Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 102 Liaodong confrontation

Chapter 102 Liaodong confrontation
Shou Ninghou has been hiding in the army watching this scene!Before leaving, his sister repeatedly said that no one should offend Tang Bohu, a ruthless character!But now the Zhang family is only relying on his elder sister's reputation, and has mixed up a title with no real power and no great use. On the contrary, he is very envious of Tang Bohu's power now. The power of a Jinyiwei is far more powerful than his Shouning Hou The power comes big.If he had Tang Bohu's power, Empress Zhang's line would not have to bow their heads in front of those civil officials all the time.

This is a great opportunity to take control of the military!Shou Ning Hou does not want to let go of this opportunity!
Fourth Wu looked at Zhu Zhishan and said, "Our head of the family really cares about you very much. I don't know when Mr. Zhu is going to marry my head's bridal chamber."

"So what! The autumn wind here is so noisy." Zhu Zhishan waved his fan vigorously and looked around and said to him, "Brother Tang, you must feel the same way."

"Hehehe..." Tang Bohu looked at Zhu Zhishan with a dry smile.

Yang Yiqing stepped forward and said: "Dare to do this for this strong man, what happened in Liaodong!"

Wu Laosi sighed and said: "It's a long story, and you have also seen that the three animals in Liaodong are uneasy, and the wilderness is everywhere. This is the good thing those dog officials in Liaodong have done!"

"Where did the residents living here go?" Yang Yiqing continued to ask.

"The people here are living a miserable life!" Wu Laosi continued, "Their life is getting more and more difficult every year, and now they are all hiding in our Fengshan village."

Tang Bohu did not expect that the frontier of Daming has become like this!The defense line of Liaodong in the Ming Dynasty stretches from the Yalu River to Shanhaiguan, hanging alone in the northeast!The right side is directly in contact with the left wing of Mongolia, which is nearly a thousand kilometers long. From the Western Regions to Mongolia, and then to the Jurchen tribe in Nurhaci (that is, the Manchus later), Zhu Yuanzhang has been very concerned about the generation of Shanhaiguan since the fourth year of Hongwu. Here It is the border point between Daming and the grasslands and even the Western Regions, and it is also the barrier of Daming!

Yang Yiqing held the rein and let the horse step forward, "I want to go and see those people first."

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance, and dozens of officers and soldiers in military uniforms came galloping. They saw Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing and said loudly: "I have met Mr. Yang, Mr. Tang! Greetings to Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

"You are a soldier of the Liaodong Guard!" Tang Bohu nodded and said.

"Yes!" The soldier replied loudly: "The last general has been ordered to welcome the adults!"

Wu Laosi looked at the soldier who came out of the Liaodong Guard with cold eyes, and he could see the killing intent!Tang Bohu frowned and said, "Why are the people here like this!"

"My lord!" The soldier replied again: "The barbarians of the grassland have repeatedly invaded our borders, and we have to defend to the death, but the soldiers are not paid enough! But the barbarians of the grassland bypass the border guards and attack the people of Liaodong!"

Listening to what he said, Tang Bohu couldn't believe his words!The situation in Liaodong City can only be concluded after seeing those people!
"You're lying!" Wu Laosi cursed angrily with red eyes: "It's you who didn't defend against the enemy, but instead violated the people here!"

Shou Ninghou stepped forward and asked, "Is what this bandit said true?"

"My lord!" The soldier knelt on one knee and lowered his head, saying, "This man is a bandit from Fengshanzhai, who is doing harm to the people of our Liaodong side! Please take this man down, my lord!"

"I'll kill you dog official!" Wu Laosi raised his knife and stood up!

The soldier also drew out the long knife on his waist and said, "Sooner or later we will wipe out your Feng Shanzhai!"

Liaodong City and the bandits all drew their swords!

"Presumptuous!" Tang Bohu yelled sharply, "I will kill whoever dares to use weapons again!"

As soon as Tang Bohu finished speaking, all Jin Yiwei present also pulled out their Xiuchun knives at the same time, and the bleak autumn wind blew on the blades to confront each other.

"You Liaodong commander, where is Li Gao?" Yang Yiqing asked.

"Lord Li is now rectifying the defenses in the Liaodong Guard, in case the grassland people attack again!" The soldier replied.

Tang Bohu rode his horse up to the soldier, "How dare you go to Fengshan Village with us? I am Tang Bohu from Jinyiwei Qianhu. Whether it is black or white, I will give everyone justice."

"Tang Qianhu!" Shou Ninghou said: "You are willing to listen to a bandit's words, and you don't want to believe what our Liaodong soldiers say! Could it be that Tang Qianhu colluded with these bandits?"

Tang Bohu looked back at Shou Ninghou expressionlessly.

"Dare to frame our lord! Try saying that again!" Tian San held a knife and faced Shou Ninghou with a cold tone.

Yang Yiqing knew how many lawless things Tian San, who had been following Tang Bohu, had done these days!As long as Tang Bohu nodded, Toudasan would definitely have the courage to kill Shou Ninghou on the spot in this deserted Liaodong.

The atmosphere was deadlocked for a while!
Yang Yiqing opened his mouth and ordered: "All put down the knives for me!"

But there was no change in the scene for a while, the bandits led by Wu Laosi stared at the Liaodong officers and soldiers angrily, while Tang Bohu, Tian San and Jinqian Jinyiwei also looked at Shou Ninghou with Xiuchun knife in their hands!
"Put down the knife for me!" Yang Yiqing yelled loudly, "Shenji Camp listens!"

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion raised their firecrackers in unison!
Yang Yiqing said loudly: "I'll count to three, if you don't put down the knife, the Shenji Camp will open fire immediately!"

As the commander-in-chief of the three sides, Yang Yiqing didn't want to see the people of Ming Dynasty fight privately in the frontier, not to mention he was very afraid of Tang Bohu!The people present may not be able to strike, but Tang Bohu is famous for his fierceness and decisiveness!If Tang Bohu wanted to do something, someone would definitely be hacked to death by Jin Yiwei's random knives here.

"One!" Yang Yiqing shouted loudly.

Then all members of the Shenji Battalion filled the gunpowder with gunpowder!
After a few breaths, seeing that the people present were still holding knives, Yang Yiqing shouted loudly again: "Two!"

The troops of the Shenji Battalion pointed their firecrackers at everyone who was carrying a knife!

Tang Bohu didn't look at those bandits and Liaodong soldiers, but just looked at Shou Ninghou expressionlessly!Not daring to face Tang Bohu's gaze, Shou Ninghou avoided his gaze and opened his mouth to say something, but Natian San's gaze next to Tang Bohu seemed like he would really kill himself!
The people around Tang Bohu had really seen blood before!How many Japanese pirates they slaughtered in Donghaiwei today, Shou Ninghou thought of his sister's words again, don't offend Tang Bohu if you offend anyone!

Zhu Houzhao had never seen such a scene, but he had seen such a confrontation with real knives and real guns in his place where he lived in the East Palace. After being frightened, he came to Tang Bohu's side timidly and said: "Tang Bohu put away your murderous spirit, Scared me!"

"His Royal Highness was shocked!" Tang Bohu said with a strange smile: "Put down the knives!"

"Yes!" Tian San replied loudly.

For a moment, all Jin Yiwei put away their knives.

(End of this chapter)

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