Chapter 88

Since then, I have never seen Su Ranchen and Li Mufan again, maybe I don't want to see them, maybe it's because I'm afraid of seeing them.

Let the past go, I don't want to think about it.

Until now, I still don't understand why Qi loves her so deeply for such a ruthless woman, just like I still don't understand why I fell into her hands.

"Boss, that stupid woman asked me to bring you this." Su Xiaonian reluctantly handed me a bag.

I allowed Su Ranchen to leave the organization completely, and at the same time, I also allowed Su Xiaonian to leave, but he was unwilling to stop at this point. He is very good, which proves that Qi Qi's vision was correct at the beginning.

Su Xiaonian, oh... I almost forgot, now I should call him Li Nian, a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, Xiao Nian shouted at him, no wonder he would ask for a name change so righteously.

Li Nian is already qualified to stand by my side. I can't think of a few years, maybe he can beat me.

Opening the bag, it turned out to be a pair of gloves, which were a little rough in weaving.

I raised my eyebrows: "What's going on?"

Li Nian looked back at me with a dark face, embarrassed and helpless: "That stupid woman, Mommy, said that winter is coming, let the boss warm his hands."

"What the hell is she thinking?" I shook my head helplessly, but I still couldn't help but smile: "You only grow old, but you don't grow brains."

"I think so too." Li Nian nodded in agreement, but it could be seen that this son, even though he was helpless to his mother, still loved his mother.

"My coming-of-age ceremony, boss, are you coming?" Li Nian looked at me with burning eyes, expecting my approval.

In fact, I thought he should hate me, but the light of admiration in his eyes never diminished.

This mother and son are both strange people.

"Why should I participate?" I asked lightly, and when I finished speaking, a hint of disappointment flashed across Li Nian's expression.

"I think Mummy would like you to come, Boss."

He is obviously Li Mufan's son, how could he have a personality so similar to mine?Seriously, it seems that we are all the same kind of people.

For so many years, I have been reluctant to touch too many topics about her.

"Really? Does she want it?" I played with the pen in my hand, that idiot woman.
"Is the boss still unable to let go?" Li Nian asked directly.

I smiled lightly: "It's a bit difficult, but it doesn't mean it can't be done."

"Then are you coming?" Nian still looked at me expectantly.

"Give me a reason." I asked him with a faint smile. If Qi was here, he would definitely find that the coldness in my eyes was slowly warming up, because I loved it, and because I didn't hate it anymore.

"You are the boss, and I am your subordinate. You should attend my coming-of-age ceremony. Have you forgotten, when I was a child, I said I would defeat you, but you said you were waiting, now you are scared?" Nian Yong Provocative method.

"Do you want to challenge me on the day of adulthood?" I smiled: "I can't control myself."

Nian laughed: "If you don't come, I'll move the coming-of-age ceremony here."

This stinky brat, it seems, is not the only one who is not afraid of me now.

"Are you the only one here? Just for this?" I don't remember asking him to come today.

"Who said there is only brother alone, and me." Suddenly, a little girl's voice sounded.

Li Nian's face was full of black lines, and he almost beat up the little girl. I smiled lightly, not surprised by the appearance of the little girl. She followed Li Nian secretly several times, but never entered the base successfully, and returned disappointed every time. For some reason, today I showed great kindness, causing everyone to turn a blind eye and let her in.

The little girl has good stamina, and she didn't speak for so long.

"Brother, is this what you're talking about?" The little girl looked at Li Nian with twinkling eyes: "What a handsome uncle. He's even more handsome than my brother. Is my brother afraid that Xiao Hong won't think that my brother is the most handsome, so I don't think so?" Dare to bring Xiaohong to meet handsome uncle?"

"Shut up." Li Nian looked a little crazy, it seemed that he was having a headache for the little girl.

"Huh? Why do uncle and daddy resemble each other? Are uncle and daddy brothers?" the little girl asked innocently.

Li Nian's expression changed, he covered the little girl's mouth, and watched my reaction.

I smiled lightly, for this fact, as early as when the last bullet was sent, I acquiesced.

"Why do you want to see me?" I looked at the little girl and lowered my tone.

The little girl broke free from Li Nian's hand, and jumped towards me without any fear: "Is the handsome uncle really Daddy's brother? What a pity!"


The little girl looked at me innocently, and nodded vigorously: "In this way, Xiaohong cannot marry Shuai Shula."

I laughed, this girl is quite similar to her mother, with the same naive look, but Su Ranchen is really naive, but this little girl is fake.

"Shut up!" Li Nian pulled the little girl back and looked at me apologetically.

"Understood, I will attend your coming-of-age ceremony, you go back."

"No! I haven't finished talking with Uncle Shuai yet, brother is good or bad, let me go." The little girl said loudly: "Uncle Shuai, Xiao Hong also wants to be an agent."

The little girl's voice gradually became smaller until it disappeared, and she was dragged out by Li Nian the whole time.

The coming-of-age ceremony, Li's villa.

"Xian, you're here." Li Mufan took Su Ranchen's hand and came to me.

"Well, I just came." I returned lightly, glanced lightly at their intertwined hands, and lightly moved my eyes away.

"Daddy, Mommy, come and cut the cake!" Li Nian called them over suddenly, looking mysterious, what kind of trick is this kid playing.

"Sorry, excuse me." Li Mufan smiled slightly.

Su Ranchen looked at me with a smile: "I'm going to settle with you in a while. At that time, I gave me a bottle of reagents and left. I regained my sight but I couldn't see you anyway." Su Ranchen complained with.

"Ran'er." Li Mufan called softly, Su Ranchen looked at me apologetically, raised her skirt and chased after me.

"Still dazzling?" A female voice suddenly asked beside him.

I turned my head and glanced at the woman lazily holding the wine glass. She was very thin, with a sharp chin, short hair, and pretty. She seemed to have seen it somewhere.

"The instructor doesn't remember me?" the woman smiled.

I frowned slightly: "What do you mean by glare?"

"It's not interesting." The woman shrugged her shoulders: "If looking at her is dazzling, why not look at me."

I smiled lightly and looked in Li Nian's direction, only to see him wink at me, and then he avoided my probing eyes as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, this brat.
"If the boss doesn't mind, please let me work by your side." The woman said confidently, as if I would definitely agree to her.

"What's your name, how long have you been trained, and why do you think you can work beside me." I casually asked a few questions.

"Based on my strength, I have been trained since I could walk. I don't have a name. The organization gave me a code name - Random Crow."

"Why do you need to do an action group?"

"Because I want to replace Su Ranchen, I want you!"

"Su Xiaonian sent you here? I mean, Li Nian?"

"Probably." The woman smiled: "How is the boss thinking?"

(End of this chapter)

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