Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 101 Bandits

Chapter 101 Bandits

Liaodong is in front, and it can be seen at a glance, but Yang Yiqing stopped the whole army!Tang Bohu saw the worried expression of Yang Yiqing, the commander in chief of the three sides, and asked unconsciously, "What's wrong?"

"It's strange!" Yang Yiqing comforted the horse under him and said, "Don't you think it's too quiet here?"

"What kind of statement!"

Yang Yiqing pulled the rein and said: "Although this is a frontier, it's not so barren!"

Looking around, Tang Bohu also discovered that it is autumn now!It is reasonable to say that it is the season of autumn harvest, but the fields are so barren as if they have not been cultivated for a year.

"Where did everyone here go?" Tian San hesitated.

Yang Yiqing got off his horse and looked at the surrounding villages. It seemed quiet but everything here was so messy.

Tang Bohu also looked at the messy footprints all over the ground, as if someone was leaving in a hurry, "Tian San!"

"The subordinate is here!" Tian San responded and stepped forward.

"Take a few teams of Jin Yiwei and immediately search the nearby villages. If you find You En, bring them here immediately! I want to ask clearly."

"It's my lord!" Tian San immediately turned around and left in a hurry.

At the same time, Yang Yiqing ordered the army behind him: "The whole army is stationed on the spot, and we will not go to Liaodong City for now."

Marquis Shou Ning stepped forward and was also puzzled, "Why don't you enter Liaodong now that you have already arrived? Your majesty can take office without delay if you have an order. Master Yang's behavior is against the order of the king!"

"As the commander-in-chief of the three sides, I hold an important position! I know the importance of this task! Don't take it lightly!" Yang Yiqing looked at the three guards in Liaodong, "The military newspaper said that the grassland tribes have repeatedly invaded the frontier, and this place seems to be wiped out! Without knowing the situation, I can take so many Da Ming disciples to take risks."

"There is not even a single wild dog in these ten miles and eight villages." Shou Ninghou continued, "Could there be ambushes?"

Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing didn't want to talk to the chattering Marquis Shou Ning, while Zhu Houzhao and Zhu Zhishan were still sleeping in the carriage!I don't know how late these two guys were tossing last night.

"Shou Ning Hou, don't take it lightly." Tang Bohu looked around and said, "Maybe there is an ambush!"


An hour later, Tian San hurried over and said loudly in a panic: "My lord! It's not good, we encountered a group of ambush soldiers, and the brothers have already fought with them."

As soon as Tian San's voice fell, the sound of shouting and killing had already arrived in front of him.

"What's wrong!" Zhu Houzhao was startled and looked around in panic.

Zhu Zhishan's sleepy eyes were also enlightened.

"The whole army prepares for war!" Yang Yiqing ordered loudly as he looked at the ambush soldiers approaching from all sides.

Tang Bohu was also taken aback by the ambush soldiers surrounding him from all directions, he grabbed the reins and said to the people around him: "Protect the prince! Get ready to fight!"

"It's really evil! Come as soon as you say it." Empress Zhang's younger brother Shouninghou Zhang Heling retreated step by step and said: "Tang Bohu! Have you ever opened your mouth!"

"The Divine Machine Battalion is ready!"

With Yang Yiqing's order, thousands of firecrackers were loaded and ready to be fired.

Tang Bohu was a little puzzled by the ambushes rushing over. At first he thought it was the defenders of Liaodong who had turned against them, but they didn't look like a regular army, and they didn't look like people on the grassland in terms of their clothes!
In a panic, Zhu Zhishan saw an acquaintance. After rubbing his eyes hard, he reconfirmed and immediately shouted: "My own people! They are all my own people."

The two sides also saw that they were about to fight together, Zhu Zhishan didn't know where the courage came from, hurried to the front of the two armies and said loudly: "Don't fight!"

"Zhu Zhishan! Why are you crazy, get out of the way!" Tang Bohu shouted.

"Fourth Wu!" Zhu Zhishan said to one of the leaders of the ambush, "Why are you here?"

Sitting on the horse, Mr. Wu looked at the scholar in front of him, and said with a sense of comprehension in retrospect: "Why did our husband, Mr. Yazhai, come here?"

Listening to the conversation, the person on the other side seemed to know Zhu Zhishan.

Zhu Zhishan said to Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing: "Brother Tang, they are my acquaintances whom I said I wanted for a while before coming to Liaodong!"

"My surname is Zhu!" Wu Laosi raised his blood-stained sword and cursed angrily: "You actually got mixed up with the Liaodong Army, our leader is really blind!"

"What Liaodong Army!" Yang Yiqing stepped forward and said, "I'm here from the capital to inspect Liaodong!"

"Yes!" Tang Bohu also stepped forward and said: "We came from the capital, did this strong man misunderstand?"

Wu Laosi rolled his big eyes and was thinking. He glanced at Zhu Zhishan, then at the well-equipped Shenji Battalion, and there were nearly a thousand Jinyiwei. These people really didn't seem to be from Liaodong City.

"I'm Fengshanzhai! Wu Laosi!" Wu Laosi was dangling with his bare arms and muscles, "How dare you call me!"

"The commander-in-chief of the next three sides, Yang Yiqing!" Yang Yiqing stepped forward to introduce himself.

Tang Bohu also stepped forward immediately, "Thousand households in Jinyiwei in the lower capital, Tang Bohu!"

"Oh! Are you Tang Bohu?" Mr. Wu slapped his thigh with a hearty smile and said, "Wow ha ha ha ha!"

"Yes!" Zhu Zhishan nodded repeatedly, "He is Tang Bohu!"

"What a Tang Bohu! I finally saw him alive today! Wow, hahahaha!" Wu Lao Si smiled even happier.

Looking at the rough man in front of him with a bloody mouth and a big mouth, and a few drops of saliva splashing out, Tang Bohu said awkwardly: "Your Excellency, you can make your saliva flow several steps away with a smile. Tang Mo admires you for having such deep inner strength!"

"I've heard that you, Tang Bohu, entered the Eastern Sea Guard alone to kill all the Japanese pirates!" Fourth Wu laughed loudly: "It is said that you, Tang Bohu, refused King Ning's marriage and tossed the Japanese envoy to death! Wu Lao Si is a vulgar person, who doesn't know what a scholar is, but I admire you Tang Bohu! You are a man of iron."

"Thanks for the compliment!" Tang Bohu cupped his hands and said again: "Why don't you take the risk of killing your head to attack my imperial army!"

Wu Laosi looked in the direction of Liaodong, gritted his teeth and said, "It's not the dog officials in Liaodong City! They forced them! I thought you were from Liaodong City! So come forward and ambush!"

Shou Ninghou looked at Tang Bohu talking with these bandit-like characters, he hesitated in his heart, could it be that this Tang Bohu was also having an affair with bandits?Before I came out, my sister kept telling me to make military achievements and seize this opportunity to gain military power.

Zhu Zhishan heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the conversation of several people who didn't intend to do anything anymore.

"Master Zhu!" Fourth Wu looked at Zhu Zhishan and said, "Our head of the family really cares about you very much. I don't know when Master Zhu is going to marry my head's bridal chamber."

 Add more tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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