Chapter 64

The man's white figure stayed at the entrance of the hospital, and the sunlight elongated his shadow, exposing his handsome face and the depth of his extremely deep eyes, which were as still as still water.

The young nurses who were pushing the patient to bask in the sun on the grass unconsciously stopped, looking at this beautiful scene with astonishment written on their faces.

But after only staying for a few seconds, the man who looked like a god's mansion resolutely walked towards the car parked outside.

The car door was closed, covered by the black glass, only people could vaguely see the outline of Li Mufan's profile.

"Drive." Li Mufan leaned back wearily, and said calmly.

"President, where are we going?" The driver turned his face and looked at this man who acted like a god in puzzlement.

"Whatever, keep driving until I say stop."

The car started, and the godlike man drove away. Only then did the nurses regain their senses and continue the unfinished action.

At the same time, Su Ranchen, who was carrying the fruit, stood aside, gave way to the car that just left, and then hurriedly ran to Xiao Nian's ward.

"Xiao Nian, Mommy is back." Ran Chen sat aside and looked at Su Xiaonian with a smile.

Seeing Ranchen's normal expression, Xiao Nian tilted his head, and said curiously, "Huh", "Did Mommy meet anyone?"

"Who did I meet?" Ranchen thought for a while, then shook his head honestly: "No. Should I meet someone?"

"Hehe, no." Xiao Nian sighed in frustration.

"Now, I'll peel an apple for you."

"Xiao Nian doesn't want to eat." Su Xiaonian refused very shamelessly.

"Huh?" Ran Chen looked at Xiao Nian in confusion: "Didn't you call and say you want to eat fruit, and you want me to buy it right away?"

Xiao Nian exaggeratedly fainted: "Because Mommy is too slow, Xiao Nian doesn't want to eat."

"What logic!" Ran Chen pouted, and put the fruit aside.

"Mum, tell me, what wishes do children usually have?" Xiao Nian said without thinking.

Su Ranchen thought about it seriously: "Then, what wish do we Xiao Nian have?"

Su Xiaonian looked at Ranchen very seriously, and then laughed: "Xiao Nian hopes that Mommy will be smarter."

"Stinky boy!" Su Ranchen pretended to be fierce, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Xiao Nian shrinks his neck, in fact, his wish is that Mommy can be happy.
Su Ranchen touched Xiao Nian's head: "Actually, we shouldn't ask Mommy this question about Xiao Nian, we should ask other children. Does Xiao Nian want to ask his children? Their wishes must be very simple, even We can make it happen for them.”

"Whatever." Su Xiaonian turned his face away. Since childhood, the people he had the most contact with were mommy and mother-in-law, and besides, all kinds of strange people in the organization.

"Okay." Ranchen snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "Mommy will take you to the orphanage. Let's give gifts to the children, okay?"

"I've already said you can do whatever you want." Xiao Nian looked coolly in other directions.

"Xiao Nian also needs to be like an ordinary child. Just live happily and look forward to eating candy every day, that's fine." Ran Chen smiled and squeezed Xiao Nian's face. The face has become so thin that it has lost its original fleshy feeling

Xiao Nian who was premature and sensible made Ran Chen feel ashamed, she would rather Xiao Nian not think about anything and be carefree.

Carrying a large bag of gifts, Su Ranchen held Xiao Nian in one hand, and stood at the gate of the orphanage, while Xiao Nian was relaxed, as if he was not interested in this matter.

Su Xiaonian's concern is very pure. The specific growth environment made him not sympathetic to a hurt little rabbit, made him feel bored with crying children, and made him incomprehensible to the children's extremely satisfied smiles.He is always decisive

Shooting and killing the target person, he often looked calmly at the children of the same age who lost their loved ones because of his mission and cried. In his eyes, strength is the most important thing.And for the people he cares about, maybe he still doesn't look like that at all.
I don't care, maybe he will pretend to be cool, but he won't miss any of their expressions or thoughts.

Ranchen put a large bag of presents on the ground and sent a message.

"Mum, who are you sending messages to?"

"Chu Qiao." Ran Chen said disapprovingly, "I think you should all come here to feel the innocent and satisfied smiles of the children, and to feel that sometimes what makes you feel happy can be as simple as just A smile from someone else."

"He won't come." Xiao Nian curled her lips: "If it wasn't for Mommy's face, Xiao Nian wouldn't have come."

"He will come." Ranchen smiled lightly, because, Qi said, in fact, the boss does not hate warmth, but is afraid of it.

She has made up her mind to start a new life, the life of an ordinary person, she must obediently obey Qi's words, and reassure him that without him as a friend to take care of her troubles, she will live a better life than anyone else.

In the orphanage.

After saying hello to the dean, on the spacious lawn, the children were holding gifts and eating cakes from Ranchen, their little faces were covered with cream and surrounded by their dirty little faces, the one in a white dress In their eyes, the big sister is like an angel


"Sister, can I kiss you?"

"I want me too."

The children gathered around, and Ranchen, who was surrounded by them, had a smile on his face, squatted down, and said with a smile: "Of course."

Ranchen doesn't mind the sticky marks left on her body by the children's dirty little hands and creamy mouths.

Wearing a mask, Xiao Nian frowned, as if she was extremely dissatisfied that they used such dirty hands to leave various colors on Mommy's white skirt.

"It's my Mommy, don't move!" Xiao Nian squeezed forward, protecting Ranchen like an old hen.

The children were all taken aback.

Su Ranchen smiled and gently pushed Xiao Nian towards the children: "Let's play together, be careful, don't fall down."

Laughter broke out on the lawn in an instant, and hands stretched out from all directions warmly pulled Xiao Nian.

"Brother, will you often come to play with us in the future?"

"Do you like cake? Here, here you are."

"Why are you wearing a mask? Are you sick? It doesn't matter. The dean's mother said that every child is God's obedient baby. As long as you behave obediently, any bad things will pass."

Xiao Nian's ears were filled with all kinds of greetings from children, he still had a cool face, but answered them one by one patiently.

"will not."


"I'm not sick!"

Subtly, in fact, Xiao Nian doesn't really hate chattering children.

With a smile, Su Ranchen looked at Xiao Nian who looked awkward but silently changed qualitatively. She had never been so relieved like now.In fact, even if she is alone, she can live a good life, make Xiao Nian feel warm, and do her best to help others.

Many things are not impossible, but we still can't bear to force ourselves to face them.

She doesn't think about anything now, she just waits for the baby to be born and save Xiao Nian.Even if the hope is very slim, but the feeling of working hard for one thing is really happy.

Not far away, it turned out that even a devil who has always ruled the darkness can be very warm once exposed to the sun.

024 quietly looked at the warm atmosphere under the lawn that made him uncomfortable, looked at the dirty woman who was smiling, and there was also a faint smile on his lips, which could not be found.

As if suddenly feeling that someone was watching her, Ranchen turned her head away, and seeing the boss who once made her afraid, she smiled and ran forward.

"You came."

Seeing the woman running towards him with a smile, 024 nodded indifferently. What he wanted to say, maybe it wasn't these things, but somehow, he just asked extremely coldly: "If it's okay, I'm leaving."

"Hello." Su Ranchen grabbed 024's clothes and shook his head helplessly: "Since you're here, why are you rushing away?"

024 frowned slightly, the children's smiles were dazzling to him, he had never had them before, and he was not used to them.

"Do you want to be a good person?" 024 raised his lips and chuckled, "I'm not interested."

"Really?" Ran Chen chuckled, "But you are willing to come."

"I don't know." 024 turned his face away, this expression was a bit like Xiao Nian's when he was being cool, Ranchen smiled unconsciously.

024 frowned: "Is it funny?"

Su Ranchen immediately covered his mouth, and shook his head vigorously: "That's right. I accidentally laughed."

024's stern and charming handsome face showed some uneasiness. In Ranchen's eyes, that towering and daunting leader was like a child at this moment.

I don't know if it's because of her mother's love. If it wasn't for the fact that 024 is the head of a dignified organization, she would really tease him as unceremoniously as she did with Qi.

"Uncle, did you come to see us too? This cake is for you, my sister gave it to us. It's delicious."

A girl with shofar braids and glasses pushed her glasses nervously. Looking at 024, she handed over the cake with her little hand high. Happy.

024 raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his face away, and coldly refused: "I'm not interested in sweets."

The girl's complexion changed, and some tears that had been accumulated were vaguely about to burst out.

Surprised, Su Ranchen took the cake: "Thank you, he will eat it, he said thank you."

"Really?" The girl's mood changed instantly, and she happily ran back to the group of children, as if showing off that cool uncle accepted her cake.

Su Ranchen seriously handed the cake in front of 024: "Even if you don't want to eat it, don't reject the child's kindness so directly."

024 raised his eyebrows disapprovingly: "So you have to accept it hypocritically, and then say 'Thank you, I like it very much'?"

Seeing this awkward big boy, Ran Chen burst out laughing: "Then do you want to eat?"

"I told you, I don't like sweets."

"Actually, what you eat is not the sweetness of the cake. That kind of sweetness is because you are liked. It tastes good. Look, my little sister likes you so much."


024 looked at the cake in Ranchen's hand, but never reached out to take it. Since childhood, the only person who was not afraid of him was Qi Le. In his dictionary, he didn't even know what it means to be liked.Even those women who wag their tails at him, he just
Feel disgusted and disgusted.

"Really don't you want to eat?" Ranchen looked at 024's attitude, still unapproachable as usual, Ranchen sighed, shrugged: "If you don't eat it, the child will be very sad. Since you don't eat it, then I Just eat it."

024 is still indifferently watching Ranchen bite into a small bite of cake, with a naive look on his face.

Suddenly, Ranchen's face turned pale, he covered his mouth, as if gagging.The sweetness was too cloying and made her feel nauseous and sick in the morning.

024 frowned slightly, took the cake in Ranchen's hand, and looked calm.

After finally taking a breath, Ranchen looked at 024 curiously in disbelief: "Don't you hate sweetness?"

"Why are you a sister and I'm an uncle." 024 took a mouthful of the cake dumbly, but his face was so calm that he didn't seem to be enjoying it at all: "Now, I forgive her, so I reluctantly ate it."

It turned out that he would notice the little girl's inadvertent details. It's incredible that such an indifferent 024 actually said a sentence with a humorous factor. Although, it is very cold
Su Ranchen laughed, the boss was really unexpected.

"Look, that kid is paying attention to you. Fortunately, you ate it yourself, otherwise she will be sad. Look at her, how happy she is smiling."

"Very happy?" 024 narrowed his eyes.

Why, they are orphans, what they get is too insignificant compared to what they don't have, why can they have such a smile, it's too dazzling.
"Because they are not afraid of warmth"

There was a moment of silence.
After picking up her mood, she entered the entertainment magazine under the name of Su Tan and became a reporter smoothly.

She thought it over, she didn't refuse the boss's help, what she and Xiao Nian had to wait for was the birth of the baby, before that, she had to adapt to the life of an ordinary office worker.

Ranchen's tracking ability is very good, and his sneak shooting ability is also extremely good, and he grabs the headlines very quickly.Everyone looked at this new partner in disbelief, and Ranchen smiled lightly. Compared with her old profession, these are too insignificant.

"Su Tan, it's really surprising that you've done a good job." The editor-in-chief looked at the press release handed over by Ranchen with satisfaction: "So, I decided to hand you a big case."

Ranchen shuddered, the words of the editor-in-chief made her feel dazed for a moment, and then she remembered that she was just an ordinary magazine reporter, and she had already left the organization.

"Tomorrow's merger and acquisition ceremony, our agency sent you to follow the news."

"A merger ceremony?" Ran Chen blinked in confusion.

"Don't you know?" The editor-in-chief looked at Ranchen as if looking at an alien: "Tianhe Company has acquired an entertainment company in Southeast Asia. Tomorrow's merger and acquisition ceremony, that mythical president, Li Mufan, will personally attend the share handover ceremony , you don’t know, for the past three years, Tianhe and the president and Shao participated in public press conferences, even if they appeared on camera, they never gave reporters a chance to ask questions. Do you know the focus of the questions you will ask tomorrow?”

Ranchen was slightly taken aback, but she still couldn't face the topic about Fan casually, she thought she was relieved. . . . . . "

"Su Tan?" The editor-in-chief and his dissatisfaction with Ranchen's sudden distraction.

"Huh? Well. Yes, I will give you the editor-in-chief all the information on mergers and acquisitions verbatim."

The editor-in-chief sighed with a headache: "Isn't it very clever? Why don't you get the hang of it at this time. Our entertainment magazine doesn't care about mergers and acquisitions, we want gossip, and gossip is as hot as it needs to be. Do you understand? For example Three years and why

It will suddenly become like a fierce lion, becoming stronger and stronger. From time to time, the CEO of the company turns grief and anger into strength.For example, what does the president think of the bride who escaped from marriage three years ago.For example, there have been many celebrities in recent years, but none of them have been in the eyes of the president, can't they still forget?
For the bride-to-be who was going to get married at the beginning, for example, what is the president's criteria for choosing a spouse? . . . . . "

"That's enough." Su Ranchen interrupted the editor-in-chief, every question he asked seemed to slow her down!

Obviously startled by Ranchen, the editor-in-chief was stunned for a few seconds, just about to get angry.

Su Ranchen sighed lightly, and softened his tone: "I see, thank you editor-in-chief for reminding me."

Walking out of the magazine office, Su Ranchen raised his head and looked at the clouds in the sky without any special shape.

Are you going to see him tomorrow? . . . . .
(End of this chapter)

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