Chapter 85

"I have some regrets."

After playing a game of tennis, Qi sat down profusely in sweat. It is rare to see his body after such an extreme exercise.

"What are you regretting?" I sat down and faced Qi Shi, temporarily forgetting that I am 024, because this guy never regards me as the leader.

"I regret letting Ran'er take over the bullshit K project." Qi looked distressed, completely forgetting who came up with the bullshit idea in the first place. "Why, Shen Nianqi also has this time." I teased.

"Tell me, women are like this. When they see a comfortable place, they fall headlong into it." Ever since Qi stayed with Su Ranchen, his attitude changed every time he talked about her. I knew that he had fallen.

"I thought you, Shen Nianqi, were quite attractive." I chuckled lightly, seeing his distressed look, I would definitely have sarcastically sarcastically.

Qi looked at me a little depressed: "Although they don't remember each other, I think they have a very strong friendship. The handsome guy in front of her can't see him, but Li Mufan is very attentive to him. Now the family of three is very close to each other. I’m here to visit an ancient city in mainland China, and I’m so happy to see her, this woman, I really want to beat her up.”

It's rare for me to see Qi, the young master of Hua, look so helpless, but I'm not in the mood to tease him.

Traveling with deep affection, a family of three?
Unconsciously, the image of her and him together appeared in my mind. Although I had expected these, after all, the content of Project K was to get Su Ranchen to get close to Li Mufan, but this feeling made me a little flustered Well, why do I care so much?
I stood up without saying a word, leaving Qi alone and walked out of the tennis court. Qi called me a few times behind me inexplicably, but I didn't answer him.

That night, I wrote a notice. I admit that my behavior was somewhat inconsistent, and at this moment, as the leader, I wanted to take her away from him.

In the name of retraining, I let her come to the headquarters base.

Since it was in the name of retraining, I also ticked off a random name and sent her an instructor, Jiang Lisheng.

"Boss, Su Ranchen has been brought to the base." The subordinate told me.

I suddenly had a thought, is this stupid woman still as mindless as I saw before?

Ignoring the astonished eyes of my subordinates, I made an impromptu decision to train her myself.

When we first met, she was a little afraid of me. For so many years, I have always known her. She didn't know my state. Seeing her shocked and fearful, I was in a good mood. The way she looked at me was like The women were just as stunned when they saw me.

I'm not a disrespectful person, but when faced with this stupid woman, I always want to play tricks on her.

"The boss ordered me to personally train you. Next, you have to be prepared." She mistook me for the instructor, so I made the mistake.

I put one of the two bullets left by my mother in the box. I intended to give it to her. This idea was so ridiculous that I was surprised. I expected her to use this bullet to end him ?

That day, when she was thrown to the ground by me after countless sneak attacks, I was in a good mood.

Every time I threw her on the ground, I deliberately lightened my movements. She is really a tigress, a tigress without brains, and a tigress who likes to be rough.After falling countless times, he still didn't give up and played a sneak attack at will.

I forced her to get the box before I gave her up, both because I wanted to try her hand, and maybe just to tease her.

She fell to the ground exhausted, I smiled, her endurance was much higher than I expected.

I sat on the chair, closed my eyes leisurely and rested my mind, I don’t know why, I, who had never taken off my cold armor so defenselessly in front of anyone, closed my eyes so relaxedly in front of her without reservation. Eyes repose.

There was no movement for a long time, and I didn't pay attention to her.

"Instructor?" She called me slyly, but I didn't respond to her. I wanted to know what kind of tricks this stupid woman was trying to play.

With one hand, I was sneaking up on the idea of ​​the box and successfully let her steal the box. I heard her suppressed laughter a few times. I opened my eyes and looked at this woman quietly. She was only interested in being happy. Didn't even notice that I put water on purpose.

She laughed cunningly, perhaps because she realized that she was laughing too loudly, she covered her mouth forcefully, then fell back, and fell asleep just like that.

A woman who has no sense of crisis at all dares to fall asleep in front of me.

Surprisingly, I didn't wake her up, and I didn't ask my subordinates to wake her up. Instead, I asked someone to take her back to rest, so as not to catch a cold.

It's so funny that I cared so much about her. I think, at that time, I also frightened my subordinates.

It's just that on that day, I was in a surprisingly good mood, and I actually had the urge to keep this stupid woman, forever.

But I can only laugh at myself. I killed my father at the age of three, ate human flesh at the age of ten, and defeated all the high-level people. At the age of 20, I was feared by everyone. Such a person is afraid of sudden warmth.

So, I rejected this feeling, but couldn't help but want to play tricks on this stupid woman.

When I told her that she was going to be sent to Desperate Island, she looked innocent and surprised.Anyone who hears the words "Island of Despair" is desperate. This woman has no feelings at all?

Maybe, she doesn't know what "Desperate Island" is at all?
"You should have gone to this place a long time ago, but" I stopped abruptly, I actually wanted to say, but, I can't bear it?
I thought, if I said this sentence, I was frightened, not only myself, what expression would she have?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing.

I saw that the way she looked at me had some strange lights. This kind of change scares me. I don't want her to worship me, nor do I want her to be afraid of me, and I don't want her to look at me like a friend. Look at me, I must be crazy
Don't want her to die.
Words of concern like this, when spoken out, unconsciously changed their taste and became a threat.

"If you are defeated on the island of despair and can't get out, you are a waste, and you can die." I stimulated her eardrums with the most pungent words.

But that's fine, I know, maybe I will protect her, but it doesn't mean that I allow her to be cowardly.

On Despair Island, after fighting, she was covered with wounds and soaked in sea water. I looked down at her from a high position. She was very stubborn. It was the first time I saw her stubbornness.Her face was pale, the wound was soaked in the icy sea water, it was piercing pain, but she was unwilling to give up, maybe she was cursing my cruelty in her heart.

In the end, it was I who compromised, and 024 was the one who made me compromise. She was the first one. This made me feel incredible.

She climbed ashore with a childlike relief on her face, as if celebrating her victory over herself.

"I don't seem to have any strength," she said in embarrassment.

I couldn't help laughing, but fortunately, the moonlight at night was very sparse, so I hid it well.

That was the second time she fell asleep like that defenselessly in front of me. Everyone is afraid of me, but this woman has repeatedly proved in this way that she is not afraid of me?Or was it born, I should be planted in her hands?
I hugged her horizontally, the whole beach was empty, she was shivering from the cold, leaning against me desperately, I suddenly felt that maybe it would be good if I could keep doing this.

Or, that's why I let her come to Despair Island, I never admit that anyone would be different in my eyes.

Seeing her sleeping, I secretly kissed her forehead.

Maybe she won't know in this life. At that moment, I actually laughed like a child who stole honey. No one knows except myself.

It's just that I have deliberately suppressed this feeling since then. A lion who is used to loneliness is afraid of sudden approach.

On the night of fighting with the beast, I couldn't help but save her.

Just like when I was a child, I was so afraid of these beasts, so desperate, I didn't want her to try what despair was like me.

She looked at me in surprise, then at the beast lying at her feet.


I knew she wanted to ask me why I saved her.

I didn't tell her the real reason, but gave a glamorous reason. Now that I think about it, I still have the ability to preach.

"A person, if he believes too much in his own power, he may not be able to stay until the end." I tried my best to look as serious as usual.

"Instructor, are you taking me to a safe place?" Su Ranchen looked at me gratefully.

Her expression made me feel very uncomfortable, I almost yelled back, but I was able to yell back with a stern face, which I admire myself: "I just don't want my students to die It's too useless, and it's ruining my reputation."

I took her to the safest place on the island. This was the place I visited most often, so no one dared to come here.

"Instructor, why did you release the water?" Su Ranchen looked at me curiously.

"I just don't want my students to die so uselessly. Besides, there is no rule that you can't come here." I made another good-sounding reason to gag her. This woman's problems always make me at a loss measures.

She suddenly talked about her understanding of the boss in front of me. It is undeniable that although this woman is very self-righteous, she is not talking nonsense.

It's just that I don't like the feeling of being exposed and analyzed in front of me. The atmosphere at the time was good, but I ruined it single-handedly.

I got up and left her alone in that place.

"The thing that saved you will never happen again, so you can do it yourself."

She reminded me that the "boss" exists, and I am 024, the boss, not an ordinary man who can have her.

On the day she returned to Taipei, I had a huge fight with Qi in the small room.

"Boss, you are crazy, why did you suddenly attack so hard, is it true?" Qi asked while hiding.

I am indeed crazy, she will destroy me, I strongly feel.
(End of this chapter)

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