly, and looked up at KIAON with a panicked expression: "What did you find out?"

KIAON shrugged his shoulders, and leaned back as if nothing had happened: "Eight years ago, during the half a year when Fan disappeared, I think you should have remembered."

After a pause, Su Ranchen frowned and looked at KISON sharply: "What do you mean?"

KISON smiled lightly: "Su Ranchen, you don't have to be nervous. I just want to hear your thoughts. I think Miss MAY should have told you something."

"My thoughts." Su Ranchen sighed: "From the beginning, I approached him with malicious intentions, even if I remembered something, it would not affect my position at all."

KISON looked at Ranchen and smiled faintly: "You are more stubborn than I imagined, don't let yourself regret it."

Ranchen raised her head in surprise, and looked at KISON. She really couldn't figure out this man, from the very beginning. He was clearly a good friend of Fan. He knew her identity. What was he doing? What are you doing, what are you thinking?
KISON smiled lightly, and kindly reminded: "Don't make any decisions too self-righteously. You won't understand how terrible it will be once disappointed."

"I don't understand, you."

"Hey, the formalities are done?" KISON stood up and interrupted Ranchen. He smiled naturally, as if nothing had happened.

Li Mufan smiled faintly and walked towards this side. Xiao Nian beside him put a 0 in his pocket and followed Li Mufan coolly. This guy, who is exactly the same in size and size, will be extremely dazzling no matter where he goes.

Li Mufan chuckled lightly, raised his hand and made a fist, and slammed it on Kison's chest: "Superintendent, why are you free to see us off today?"

"I really shouldn't go back to Japan impulsively, and the vacation is wasted like this again." KISON shrugged, looking extremely aggrieved.

"I see, you are on vacation every day." Li Mufan smiled lightly, unceremoniously revealing KISON's shortcoming.

KISON pressed his temple: "You bastard, it's really a headache. I can't let my chief hear this."

Xiao Nian curled her lips, stepped forward, and stretched out her hand to KISON, pretending to be reluctant.

KISON raised his lips and smiled, deliberately teasing Xiao Nian: "Little ghost, what do you mean?"

Xiao Nian blushed slightly, and puffed up her face: "This is a way for men to express their gratitude." After speaking, Xiao Nian added in a low voice: "Thank you Uncle KISON for bringing Xiao Nian here, and reaching out to save this stupid woman."

"Among men?" Kison looked at Xiao Nian with a smile in his eyes, and said with a smirk, "As for the last sentence, I didn't hear clearly."

Xiao Nian pursed her lips, glared at KISON, and reluctantly added, "Thank you!"

KISON smiled happily, stretched out his big hand to shake hands with Xiao Nian: "I accept your thanks."

"Okay, it's time for us to go in." Li Mufan smiled slightly, pushing Ranchen towards the gate.

KISON put 0 in his pocket with one hand, waved the other hand, and said with a smile: "Goodbye."

"Yes, I see." Li Mufan replied with a smile.

Su Ranchen turned his head and looked at KISON thoughtfully, what did he mean by what he said today.

As if he didn't see the dust, KISON turned around with a chuckle and didn't watch them enter the pass.

If it's Fan, he can only do this, Su Ranchen, you'd better not let him down.

KISON chuckled and walked out of the airport without looking back.

"What are you thinking?" Li Mufan's pleasant voice came from above his head.

Su Ranchen withdrew his gaze from watching KISON leave, raised his head, and smiled softly: "It's nothing. I'm finally going home. I'm so happy."

On the plane, the flight attendant stopped with a drink cart and turned his head with a professional smile: "Hello, what do you need?"

I saw the extremely good-looking man who was as perfect as a Greek sculpture smiled lightly, shook his head, and made a "shh" gesture.

The man smiled, and looked down tenderly at the sleeping woman with her head on his shoulder.

Under the eyelashes, a small shadow cast down, Su Ranchen leaned on his shoulder, very attached to this man.

Seeing this almost perfect man looking at the woman so tenderly, there seemed to be nothing else in his eyes.It seemed that his whole life was just to exchange for the undisguised snuggle of the woman.She doesn't need to be strong, she doesn't need to know how to protect herself, because of him
The flight attendant has never seen such a good-looking man with a smile that seems to make the world lose color. He looked at the woman in his arms tenderly. Even though it was a woman she didn't know, the flight attendant seemed to be infected. Share Seeing the gentleness of this god-like man, his face was reddish, and he ended the service with a professional smile.

Sitting across from them, Xiao Nian curled her lips, why did he have to sit across from them alone, and Mommy was snatched away like this?

"You are also redundant, aren't you?" Sitting next to Xiao Nian is a girl who is about the same size as him, wearing a sheep's horn whip and wearing a pink skirt, looking at Xiao Nian with her head tilted.

What Xiao Nian hates the most is women, and she is dressed like a Bibi doll, Su Xiaonian glanced at the girl lightly, and replied simply and neatly: "No."

"That's weird!" The girl giggled, biting her little index finger, and thinking seriously: "Mom and Dad are like this, in order to live in a world of two, let me sit here alone."

He is not my daddy!
Xiao Niangan opened his mouth, but never said that, turned his head away with a snort, and ignored the little girl.

world of two people?

Xiao Nian raised her eyes and looked at the quiet woman who was sleeping soundly. Mommy seemed to like him very much, but what did the words on the wooden sign mean?
"Look, I'm right. Mommy and Daddy like each other more than us." The little girl said proudly.

Xiao Nian frowned, and glanced at the girl angrily: "Shut up!"

"You scolded me..." The little girl pursed her mouth and stared at Xiao Nian wrongedly, her eyes turned red, and she finally burst into tears.

Xiao Nian sighed with a headache, why are women so troublesome.
Xiao Nian raised his eyes to look at Ran Chen, finally softened, and comforted him: "Don't cry, if you cry again, my mommy will be woken up by you. If you cry again, I will beat you up! Don't cry anymore , Ugly, crying even uglier."

The effect was just the opposite, and the girl became more energetic, sobbing continuously.

Su Ranchen trembled his eyelashes, opened his eyes, and saw Xiao Nian scrambling to comfort the little girl. Seeing him suppressing his anger, Ranchen couldn't help but feel good, raised his eyes, and met Li Mufan's deep eyes , with a smile in his eyes.

The two smiled at each other.
(End of this chapter)

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