Chapter 63

Back at the bar, I saw Ranchen curled up in the corner, like a child who made a mistake and dared not go home.

A hand appeared in front of Ranchen, Su Ranchen raised his head, looked at 024, but did not extend his hand to respond.

024 smiled indifferently, and simply sat down beside Ranchen.

The boss, who was always frighteningly cold, sat on the ground with Ranchen, with his back leaning against the bar.

"You are very guilty." 024 said lightly, but his voice became softer unconsciously.

"I didn't do anything for Qi." Ran Chen numbly turned her head and looked at 024. She didn't blame him, but she was the one who was most sorry for Qi.

"Qi said, he's gone home. I won't be with you in the future, and I'll clean up the mess for you." 024 said it very seriously, just like what he said, it was true.

"Really?" In Ranchen's eyes, there was finally a gleam of light.

"En." 024 nodded: "Did you know that Qi has been terminally ill since childhood?"

"A terminal illness?" Ranchen shook her head, she really didn't care about Qi at all, she never knew that he would also be ill.

"In Qi's hometown, there is no illness, and his life is better than now."

"how do you know."

"He told me, didn't Qi tell you?" 024 smiled lightly, seeing Ranchen's slightly changed expression, it was really like what you said, Qi, this woman is really easy to coax.

He didn't expect that he would actually say it according to the lame lines that Qi gave him before leaving, and the only one who thought about it so carefully before leaving was probably only Qi, this weird guy.

"Really?" Su Ranchen is not a three-year-old child, but what she wants is just a good excuse to make herself pretend to believe in Qi Guo.Is she being selfish?

"En." 024 smiled faintly: "1314520."

"What?" Ranchen looked at 024 in confusion.
"Don't get me wrong." 024 smiled lightly, "This is Qi's computer password. There are 3500 electronic letters in it, for you in the next ten years."

Qi said that Ranchen is a very emotional guy, ten years is enough for her to accept the reality of his absence.

"How could Qi use such a stupid password." Ranchen smiled slightly. Qi must not want her to be as depressed as she is now, so he prepared [-] electronic letters. I don't know what kind of mood he wrote those letters at that time.

"He said, with your brain, you can only remember such a simple password." 024 chuckled, Qi was a born optimist, and he still made fun of Ranchen before leaving.

What's more, he wants to say, I will love you for the rest of my life.

"This guy" Ran Chen smiled, with tears in the corners of his eyes: "One letter a day, when I finish reading them all, he will come back, right?"

"En." 024 did not refute her unrealistic thoughts.

"Okay." Ranchen squeezed out a smile and stood up: "Thank you, boss. I want to show that guy Qi. If he's not here, I still won't stab someone. Ten years later, let's see if he still dares." Dare to laugh at my stupidity."

"Are you okay?" 024 frowned slightly, the sudden change of Ranchen did not reassure him.

"I'm fine. Since Qi is still alive and will come back ten years later, why should I be sad. Once I'm sad, that guy must be even more proud." Su Ranchen said firmly, as if trying to convince herself.

"That's good." 024 stood up, looked at the woman with a forced smile in front of him, but didn't touch her: "Let's go, I'll take you back to the hospital."

Ran Chen was slightly taken aback, the indifferent boss, why did she feel that something was different.

Suddenly, Ranchen covered her mouth in discomfort, and then remembered the answer given to her on the pregnancy test stick in the morning. Su Ranchen looked at 024 in embarrassment, and smiled slightly: "Is the boss going to the hospital together? Xiao Nian saw that You must be very happy."

024 frowned, but knew in his heart that Ranchen must be pregnant.

"I remember that when you were performing missions in Hong Kong, you played the paparazzi very successfully. You actually used the skills you trained to obtain the private information of many artists."

Hearing 024's sudden words, Ran Chen blinked in confusion.

"You all know?"

024 smiled lightly: "Did I tell you that you are free?"

Su Ranchen still looked at 024 without knowing why. Today's boss is really strange.

"Then live a normal life. You should have a job and a new life. I will arrange for you to become a reporter for an entertainment magazine. Of course, you can also refuse my help."

After a long silence, Ranchen smiled and nodded: "Thank you, boss."

"Since you have nothing to do with the organization, call me Chu Qiao."

"Thank you, Chu Qiao." Su Ranchen smiled slightly. This feeling may be good.At least, she doesn't have to be afraid of the instructor anymore. No, it's Chu Qiao.

024 looked at the dust, thoughtful, seemed to hesitate to speak.

"I will take care of the three of you, mother and child, for the rest of your life." 024 said lightly, as if the words didn't come from him.

Ran Chen half-opened his mouth in astonishment, obviously not digesting this message.

Mother and child three?Obviously, he knows
"Of course, this is just my proposal. Everything depends on your wishes. I am a person who lives at gunpoint. If not, maybe, I will propose to you. But if you want to stay by my side, I will You are the only woman, you don't want to tell Xiao Nian who his biological father is, and let me take care of you for the child in your womb in the future." 024 looked cold, although the words he said were touching enough, but the way he expressed them was too dull With such a cold tone, no woman would feel moved, but for such a man who has always wrapped himself up in ice, it is already a miracle that these words can come out of his mouth.

Su Ranchen was still in surprise, unable to speak for a long time.

024 turned his face away, with a cold expression: "I just promised Qi to take care of you for him. If you don't want to, forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

Because he was afraid of losing his warmth, he always wrapped himself in indifference and alienation, and this time it was the same.
Ran Chen caressed her stomach, really want to let Xiao Nian and Bao Bao not know who their father is for the rest of their lives?

Before Ranchen could reply, 024 brushed past Ranchen.

"Thank you, Chu Qiao." A woman's soft voice came from behind.

The slender figure was slightly taken aback, but just paused for a moment before continuing to walk out, and only responded lightly: "En."

Holding Qi's laptop, Su Ranchen took a deep breath and finally pressed the password.

I saw countless videos stored in the computer.

According to the date, Ranchen opened the first paragraph, which happened to be today.

The image of Shen Nianqi quickly appeared in the video.

"Hi, Ran'er. You missed me on the first day, right? Look, I know you best. You don't need to look to know, you are really ugly now, your eyes are so swollen"

Su Ranchen chuckled softly, with tears in his eyes.

"Look, you are crying again. You must have seen how handsome I am, so you are crying."

Qi really understands her, this guy, it's a pity not to be a prophet.

"Actually, I'm staying in a pretty good place now." Shen Nianqi in the picture still has the same sloppy look: "Didn't you say that I am a flower girl? There are just a lot of flowers here. However, it seems that we are still here. Ran'er is the best. She's stupid and easy to bully, right?"

Su Ranchen made a ferocious expression to Shen Nianqi in the picture: "You are stupid."

"Well, even if I'm stupid." Shen Nianqi shrugged in the picture: "It's not once or twice to compromise with Her Majesty the Queen."

Su Ranchen wiped away tears with the back of his hand, and said to this guy, he really saw through her.

"Ran'er, actually, this password is me." Shen Nianqi suddenly became serious, and within a few seconds, Shen Nianqi on the screen complained again: "It's really bad, it's out of battery. Let's talk about this today, tomorrow Click on the next one. Don’t peek, if you peek, you won’t have anything to read.”

At the end of the first video, Su Ranchen sighed and closed the computer gently
When Su Ranchen rushed back to the hospital to see Xiao Nian, it was already dusk.

Rolling clouds and mists are entrenched in the sky, and the setting sun can only take a little gap to shoot out strips of crimson glow, like a girl's face smeared with rouge, like a fish swimming in the deep sea, occasionally rolling golden scales Light.

After tidying up his mood, Ranchen wanted to push the door open, but saw a tall and muscular figure standing in front of Xiaonian's bed from the viewing port. The man's back was facing her, Su Ranchen subconsciously stopped the movement of his hands, The door just opened a crack quietly, and she stopped unconsciously.

"I never thought you would be my opponent with your aptitude." It was 024's voice, still indifferent, with some contempt.

"Sometimes your judgment is wrong." Xiao Nian wears a mask and cannot see his expression, but one can guess from his expression that he must be pouting at the moment: "One day, Xiao Nian It will be stronger than the boss."

"Really?" 024 smiled lightly, looked down at Xiao Nian, and raised his lips with disapproval: "If you don't live to 'someday', how will you defeat me?"

"You wait."

024 nodded: "I heard that you fainted to escape from the hospital today? It's really embarrassing."

"What!" Xiao Nian blushed, the word "escape" sounded too harsh: "That was an accident! Isn't that stupid woman like Mommy rushing out suddenly."

"Understood." 024 chuckled, but this smile was not as cold as usual, but mixed with warmth: "Then, I accept your gentleman's promise. When you become an adult, I will accept your duel."

The premise is that you have to get through the difficulties in front of you.

024 looked indifferent, but did not say the next sentence.

"Boss, be careful. When Xiao Nian grows up, the boss will grow old. At that time, Xiao Nian will not respect the old and release the water."

"Winning or losing doesn't depend on one mouth."

024's faint words made Xiao Nian speechless, and turned away awkwardly.

Su Ranchen had a smile on his face, maybe, the boss is really like what Qi said, he actually has a warm side?
"Mummy, are you peeping?" Xiao Nian poked her head out, looking at the dust at the door.

Su Ranchen smiled awkwardly, walked in, and closed the door behind him.

024 looked very calm, and was not surprised by the appearance of Ranchen.

"Mommy, don't listen to those women's nonsense. Xiao Nian didn't faint today. She actually scared them. Who made these women so annoying." Su Xiaonian said seriously. It is extremely naive.

Su Ranchen smiled slightly, they tacitly accepted the fact that Qi was not there, they also tacitly kept silent, and they also tacitly missed him.

"I heard that in the past few nights, because of the side effects of the medicine, you tossed and turned and didn't sleep well?" Ran Chen smiled, but his eyes were distressed.

"No way." Xiao Nian pulled the quilt over her head, and the rogue said: "Mommy doesn't know, Xiao Nian can't do anything, she is so boring that she can only sleep." Saying that, Xiao Nian pretended to slap loudly Yawning: "Xiao Nian is so sleepy, I'm going to bed now, Mommy, don't stay here and make noise about Xiao Nian, I'm so annoying!"

Su Ranchen smiled slightly, and looked at 024 in embarrassment.

Sure enough, as Qi said, the way this mother and child get along is really different from normal people.

024 walked out of the ward first, Ran Chen glanced at Xiao Nian who was completely hidden under the blanket, finally raised his feet, and chased after that figure.

024's pace subconsciously slowed down, and the smile flickered on the corner of his lips, even he didn't notice it.

"Chu Qiao." Su Ranchen chased after him, "Thank you for coming to see Xiao Nian."

"I just happened to pass by." 024 still had a cool face.

"Then, thank you for encouraging Xiao Nian to get through this difficult time."

024 frowned slightly: "I have no other intentions, you guys think too much."

Su Ranchen smiled lightly. In fact, the boss also has such a cute side, but because of fear, he is unwilling to know this side of himself.

"Then, thank you"

"I don't need the word 'thank you'. If there is nothing else, I will go."

Su Ranchen smiled lightly, just like looking at Xiao Nian who was awkward just now: "I want to thank you for helping me find a job. From now on, I will no longer eat from the country, right, so, I I'm about to start a new life. Is what you said today still count? Can I work in a magazine?"

"En." After hearing Ranchen's words clearly, 024 responded in a low voice, a smile flashed across his stern and cold handsome face, like early plum blossoms blooming in the cold winter, which was rare but extremely dazzling.

Tianhe office.

Li Mufan threw the report delivered by the secretary on the table, sighed, leaned back, and pinched the bridge of his nose wearily.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, the figure that was only blurred in his mind became clearer and clearer. He seemed to see her eyes clearly, as if he had seen such eyes three years after they disappeared.

It seems, where have you seen it?
Li Mufan suddenly opened his eyes, and what flashed in his eyes was the light of wisdom. He frowned slightly, as if he had thought of something.

"President, did you call me?" Secretary Jiang knocked on the door and stood at the door.

"En." Li Mufan nodded lightly, and pointed to the report on the table: "The director in charge of the advertisement for newcomers has made reports several times, that one is called"

"Su Tan." Secretary Jiang replied in a timely manner.

"En. The newcomer named Su Tan hasn't come to the company for more than a month. What's the matter?"

Secretary Jiang lowered his head, but smiled. The president never asked about these things, and finally someone could divert the president's attention.

Secretary Jiang smiled and handed the two photos to Li Mufan: "I have already investigated in advance. A colleague saw Ms. Su enter this hospital several times to see the patients in the sterile ward of 302. I just don't know who she was looking at. "

"En." Li Mufan smiled faintly: "Let it go, you can go out now."

"it is good."

In the hospital, the appearance of Li Mufan in a white suit was undoubtedly a sensation.

The president of Tianhe No. [-] Entertainment Company came to the hospital in person. Could it be that a famous star lives in this hospital?
But Li Mufan didn't seem to care about the whispers of others and the flashing lights that flashed from time to time.

This is a bold guess, and he has always been a person who will not let go of any possibility. A wise king like him has always been impervious to affairs.

In front of the see-through glass in Ward 302, Li Mufan's handsome figure stood for a long time, and there was only a child about eleven or twelve years old who was lying with his back facing him.

The young king still had a faint smile, but this smile was a little self-deprecating. It's been three years, and he still hasn't been able to let go of a woman who betrayed him?It's ridiculous to catch this one percent chance.

He never knew that he could be so infatuated.

infatuation?For a king like him, it is really a sarcastic term.

It is absurd to love someone desperately!
That white and handsome figure came and went silently.

Knowing that the footsteps gradually disappeared, the boy in the ward turned around, sat up, and looked out the empty window.

In the eyes, there is clarity. "Mommy, Xiao Nian is very hungry now, can you come here right away?" Su Xiaonian who ran out of the ward stepped on a chair and sat on the chair of the nurse on duty, holding the phone, her eyes shining outside shrewd light.

There was a smile in Xiao Nian's eyes, almost mischievous, maybe, maybe they would meet.

(End of this chapter)

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