Chapter 87

At the ball on Yuren Island, she looked at him with an intoxicated expression that she couldn't help herself.

Even though she said she wanted me to believe her.

I know that at that time, she relied on me, and when Qi was gone, I seemed to take this place.

Therefore, this woman has no idea that she is cruel.

During the storm that night, Su Ranchen fell ill, she was in my arms, her body was very hot, but my heart was very cold, extremely cold.


She was calling Li Mufan's name even in her dreams.

At that moment, I really wanted to just throw her on the ground like this. This woman, as Qi said, really makes people want to beat her up.

"Boss, if I remove your stumbling block, will you hate me?"

On the phone, Sun Shiyi's voice made me change my face immediately.

I ran to Sun Shiyi's apartment like crazy and kicked open the door.

Sure enough, Su Ranchen passed out, and Sun Shiyi injected her with the latest virus, damn it.

"Are you crazy?" I almost growled.

Sun Shiyi was taken aback, it wasn't just her, no one had ever seen me so angry.

"I won't save her, I won't!" Sun Shiyi said with some breakdown.

I picked up Ranchen and walked out of Sun Shiyi's apartment. She didn't dare to stop me. From the beginning to the end, I didn't even look at her. I focused on Su Ranchen: "I will let you save her." .”

When Su Ranchen woke up, he was only blind. Maybe a person who is extremely stupid will be luckier than normal people.

Although she is already a lucky one, she still looks terribly afraid of the dark.

I still informed Li Mufan to come here to pick her up, because I have more important things to do.

In Sun Shiyi's laboratory, I found her latest virus.

"Boss! What are you doing!" Sun Shiyi looked at me in surprise and joy, but when she saw the liquid in my hand, her expression changed immediately, and I knew that I had found the right one.

"That's it?" I chuckled and said, "So, what's the way to suppress the virus?"

"I won't give it to you. You want to save that woman, right? I won't let you be bound by her again." Eleven was determined to trouble Su Ranchen.

"Really?" I laughed without warmth. In fact, I also felt that I was cruel at the moment. I was going through fire and water for Su Ranchen, but I ignored Eleven's going through fire and water.It's like Su Ranchen went through fire and water for Li Mufan, but couldn't see that I was going through fire and water for her.

Humans are ruthless animals.

I cut a wound on my hand and poured the liquid directly on the wound. I was using Sun Shiyi's friendship with me just for another woman.

"In this way, you will always hand over the suppression method?" I laughed evilly.

"Why!" Eleven looked at me puzzled, with despair written in her eyes: "She only has eyes for another man, have you forgotten what happened on Yuren Island? She is lying in your arms , shouted the name of another man. Boss, you are my god, why did you make such a sacrifice for such a heartless woman!"

"Then what about you?" I looked at Sun Shiyi with some disdain: "I am your god? I am doing it for another woman, and I wish I could kill you right away. What are you insisting on?"

"That's different!" Eleven denied excitedly: "You are my god, but Su Ranchen is not your god, she is not worthy!"

"You're a lunatic." I chuckled mockingly, people, aren't all lunatics?

"I'm only crazy for you, only for you!" Eleven slowly approached me: "Boss, let me detoxify you, don't be angry with Eleven again, okay? That Su Ranchen, who fettered you too If there are too many, let's ignore her and let her die, okay?"

"Shut up!" I frowned, the virus reacted very quickly, and I was a little dizzy. It is undeniable that Eleven is indeed the best Ph.D. in biochemistry in the organization.

I injected myself with inhibitors, which can only temporarily prevent the virus in my body from spreading.

"I never force you. But I won't let you treat me either. I'm waiting for your solution to this virus." I walked past her with a chuckle, without looking back.

"You are forcing me!" Eleven's voice sounded behind me, and my footsteps still did not stop.

What I didn't expect was that Eleven still wanted to put Ranchen to death. She took away Xiao Nian who was in the hospital, attracted Li Mufan and Su Ranchen, and even sent me a message to tell me all this.

She said: "Boss is reluctant to die. Boss will definitely let Eleven cure you. Boss, come and see how Eleven can solve your hatred for Li Mufan for you. Su Ranchen is a stumbling block."

It's just that it was Sun Shiyi who died in the end.

There was no pain in her final expression, but a little relieved. Is this the reason why Qi left so easily in the end? Does everyone think of the best memories before they die?But why, the mother is not, the mother refuses to close her eyes anyway, and she will be relieved only when I promise to use her bullets to kill each of them?
Li Mufan and I still faced off on that occasion, this time, there was no way out, and I couldn't find a reason to convince myself not to point the gun at him.

The fact is that, for so many years, I have never really made up my mind to kill Li Mufan once. It was not until later that I realized that the one who really hates is my mother, not me.

Su Ranchen begged me, and she begged me again, for Li Mufan.

"Even if one of us is going to die today, you will still protect him and hope that I will die, right?" I asked almost sadly, when was my 024 so sad?When I was eating human flesh, I never made such a sad expression to Instructor Sun.

The funny thing is, at such a juncture, I still have a glimmer of hope, I hope that this idiot woman will not be so cruel, but who knows, just like me who doesn't want her to be cruel, how much I will treat Sun Shiyi heartless?
She stood in front of Li Mufan, she threatened me with her own life, what is she betting on, is she betting on my feelings for her?

This idiot woman will never know that her actions at that moment are undoubtedly irritating me and will only make the danger out of control.

I still fired the bullet, using the last bullet in my hand to stain Li Mufan's blood.

It's just that what I didn't even think of was that I subconsciously turned my hand and didn't take his life.

The moment the bullet was sent out, I felt extremely relaxed, as if my mother's hatred had been wiped out.

"Xian, when did your marksmanship get so bad?" Li Mufan seemed to see through me early in the morning, and smiled so calmly at this moment.

I hate his smile because he has the most fatherly smile.

Even I can't see through myself, yet he sees me so clearly.

Su Ranchen looked at my expression, apart from sympathy, he was grateful. I laughed at myself, this idiot woman will never understand Qi's intentions, even if Qi sacrificed her own life.How can such a hypocritical, ruthless woman care if I go through fire or not?
She really hooked me up too much.

I stared at her deeply, and finally turned my gaze away resolutely, picked up Eleven's body, and left without looking back.

Rather than watching other people leave, I would rather let them see me leave.

i choose let go
(End of this chapter)

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