Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 103 Conspiracy

Chapter 103 Conspiracy
Yang Yiqing was shocked!This scene also made him worry. These days when he came to the capital, Tang Bohu has made his wings so full without many people noticing. The fire gun of the Fearless God Machine Battalion.

Only listen to Tang Bohu's orders!

Seeing Jin Yiwei put away his knife, Shou Ninghou breathed a sigh of relief, feeling trembling in his heart!The hostility suddenly revealed by Tang Bohu's minions made him break out in a cold sweat!
Tang Bohu said, "I'll go with you to Fengshan Village to see those people!"

Seeing that Tang Bohu chose the direction, Shou Ninghou brought his guards and said, "I will go to Liaodong City to have a look!"

Yang Yiqing stood on the spot and said: "Today, the official will not enter Liaodong, and the whole army will be stationed there!"

The three parties all chose their direction, and Zhu Houzhao didn't know who to follow!Feeling a little flustered, Yang Yiqing saw Zhu Houzhao and said, "It's better for His Royal Highness to follow the humble minister. The situation in Liaodong is unclear at this moment!"

In fact, Zhu Houzhao wanted to follow Tang Bohu, but Yang Yiqing said so!Zhu Houzhao nodded in resignation.


The horses roared in the autumn wind, and the people and horses coming out of the capital were divided into three waves.

Tang Bohu rode his horse and said to Zhu Zhishan: "You rushed all the way from the south of the Yangtze River to take the exam, but you were caught by the bandits in Liaodong! One south and one north are going in the opposite direction, right?"

"Alas..." Zhu Zhishan sighed and said, "This matter has twists and turns, the ghost knows what I have experienced."

"Is the head of the Black Wind Village a woman?" Tang Bohu asked again.

Zhu Zhishan nodded, "She is not an easy woman, but this woman is very affectionate. In order to escape from Heifengzhai, I made an excuse of the imperial examination, saying that I would marry her after the imperial examination was over. Not only did she not doubt me! She even pestered me to say It was waiting for me! I still feel guilty until now! She is a good woman."

"If it weren't for the money she gave me, maybe I would have starved to death on the way to the imperial examination."

"Isn't it that you played all your money in the gambling shop?" Tang Bohu looked at this good friend who played with him since childhood with disgust.

Fengshanzhai is located in a mountain forest outside Liaodong. The mountain is not high but the trees are dense!
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Shou Ninghou entered Liaodong City, and the city was full of ruins!The soldiers leaned against the city wall to rest with dejected expressions, and some of them were drunk!Doesn't look like a soldier at all.

There is no one in the city.

Li Gao came with a group of soldiers, "Li Gao, Liaodong General Soldier, has met Marquis Shouning!"

Zhang Heling looked at Li Gao and said, "General Li doesn't need to be too polite, Mr. Li has worked hard to guard Liaodong all these years."

"Don't dare!" Li Gao bowed and said.

Accompanying Marquis Shou Ning to his mansion, Li Gao continued: "Marquis Shou Ning, you have also seen it! The situation in Liaodong City is imminent! Let alone guarding Liaodong, it is not easy to eat enough for yourself. "

"Who will have an easy life?" Shou Ninghou continued: "Your supplies are all in the hands of Yang Yiqing outside the city! But since Yang Yiqing, the commander-in-chief of the three sides, you, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, have to bow your head! With Tang Bohu as the military governor, he has the right to monitor Liaodong! He can report the current situation of Liaodong to His Majesty at any time."

"I want to say that there are no dirty things in your Liaodong! I don't believe it, tell me how many dirty things you have done these years."

Li Gao squinted at Shou Ning Hou and said: "Shou Ning Hou, we are a military town in Liaodong! But these years, the food allocated from the capital is getting less and less every year, and every official has to scrape some away! When it comes to our hands How much is left in Liaodong! We have no way to continue to guard Liaodong, so we can only drink people's blood with a knife in one hand and the other."

Shou Ninghou looked at the dilapidated place and said, "I don't care what you did! But now Yang Yiqing and Tang Bohu who came from the capital are not easy to fool."

Li Gao drank his wine and continued, "I've heard of Tang Bohu! He's a ruthless guy."

"If Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing come to today's Liaodong, it will not be a good thing for you!" Shou Ninghou said, Li Gao already understood what he meant.

"It's not Shou Ning Hou, what's the best plan!" Li Gao asked his subordinates to take out a pile of gold and silver jewels and put them in front of Shou Ning Hou, "Shou Ning Hou has been traveling all the way, it's hard work! Please accept a little thought .”

"Tang Bohu is now entangled with the bandits in Fengshanzhai, and Yang Yiqing has not entered Liaodong for a long time. Do you think these two guys..."

"What does Shou Ninghou mean?" Li Gao understood what the other party meant.

"Dare to ask Master Li in Liaodong..."

Li Gao said: "Don't worry, Marquis Shouning! As long as I wave my arms, thousands of soldiers in Liaodong will be under my command!"

"This is treason!" Shou Ninghou played with the jewelry in his hand.

Li Gao also said: "This Liaodong mountain is high and the emperor is far away!"

Shou Ninghou continued: "The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooking! If you want to do it, you have to be big! Don't worry, if you have a real candidate here, it's all black and white, no one knows."

"But I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince has also come..." Li Gao was still a little worried.

"The crown prince is still a child." Shou Ninghou said: "How can His Highness the crown prince understand some things!"


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Tang Bohu and his party came to the foot of Heifeng Mountain. Wu Lao Si whistled, and several bandits came out from the bushes. One of them looked at Jin Yiwei and said nervously: "Four! These people..."

"They are friends of Mr. Zhu." Wu Laosi said with a smile: "I found Mr. Zhu this time. What a stroke of luck! The head of the family can finally be happy."

"Young Master Zhu?" Several bandits took a closer look, "It really is Young Master Zhu! Young Master Zhu is back."

Zhu Zhishan responded with a smile, and the group walked into the path in the mountains under the welcome of the bandits. Tang Bohu did see many people here along the way!They timidly looked at this group of strangers who walked into the mountain, and these people were still wearing Jin Yiwei's clothes, and the parents at home were protecting their children.

Stopping in his tracks, Tang Bohu stepped forward and asked, "I was sent by His Majesty the Emperor of Beijing to inspect Liaodong. Why are you hiding in the mountains! What happened to Liaodong!"

"My Lord Qingtian! You have to make decisions for me!" A woman knelt on the ground and cried, "My man died under the swords of those soldiers from Liaodong! We, mother and son, escaped to the mountains to live. This Liaodong is I can't go on."

Another commoner knelt on the ground and said, "My lord! All our crops for a year have been taken away by those dog officials in Liaodong. The family can't eat, and we can't survive."

Then some people told about their experiences!
After listening to a lot, Tang Bohu finally understood what was happening in Liaodong today.

 Make up tomorrow, four more tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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