Chapter 83

Since I was a child, I didn't know what human feelings should be, because if I want to live, I have to ignore them.

I spent 15 years on Despair Island, where I grew up, or maybe I should say, where I forgot how to be a normal person.I don't know whether my mother's last behavior was good or bad for me. She made me and Instructor Sun's life implicated. Instructor Sun was reluctant to kill me, but it also made my life worse than death, and I couldn't ask for death.

When I was ten years old, my companion and I were trapped in a forest where wild animals were infested. I knew that instructor Sun’s tracker could see our every move clearly. Send anyone to save us.I know that he is trying to force me, as long as I fail to fulfill his wish, he will not let us come back alive for a day, more and more people will die, and fewer and fewer people will remain.

I clearly know that at that time, I still had sympathy.If I don't do this, everyone will die.When I was ten years old, I picked up a dagger and cut off the carrion of my dead companion. I raised my head and stared at the tracker issued by Instructor Sun, and swallowed the raw meat one by one.

That night, we were rescued. Instructor Sun praised me in front of all his companions. He said that our lives were not our own from the beginning. The organization did not want us to die, so we had to find ways to survive, even if it was eating human flesh and eating ourselves. of meat.The organization wants us to die, and we have to take our heads off without hesitation.

I was rewarded with bullets, but everyone on the island, including the other instructors, was afraid of me and thought I was a devil.

I don't mind if no one talks to me, no one moves with me, I don't mind if they walk away when they see me, and I don't care about the fear and disgust in their eyes.Because of all this, I was mentally prepared from the moment I took my first bite of human flesh.

He is right, I must live, one day, I will step on each of their heads, I know I have this ability, because I am colder than each of them.

At the age of 11, a new member came to Desperate Island.His name was Shen Nianqi, and it was said that Sun Shiyi broke the poison gas bottle, killing all his family members.To be honest, I think it's incredible that this guy survived, but I know that it doesn't make any difference to him whether he is alive or not. What's the difference between coming to this kind of place and being dead?
At first, I didn't pay attention to this guy.

Until one day, Instructor Sun said to the doctor on the island: "Throw him into the sea."

I have long been used to this kind of thing. All dead companions will be thrown into the sea.

"But he's not dead yet."

Doctors are benevolent after all, but, people who haven't died yet?Why did Instructor Sun throw him into the sea.

"He is terminally ill, if he stays, he will die sooner or later." Instructor Sun said very easily.

There was a muffled coughing sound from the infirmary, and I, who hadn't known kindness for a long time, pushed the door open unexpectedly.

"Leave him." I said decisively, leaving no room for room.

Instructor Sun was a little surprised, but then smiled disdainfully: "If it wasn't for me not being willing to kill you, you would be in danger. Do you think you can save whoever you want?"

I am used to watching life and death. Although I was only 11 years old at the time, I was not afraid of instructor Sun's threat of death.

"It's not that you are reluctant to kill me, I'm afraid you can't kill me." I chuckled sarcastically, and looked at the person on the bed. To my surprise, it was that guy who could still live in a place like Despair Island. I don't know if the boy who looks so sunny is a different kind, or we who are truly emotionless are the different kind. It's just that such a boy is so hard to see that he is already terminally ill.

"Can you survive?" I asked him coldly.

"Of course I can." Shen Nianqi looked at me with a smile, and he could still laugh when facing death.

"That's good." I nodded lightly, pulled Shen Nianqi up, and walked out without even looking at Instructor Sun.

"You're too casual." Instructor Sun's tone sounded a little angry.

I stopped and didn't turn around. I just glanced at him coldly from the corner of my eye. Instructor Sun didn't say anything and just let us go.

I knew that at that time, I could already look at Instructor Sun with such contempt, because he didn't dare to touch me, and he might not be my opponent.

In the following days, I never encountered any danger on Despair Island, because I was a devil, more terrifying than the beasts on Despair Island.I did not participate in any training, because Instructor Sun has no ability to teach me anymore.

But I am not idle because of this, I work harder than anyone to make myself stronger.Because of my intentional or unintentional protection, Instructor Sun didn't bother Shen Nianqi anymore.This guy grew up carefree on Despair Island. I despise him, because in this kind of place, the more comfortable you are, the faster you die.

Just one night, I saw him kill a wolf with his bare hands, and I knew that he was doing nothing all day long, but his training progress never fell behind.

Soon after, on the day I became an adult, I stood at the highest position in the organization, the leader of the action team, and I stepped on Instructor Sun.But I didn't trouble him, I wanted him to stay on Despair Island forever and be his Shura.

Because Desperate Island is definitely not a good place, let him never get out of there.

2001 years.

That big explosion happened a bit suddenly. Although I also sent members of the action team to observe Li Mufan in No. 0328, the main military department, from the first time I saw the file of No. 0328, I didn't know what I was thinking.

From the first moment I saw the photo, I knew clearly that he was the one who made me step into a completely different life.He looked a lot like my father, even more so than I did.His father is handsome, but his mother did not fall in love with his father because of his handsomeness. What my mother loves is his beautiful smile. No one can smile better than his father. However, Li Mufan, he inherited his father's His smile, my father passed on the happiness to him, leaving me with nothing but endless sadness.

Before my mother died, she held my hand holding the gun. She said she hated it.

My mother refused to close her eyes. I don't know why, because I was only three years old when I saw my mother die.Just instinctively, I told my mother that I would use her bullet to penetrate each of their chests.Mother smiled and finally closed her eyes.

That was the first time in my life that I killed my father and the woman beside my father with my mother's gun.But my father, who was clearly lying on the ground, when I pointed the gun at the "brother" who possessed all my father's love, my father got up desperately, hugged Li Mufan, and six bullets, one of which entered the woman's chest , two hit the father.

My father never protected me like this, but he left me and my mother desperately for the sake of his mistress and his mistress' son.

I hate it so much, I saw my father's eyes filled with fear and hatred, he actually hates me?

I fired another bullet, and this time, the bullet hit my father's forehead accurately.

I sat powerlessly on the ground, lying in my mother's arms and crying loudly. Later, I was taken away by the people in the organization, and I never saw that brother who could smile very well. Mother's bullets were still left. Next two.

Looking at that photo again, my emotions are mixed.Why can he smile so beautifully and smile like his father, but what my father left me is nothing but hatred.

Li Mufan's mother is Russian. I know that he was taken away by the Russians at that time, so it is impossible for him to be in the Ministry of Military Intelligence. I sent someone to observe him, and many times I could deal with him, but I didn't give an order, nor did I. Know what's wrong with me.

In that big explosion, my subordinates told me that Li Mufan probably died in the explosion.

I didn't feel relieved to have avenged my mother, and the matter came to an end.Of course, what happened later is another matter.

The driver of Li Mufan's car was a young girl. I couldn't accurately guess her age, because her face was born like a child.Maybe she's in her 20s, maybe she's just in her teens.Being able to be in Li Mufan's car must have a lot to do with him. In the report given by the subordinates, the girl who was in close contact with Li Mufan was also mentioned, but I ignored it at the beginning, because embarrassing women has never been my style.

The girl has amnesia. From her information, I know her name is Su Ranchen and she is pregnant. I don’t know why. The first time I saw her, I had the urge to protect her, but my heart was cold for too long. This instant melting feeling scares me.

But she is pregnant, thinking that she is pregnant with Li Mufan's child, I want to destroy her.

I let her into the organization. To be honest, I have selfish intentions about this.A woman with no brains like her is really not suitable for the organization.I also turned a blind eye to her training results.

But after she woke up, I never saw her again.Because the more special she is in my eyes, the faster she will die.After all, there are not a few people who want to kill me.

(End of this chapter)

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