Chapter 82

Watching how they practice killing techniques, I sat in the corner and waited quietly. The light in the small room was very weak, but I was not afraid at all. Seeing Mommy's clumsy skills, I was even a little eager to try.But that year, I was only three years old, and I definitely couldn't let them know this idea.

The one I saw the most since I was a child is not my mother, but my mother-in-law. I heard from my mother-in-law that she used to take care of the boss, and the boss was only as young as me at that time.

"Xiao Nian, my little ancestor, why are you here again?"

My mother-in-law picked me up, and I giggled and hugged my mother-in-law's neck: "Grandma, they don't play with me."

"Silly boy, a small room is not a place to play."

"Mother-in-law, will I be better than them in the future?" I blinked and looked at my mother-in-law seriously. Her wrinkles are deep, but her movements are not slow at all. No matter how high I climbed or where I fell from, She always catches me.

"Of course I will." My mother-in-law looked at me very proudly: "In the past, he often asked me this question, and he said, 'Auntie, will I defeat them one by one in the future'. My mother-in-law thought that we Xiao Nian would fight with him Same, defeat everyone and become the most powerful boss."

I heard about this powerful person again and again from my mother-in-law, but I haven't seen him once in the past three years. Of course, maybe he hugged me when I was younger, but I don't remember it.

"Mother-in-law, what kind of person is the boss?" I sat on my mother-in-law's shoulder, and the most frequently asked questions in my immature voice were about this mysterious figure.

"He!" the mother-in-law murmured, "The first time the mother-in-law saw him, he was only three years old, and he was frighteningly sensible. For a three-year-old child, his eyes are clearer than anyone else's. He is a poor child." , his parents died in line of duty in front of him, and the leader at that time brought him back. He started training at the age of three. He is a good seed. He defeated all the people in the group before he was 20 years old, and the leader did it for him. Number 024, later, when the leader died, he became the leader.”

"Three years old?" I hugged my mother-in-law's neck and leaned my head on her head: "Grandma, Xiao Nian is also three years old, will she also receive training?"

The mother-in-law smiled, and seemed to see the child from that year again from me: "Why are you like him, the training is very hard, why do you love training?"

"I want to be really strong, so that I can protect Mommy, and Mommy won't have to be trained so hard and be bullied."

"Xiao Nian is really filial. If his parents were still there, they would have said the same thing."

"Mother-in-law?" I rubbed my chin on my mother-in-law's head coquettishly to comfort her. My mother-in-law likes to start a conversation, but whenever I talk about it, she seems very sad.

"Haha." My mother-in-law reached out her old hand and touched my face: "But he is the boss, so even my mother-in-law can't see him anymore. If Xiao Nian sees the boss, she must help her see clearly. How tall, thin or fat, are his eyes still the same?"

"Mother-in-law, why is the boss hiding? When can I see the boss?"

I think there is a reason why I have always admired the boss so much. For example, I have been indoctrinated by my mother-in-law since I was a child.

"It's not hiding." The mother-in-law seems dissatisfied with this word: "024 is the leader, he is very busy, and those who can see him are naturally high-level. The mother-in-law is only responsible for taking care of you. Xiao Nian will see 024 soon Yes, Xiao Nian is so outstanding."

"Grandma. When I grow up, I want to be as powerful as the boss. When I become the boss, I will definitely not let my mother-in-law lose sight of me."

"Stupid boy! Being a boss is not good at all, mother-in-law still hopes that our Xiao Nian will grow up healthy and happy, what a pity, what a pity."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that Xiao Nian was taken by him. His superiors ordered him to accept training soon."

"Really?" I tilted my head excitedly: "Grandmother, if you receive training, can Xiao Nian meet the boss?"

From my mother-in-law, I know that the life experience of the boss is much more pitiful than mine.The boss saw his parents die with his own eyes. Although I have never seen my father, I have a stupid mother and a mother-in-law.

But the boss also treated himself more cruelly because of this. He became very powerful. I have never seen him, but I think he must be a tall, powerful, god-like figure.

"Xiao Nian, look at you, you are so dirty."

My mother-in-law ran to me in a hurry. She was very old, but she was very flexible. I thought, my mother-in-law is also a very powerful person, right?
My mother-in-law took out a handkerchief to wipe my face and little hands, and blamed me: "It's so dirty, dirty boy, the teacher will have a bad impression when he sees you later."

"Teacher?" My eyes lit up immediately: "My teacher, will it be the boss?"

"Silly boy." The mother-in-law burst out laughing, "How could he have the time to teach you, silly boy himself?"

I flattened my mouth: "I'm not a fool, I know everything, and I know everything others don't know!"

"Okay, okay, not a fool, not a fool." The mother-in-law wiped the mud off my face vigorously: "The boss was not like you when he was young. He played with mud. The toy when the boss was three years old was darts. Later it was a pistol. And later, fly fighter jets."

"I will be better than him!" I snorted and puffed up my mouth.

"Silly boy, the training is very hard, but you have to remember what you said today, and keep an idea in your heart. You must persevere and you must not be eliminated. Only in the future will you have a chance to defeat him."

"I'm not afraid." Although I didn't understand what my mother-in-law meant, but I was so strong, I still turned my head away with a snort.

My mother-in-law led me out, I saw the man standing there waiting for us, I turned my head to look at my mother-in-law happily, is he the boss?
The mother-in-law shook her head, she had already seen my doubts: "He is 0107, Xiao Nian's teacher, the boss chose him to train Xiao Nian, so he is naturally the best candidate."

Not the boss?I hung my head in disappointment.

My mother-in-law handed me over to 0107: "He is Xiao Nian, you must train him well. If you can, be ruthless and cruel. It's better than being eliminated."

0107 nodded: "Don't worry."

He is also quite respectful to his mother-in-law.

I'm a little scared, even Mommy didn't send a special teacher to train, 0107 doesn't look kind at all.

"Mother-in-law, will you continue to take care of me?"

My mother-in-law looked at me blankly, and then at 0107. She didn't seem to know how the above arrangements were made.

0107 let go of my hand: "Wait a minute, I will ask the boss for instructions."

0107 walked to the black car behind him, bowed down respectfully, and then I noticed that it was probably the boss inside. I stretched my neck curiously, and only saw a faint shadow, that figure was tall and straight, very slender, I My first impression was that with such a temperament, he must be the boss.

"Since you are trained, there is no reason to be taken care of by others." A magnetic male voice came from the car. It was the voice of the boss. I heard this mysterious man's voice for the first time, and I vaguely saw his figure , and in the four years since the organization, I have never seen him again.

The boss's voice was very nice, as if through this voice, I saw how cold the boss's eyes were back then.

I knew that my mother-in-law was going to be sad again, so I raised my head unceremoniously: "You are the boss, right? My name is Su Xiaonian, and I will defeat you."

"Hehe." A chuckle came from the car, but it didn't seem to be mocking me: "I'll wait."

The car drove away, the man's figure and his voice also disappeared together, I looked at the smoke and dust helplessly, 0107 pulled me up, and smiled unfriendlyly: "Want to beat the boss? If you have ambition, in the future you will You are better than me, and then you are qualified to defeat the boss, are you afraid of suffering?"

"Not afraid."

"Very good." The man smiled again: "If you are not good enough in the future, even as your teacher, it is very likely that you will destroy you with your own hands."

I raised my head proudly, even the boss is not so arrogant, why should he say: "If the teacher is not good enough to teach me, the students will destroy the teacher with their own hands."

"Haha." The man looked at me mockingly: "No wonder the boss wants to cultivate you, but, if you speak loudly, not everyone can do it."

"If you want to meet the boss, do you have to beat you first?"

"Little ghost, I hope that when you receive training, you can also remember what you said today. It's not just a matter of talking about who to defeat."

"I know!"

(End of this chapter)

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