Chapter 86

That day, she was drunk and came to me crying, she said: "You want me, are you going to be your woman, so you won't let your woman seduce other men again?"

I sighed heavily, she should know, she still knew.She thought of Li Mufan, why did she still only see Li Mufan even after so many years?
I ignored her, turned around and left, at that moment, what do you want me to say?
I don't want to trample on her dignity, but it doesn't mean that I allow her to trample on mine like this.

She grabbed me tightly, still crying, it was the first time I saw her crying so sadly, so desperately.

"You want me. I don't want to stay with Fan anymore, I'm so tired!" She cried and said, not letting me go, as if I really deprived her of everything.

I really want to just ruthlessly leave her like that, why does she think that I, 024, will be a man who will care about her if she wants her?I never give a damn about anyone!

Maybe in her heart, the premise of caring about her is to have her, and I am such a person?

"Go away. If you don't go away, you will regret it." I said to her in a voice that was almost lifeless.

I can't guarantee that in the next second, I will strangle her to death with my own hands because I am too angry.

"No, you promise me, let me leave the land of right and wrong, I won't go, otherwise I won't go." She is sure that I will promise her?It was so fearless that held me.

I smiled, a little coldly: "I gave you a chance, get out."

"I don't want it!" She was as determined as a child.

"Really don't want it?" I smiled evilly, but behind this smile, I heard the sound of my heart sinking. In her eyes, I am such a heinous devil who needs her to exchange herself for freedom?
I took her to the hotel, and looked at her indifferently, with some sarcasm: "Do you need me to do it myself?"

As she took off her clothes, she kissed me jerky.

I didn't respond to her, and every time she kissed, my heart slowly cooled down.

How could I forget, my heart was always cold.

That's how she humiliated herself, and I was the only one who felt sorry for her dignity.

I regained the initiative, kissed her hard, and rudely pressed her on the bed. I kissed her lips, but what I kissed were all her tears. In my arms, she was trembling Now, she is afraid.

I suddenly realized my madness, what am I doing?I feel sorry for her dignity, but I am humiliating her?
"Are you scared?" I looked at her mockingly, turned over and lay beside her, and stopped touching her.

"I didn't." She insisted.

"You go, I will give you a holiday, and you are not allowed to return to China without my order."

Maybe she was really in pain, that's why she chose to leave Li Mufan, I should comfort myself, at least she didn't choose to betray me decisively?

This is the second compromise in my life because of her.

I asked Qi to leave China with Su Ranchen and Su Xiaonian, I should be quiet, is she influencing me too much?
When I saw them again, I never expected that it would be like that.

Qi took the initiative to come to me, and he told me that Su Ranchen and Su Xiaonian came back because Su Xiaonian was ill.

Regarding their news, I have known for a long time that she is just bold, and it is predicted that I will not do anything to her.

"I heard that the boss has suppressed a lot of documents from above. Don't you plan to execute Ran'er? There has never been a special case in the organization. Either serve the organization or die." Qi asked me casually.

"You don't need to worry about this matter." No one can organize what I want to do, and the same thing I don't want to do is that the files pile up into mountains, and no one can do anything to me.

"It's true that I don't need to worry about it, but this time, I think it's the last time to plot for the boss." Qi smiled lightly, a little serious, not as usual.

I frowned, as if Qi had something to say.

"To be honest, I've had several attacks of illness, and my internal organs have failed, and I'm almost done." Qi said to me with a relaxed expression.

Almost there?

I glared at Qi: "What the hell are you trying to say!"

Qi shrugged his shoulders, still in the calm and clear manner, and said that he had nothing to do with himself: "The document is pressed, and the danger of dyeing still exists. Although the boss does not move Ran'er, once someone touches Ran'er, the head There is no way to pursue it. It is better to solve it once and for all, she has worked too hard, let her be completely liberated."

"so what."

"Boss, let's order a bomb to be installed on the plane. Everyone knows that wherever I am, Shen Nianqi, there is Su Ranchen. It's better to kill me than two. As for Ran'er, I will deal with it. "

"You're crazy!" I punched Qi without mercy.

Qi got up and wiped the blood from the corner of his lips: "Anyway, I'm almost there."

I snorted coldly and turned around, I didn't want to see Qi in such a mess, since he was a child, he has always lived a bright life.

"Don't forget, what did you say when I rescued you back then? Since you wanted to die, why did you let me waste my energy and effort?"

"The boss is really an awkward guy." Qi's voice was full of grievances: "Obviously he cares about people, but his mouth is stubborn. This body has long been broken, and it is only for the sake of the boss that it has survived until now. .”

There really is him, for my sake, so he is alive?

"So now, my face is not big enough?"

"Of course not. The boss told me to go east. I don't dare to go west." Qi Xiao said, and suddenly became serious: "You are the best brother in my heart. You are the only one who cares whether I live or die. That year, Instructor Sun was going to throw me into the sea. I wasn’t afraid at all. It’s better to die than to be tortured by a broken body every day. But your sentence “Can you live?” , sounds arrogant, but it makes me feel that I can try to live."

He paused: "It's just that now, no matter how important the boss is, it's not as important as a woman in my mind."

This was the first time Kai had spoken openly and honestly to me about his feelings for that woman.

"She doesn't deserve it." She's kind, but she's also the most ruthless.

"I, Shen Nianqi, will not do things that lose money. It's just that my body is really almost at the end. I will take this opportunity to die a heroic death. Let her feel guilty for the rest of her life. Remember me in another way, how good it is." A look of pride in his own evilness.

"You crazy." I've never been more angry than I am now.

When Qi left, it was still so sunny, I didn't send him to the airport, I knew, this time, he would really end up.

Although in so many years, I have never said a word of concern for him, but I know that the only good brother in my life is gone.

Su Ranchen soon knew about Qi's ending, she questioned me, but I wanted to laugh, what right did she have to question me.Qi went through fire and water for her, so what about her?
But looking at her embarrassed appearance, I still didn't laugh, I am a fool like Qi, I know that this woman is not a sensible person.

Before leaving, Qi told me: "Xian, you are really cute, you have an awkward personality, you are really cute. However, you will suffer a disadvantage if you are like this. If you don't want to let go, I will give you Ran'er. If you have to If you need to let go, let it go."

Kai called my name for the first time, that time, I did not correct him.He still knows better than anyone else, and he really deserves to be Young Master Hua, but this Young Master Hua is more attentive than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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