Chapter 94

My name is Su Ranchen, a college student of BJX Plant Engineering College. The school has a botanical garden. It coincides with the summer vacation. As a part-time work-study program, I chose to stay and take care of this botanical garden.

If it wasn't for making a living, I would have always been as lazy as I could. Until college, I still had short, crisp hair. They all said that I had an extremely pink baby face, and I always looked like a junior high school student.

In order to buy new seeds, I have been shopping all day, but my eyelids keep twitching. I have never believed these claims, but I still can’t help but feel uneasy. Is there something wrong with my eyelids?

I am very smart and have never failed a subject, but my luck is not very good and my memory is not very good. Did I forget to bring something?I usually can't remember what I forgot until the last moment.

The botanical garden is in the suburbs. It is very beautiful and the air is good. Although the cabin is simple, it has complete facilities, unless I forgot to turn off the fire that was cooking porridge and the cabin burned.
I was so startled that I didn’t even have time to get the seeds in my hand. I rushed out of the taxi and ran to the garden. God bless me, I regret that I shouldn’t have forgotten to turn off the fire. God bless
It wasn't until I stopped out of breath and looked at the safe and sound cabin ten meters away from me that I breathed a sigh of relief. God must have heard my prayer and the fire went out by itself.

I pushed open the door nervously, and after confirming that there was no burning smell, I was completely relieved.

"Where are my seeds?" I looked at my empty hands with tears in my eyes, my God, it's wasted work again.

When I entered the wooden house, the fire for cooking porridge was indeed turned off. Did I turn it off before I went out?


I couldn't help but yelled, there was a man lying on my bed, his chest was covered in blood, it was terrible, it stained my sheets, and there were bloodstains all over the floor, I can imagine him How did you stumble in here.

Xu Shi was awakened by my voice, the man turned his face sideways and frowned, as if he had pulled a wound.

"You, you, how did you come in!" I looked at him defensively, obviously he was seriously injured, but I still didn't dare to approach him.

The man actually bent his lips, looking at me with a somewhat helpless and amused expression: "Your door was... closed, and the fire was also forgotten."

"I knew I must have forgotten something." I sighed heavily: "Am I sick? Why do I keep forgetting things?"

The man stopped talking, and closed his eyes tiredly. The blood on his chest stopped flowing, but the blood all over his body still scared me. What happened to him? He shouldn’t be dead, so what should I do? , Will I become a murderer?
"Hey, you're not dead yet." My voice trembled a little, but I didn't get his answer.

After hesitating for a long time, I decided to go up and have a look. If he is really dead, I really can't tell why.

I pushed his hand: "Hey, sir, you... don't scare me."

"I'm fine." He closed his eyes and said very softly, as if unconsciously, he seemed to have fallen asleep.

After confirming that he was not dead, I breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the man who occupied my bed with blood all over his body with lingering fear.

I was stunned. I have never seen a man as good-looking as him. He has the fortitude of an oriental man, but also the profundity of a western man. He seems to be of mixed race. He is tall and strong. He is The best looking man I've ever met.

"It's over, please give me some anti-inflammatory drugs." The man on the bed suddenly said to me, but his eyes still didn't open.

I suddenly became embarrassed, and after making sure he wasn't looking at me, I got up in a panic: "Oh, okay, wait a minute."

Yes, his injuries are unclear, and if the inflammation is not eliminated, he will easily develop a fever, and his life may even be in danger.

A month later.

Half of the summer vacation has passed, and in order to take care of him, I hardly managed the plants in the flower garden. The director came back and must deduct my salary.

I served the porridge dejectedly. You know, in order to take care of this patient, the porridge I cooked became more and more normal.

The door opened, and he was dressed in a clean and simple denim shirt, but it didn't detract from his handsomeness at all. After facing this face for a month, I still haven't been able to train myself to ignore his good looks.

"Fan, you are back. The porridge is ready, you can drink it." His name is Li Mufan.

I lowered my head and didn't dare to look at him. At this time, he would smile at me, but every time I saw her smile, I would forget to hand him the bowl, and every time he would smile, it made me feel even more ashamed .

"Thank you." He never mentioned that I gave him the same food for a month, which made me feel a little guilty.

"I'm sorry, I used to only eat instant noodles and cook porridge once in a while. I wouldn't cook anything else. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't abuse you like this."

"I'm the one who caused you trouble." His voice was very nice, and I was very curious, why would a person like him who is always so gentle and has such a beautiful smile suffer from such an injury? It was a gunshot wound, and I knew he must not be Ordinary people, maybe the police?

But I didn't ask him the reason for his injury. I was afraid that if I asked, he would be angry, and then he left. What happened, I seemed to be a little abnormal.

"What are you thinking?" His pleasant voice sounded like a spring breeze. I raised my head in surprise, my expression was a little embarrassed, but I saw his still gentle smile.

"It's nothing. I'm wondering if all the flowers I want to take care of have grown bad, and the director will deduct my salary later." I casually made an excuse for being absent-minded.

"I'll help you." He put down the bowl suddenly, stood up with a smile.

I hurriedly followed his back and caught up with him: "Do you also know botany?"

"I understand." He replied modestly.

But I saw that he was more professional than me in dealing with those bad plants. I really learned for nothing.

I stood aside in a daze, looking at the man among the flowers, the sun shone on him, casting a touch of gold, he raised his head, still smiling: "They grow very well."

I was lost in thought, if this moment can be frozen, he can keep smiling at me like that, we stand close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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