Chapter 58

Tianhe Company, President's Office.

"President, the reporters for the meeting have almost arrived. Although it is our new artist's signing meeting, but this time almost all the media, large and small, are here, and they are here for our president and the wife of the president-to-be." Secretary Jiang It seemed that she was happier than anyone else, and by the way, she blinked at Ranchen.

Su Ranchen chuckled resentfully.

"Well, let's start first. We'll be right there." Li Mufan nodded and smiled.

"Okay. I'll go down right away." Secretary Jiang closed the door with a smile.

Su Ranchen played with his fingers uneasily. Today's Su Ranchen, dressed in a decent attire and with a light appearance, is a bit more mature than usual.

"If I really want to, do you want to attend?" Su Ranchen asked without confidence.

"Why? Don't you want to? It's okay. If you're not mentally prepared, just wait here obediently for me to come back. After the meeting is over, I'll pick you up." The elegant man stood up and smiled slightly at Ranchen. He originally wanted to announce to the world at this meeting that he was going to marry her.

"I" Ranchen hesitated, and finally nodded: "Okay, I will wait for you obediently here."

"En." Li Mufan smiled lightly and nodded.

The door was closed, and that slender and dazzling figure disappeared before her eyes.

Looking at the direction he was leaving, Su Ranchen sighed in disappointment, lowered her head, and stared at the ring on her ring finger. How could she not know that this meeting was a promise he made to her, not only for them Witness, and let everyone witness's just that she can't
Su Ranchen raised his head, pretended to be calm and squeezed out a smile, stood in front of the window and looked down, even the sky and the outside were crowded with people. After all, Li Mufan, the number one talent in the industry, rarely let himself be present in such a public event. at the press conference.

Suddenly, Ranchen's expression froze, and outside the crowd stood a casually dressed man. Among the crowd, he had enough capital to make people notice him. Shen Nianqi, Qi who hadn't been in contact for a long time, why did he appear here? ?

Su Ranchen understood immediately and turned on the TV. Sure enough, the screen was black and garbled.That was contacting her!
Strong uneasiness welled up in his heart, Su Ranchen took a deep breath, finally opened the door, and ran down the side stairs, a total of thousands of steps

Seeing the familiar figure of the woman running towards him, Shen Nianqi showed a bright smile: "Ran'er, I miss you to death. How about it, do you think I'm more handsome?"

Qi is still so foolish.

Su Ranchen rolled her eyes at Shen Nianqi, panted, and looked at her partner who had been with her for several years angrily: "Asshole, you really let go of me. I almost died, and I forgot to pull you as a backing !"

She and him are like friends without any taboos. When she is unhappy, she will take it out on him, and he always teases her with a smile, which often backfires and adds fuel to the fire.When she was happy, she would jump up without any scruples, hug him, and then eat him again.

Shen Nianqi shrugged innocently: "It's really careless to make friends."

"Come on." Su Ranchen punched him hard, and his spirits also rose.

"It's my bad luck, please give Ran'er something to drink? Let's chat?" Shen Nianqi put Ranchen's shoulder very naturally, ignoring her resistance, and smiled without any scruples.

She knew that he was looking for her definitely not because he missed her so simply, the uneasiness still lingered in her heart.

In the apartment, Su Ranchen sat across from him, and suddenly became serious: "You suddenly came to me, isn't it as simple as drinking a cup of coffee to catch up?"

"Smart." Shen Nianqi snapped his fingers, hooked his index finger, and made a "come here" gesture with a smirk.

Su Ranchen glanced at him suspiciously, then moved his head closer.

"Well, it smells so good. The brand of Ran'er's perfume has changed." Shen Nianqi said with a smile, he leaned back preparedly and avoided Ranchen's violent blow. He stretched out his index finger and made a " Hush" and reminded with a smirk: "Lady, lady."

Su Ranchen coughed twice in embarrassment, and said seriously: "What happened?"

Shen Nianqi restrained his smile, looked at Ranchen seriously, took out a document and threw it in front of Ranchen: "You have always wanted to retreat, this is the evidence to judge Li Mufan. This is the information of weapons and equipment. Even our secret service department could not obtain the information, but these materials were found on the body of an international secret police who was confirmed to have sneaked into our country. Facts have proved that Li Mufan is an undercover agent lurking in the military department. After ruling him, the military department Ministry, we will negotiate."

"This doesn't prove that he is an undercover agent. People in important military departments cannot make judgments arbitrarily." Su Ranchen held tightly to a corner of the document, and she didn't even have the courage to open it.

"Do you think those old men in the military department will think so much about an excellent junior who threatens their high-ranking officials? The people in the military department are no more sympathetic than those in our secret service department."

"Why." Su Ranchen frowned tightly and looked at Shen Nianqi: "Why does the boss have to judge Fan? He has no conflict of interest with him, and he does not pose any threat to us. This is a matter for the important military department. Those old men didn't commission us to investigate the undercover business."

Seeing a woman so excited, so angry, so sad
Shen Nianqi raised his eyebrows, looked at Ranchen seriously, and asked in a low voice: "Aren't you, you can't do anything anymore."

"I" was dumbfounded, how could she do it, he is Fan, how should she do it to him!

There was a moment of silence, which was finally broken by Shen Nianqi.

"Do you know that the first rule of the code is to obey orders unconditionally? Are you betraying?"

"I..." Ranchen shook her head, with a hesitant look on her face, she can't, she really can't!
"So, what are you going to do?" Shen Nianqi propped his chin with one hand, tapped his fingers casually on the table with the other hand, looked at Ranchen as if nothing had happened, until he saw the ring on her hand: "En? Shouldn't Ran'er It's sad to be bought off by a ring."

"No, we did it eight years ago..." Ran Chen suddenly stopped, looking at Shen Nianqi helplessly.

"Eight years ago?" Shen Nianqi frowned: "Did you remember something?"

Su Ranchen raised his head in astonishment, looked at Shen Nianqi's eyes, and slowly became disappointed and angry: "Did you know this early in the morning?" Ranchen suddenly stood up, turned around and wanted to leave: "I don't accept this time task, I will go back to the organization to receive the punishment."

"Su Ranchen!" Shen Nianqi grabbed Ranchen's hand. He had never been so fierce to her. Finally, Shen Nianqi's tone softened: "Sit down, let's make it clear. Get the punishment? Do you know what the punishment is?" ?”

"I don't know, anyway, I don't want to perform this task, I can't do it!" Su Ranchen sat down and shook off Shen Nianqi's hand.

"The intelligence team is just a cover, and I'm a member of the monitoring team." Shen Nianqi suddenly said this in a low voice.

"Surveillance group?" She never knew the existence of this group.

Shen Nianqi smiled softly: "You once accepted the task of judging the traitor 0107. It was just that the boss let you have a small test. Do you think that there are so many members of the organization, why do you have to train new people one after another? Then the previous Those, those traitors, where are the dangerous ones?" Shen Nianqi took a sip of coffee as if nothing had happened, as if he was saying that it was no big deal: "The monitoring team is a secret organization. It is specially responsible for assassinating anyone who is worthless. Loyalty is not enough to reduce the risk index, any agent who may bring losses to the country. In other words, if you go back to receive punishment this time, you will never return, are you willing to die?"

"You" Ranchen obviously can't accept this reality. In other words, this partner who has been with her for many years, stays by her side in order to monitor her. One day, he will evaluate her and even solve her life.The reason why it is called "assassination" is that most members of the organization do not know the existence of this group. All the agents who work for the country have no idea that they may be investigated one day, or even die at the hands of the organization they have devoted their lives to.

For a long time, Ran Chen chuckled as if laughing at himself.He didn't expect her reaction at all.

"So, I have been tricked from the beginning to the end? You have long known Fan Xiaonian's biological father. You just waited for this day? To see if I am loyal or selfish?"

"The task is given by the organization." Shen Nianqi sighed, seeing her at a loss, they still can't go back to the past, get along like before, this grudge is too big and too deep: "The inspection team just took advantage of this This opportunity will assess you. If you cannot receive punishment now, what you will receive will only be the ruling of the inspection team!"

Su Ranchen smiled lowly, looking at her good partner full of disappointment: "My task is to deal with him, but I can't do it. Your task is to monitor me and judge me, but you remind me out of selfishness , and even exposed himself? It's so funny! A food chain that makes fun of people!"

Shen Nianqi smiled lightly, the man who was always as dazzling as the sun, but smiled wryly: "Yes, we can't do anything. But the boss didn't send another member of the inspection team. And the mysterious hand holding Daquan's head Everything becomes more interesting when you get involved in this ridiculous food chain together."

"What do you mean?" She didn't understand how this could be involved.

"You don't know?" Shen Nianqi raised his head and looked at her: "The boss spent a month with you on Desperate Island."

The boss instructor is actually the boss. From the very beginning, she was the only one who didn't know anything. That man, the mysterious man standing at the top, manipulated everything like watching a show!
How can you bear to deceive me like this.

Ranchen couldn't remember how she got back to Tianhe, she just felt that her head was swollen, she had to face it, she couldn't escape!

Avoiding the reporters and the crowd, Ran Chen quietly returned to the president's office.

"Mommy, where have you been? Xiao Nian is so boring by herself." As soon as the door was closed, Xiao Nian's voice came from behind him just waking up.

Su Ranchen looked at Xiao Nian in surprise, and smiled slightly: "Isn't Xiao Nian going to class? Why are you here?"

"Does a genius need to go to class?" Xiao Nian stood up, raised her little head, not feeling proud at all, and said it as a matter of course.

Su Ranchen burst out laughing, this little guy can always make her laugh no matter what she encounters: "Stinky boy, how can anyone talk like you."

Su Xiaonian stuck out her tongue, and reached over with her little hand, grabbing Ranchen's hand: "Xiao Nian is just joking. Mommy is watching the time by herself, Xiao Nian is out of school. Daddy called and said he was afraid that Mommy would be alone." I'm bored waiting here, so I asked Xiao Nian to accompany Mommy. I didn't expect Mommy to go out to play alone."

A smile unconsciously appeared on Su Ranchen's lips, he was still like this, handling everything impeccably.

"Mommy, what are you thinking?" Xiao Nian shook Ranchen's hand, and looked at her suspiciously: "Isn't it Mommy, is there something you didn't tell Xiao Nian?"

Ran Chen came back to his senses, looked at Xiao Nian, and smiled softly: "No way, Mommy is just thinking, why hasn't Fan come up, I'm so hungry."

Xiao Nian frowned slightly, but she didn't expose her. Instead, she looked defeated and shrugged her shoulders: "Women are dead ducks. Mommy just misses Daddy and says she's hungry."

"Where is it!" Su Ranchen looked at Xiao Nian with a smile, at least she still had him, right? Su Xiaonian, how lucky she was to be able to give birth to such a little guy, how like Fan is he?
"En? Xiao Nian, are you bullying your mommy again?" Li Mufan opened the door, leaned against the door, and looked at the mother and son with a light smile.

He was dressed in a white suit, like a prince charming who walked out of a cartoon, his smile was so dazzling that it could make the world pale.

Su Ranchen turned his hands away, his face flushed slightly, and he looked at Li Mufan who suddenly appeared in astonishment. Isn't there still two hours before the end of the meeting?
"Mum, aren't you hungry? Seeing Daddy is equivalent to seeing spiritual food?" Xiao Nian laughed, jumped to the middle, and teased.

"Stinky boy, you can talk nonsense. Let Mommy see if your mouth has a motor installed." Su Ranchen said, reaching out his hand, as if to catch Xiao Nian.

Xiao Nian slammed to hide behind Li Mufan, poked his head out: "The tiger has shown its power."

"En? Say it again? Who do you call a tigress?" Su Ranchen narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Nian with a fierce look on his face.

Xiao Nian immediately covered her mouth and said vaguely: "Xiao Nian didn't say anything."

"Okay." Li Mufan smiled lightly, and put his arms around Ranchen's shoulders: "The press conference is boring, let's skip work and go to the night market like last time."

Maybe it's because he stayed too close to Ranchen, this godlike and elegant man actually had a bit of Ranchen's style when he spoke.

Although the night market is unfamiliar to him, it is not enough to make him feel surprised.Occasionally experiencing civilian life did not bring him much freshness. What interested him was just being at ease with her with little thoughts.

Touching the man's warm chest, Su Ranchen immediately disarmed and surrendered, and the originally fierce little face immediately softened into a smile.

"Women are so fickle." Xiao Nian shrugged and shook her head muttering.

The seven-year-old Su Xiaonian often made Ranchen jump in anger, but in Xiaonian's eyes, it was not a look of complacency, but full of worries for her.This stupid woman really doesn't know how to take care of herself.

"How's your day going, are you bored?" Li Mufan asked casually while driving the car.

Su Ranchen raised his head abruptly, with a complicated look on his face, calmed himself down, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, I've been playing with Xiao Nian all the time."

He smiled lightly and said nothing.

Su Xiaonian sat on the back seat and looked suspiciously at Ranchen, why didn't Mommy dare to tell Daddy about her going out?Who did she meet?What happened?

The night market is always very lively, Su Xiaonian bouncing between the two, holding two small hands, raised her head, and said innocently: "Daddy, Mommy, let's play a shooting game, shall we?" ?” No matter where he goes, he will never forget his only hobby, aiming, launching, and watching the prey fall.

"Not good. Let's take a picture of the photo, okay? We can put our family portrait in the bag and take it with us." Su Ranchen stopped and looked at the machine on the right.

"No, that's something you women like to play with. Xiao Nian is a man, Daddy, let's play shooting." Xiao Nian protested without thinking.

"Who said that taking pictures is something that only women love to play, and it doesn't take a long time to take pictures!" Su Ranchen suppressed Xiao Nian domineeringly.

"No! Xiao Nian is a big man, it's really embarrassing to take pictures with a stupid woman like Mommy." Su Xiaonian still spoke back fearlessly.

"It's embarrassing to take pictures with Mommy? Brat, you say it again?" Su Ranchen became energetic and aggressive.

The footsteps of the three stopped just like that, and the mother and son once again quarreled like two children.

Seeing this extremely handsome man with his pretty domineering wife and their extremely cute children, passers-by just turned their heads and smiled kindly while listening to their extremely interesting conversation.

Li Mufan rubbed his forehead with a headache, it seems that he should be the professional mediator between them.

"Okay, let's take pictures with your mommy first, and then play shooting with Xiao Nian." Li Mufan's words ended the two people's endless protests.

Daddy always favors Mommy.

Xiao Nian curled her mouth and was dragged in reluctantly.

She put the family photo with all three of them in her bag, like a treasure, she cherished it very much.

This is the only tribute she will bear to miss her in the future.

Xiao Nian frowned, seeing Ranchen's series of actions without missing a beat, how could he not feel the weirdness of Mommy.

Su Xiaonian looked away, as if not aware of it, and cheered: "Oh yeah, the annoying photoshoot is finally over. Xiao Nian is so handsome, the machine almost crashed. Daddy, play shooting with me, Xiao Nian wants to challenge Daddy land, daddy"

Hearing Xiao Nian's funny words, Ranchen interjected very rudely: "Why exclude me, I must have my share in the competition. My shooting ability is not bad."

"That's weird. Mommy is Xiao Nian's defeat!"

"Brat, why don't you try to make things difficult for Mommy."

"No, Xiao Nian didn't say anything."

The sound of the two people going back and forth was mixed with the chuckle of the man feeling quite headache.

Looking at the two mother and son who were bickering endlessly, Li Mufan smiled lightly. His life has never been turned upside down like it is now. Perhaps, if it continues like this, it seems not bad for a lifetime of quarreling.
(End of this chapter)

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