Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 125 Letter from the Capital

Chapter 125 Letter from the Capital
When all the tribes who came from the prairie to join the alliance were driven to the Liaodong city, the Liaodong city suddenly shut down the ministers, and the whole army stood ready, with all the artillery and muskets loaded!The soldiers were neatly on the top of the city wall, while Yang Yiqing was bandaging the wound inside the city wall, thinking in his heart that it was time for Chahar to do something.

"Release the news!" Yang Yiqing said to the people around him.

"Yes!" replied the soldier!
Standing under the city and anxiously waiting for the outcome of the matter, the tribes of the grassland saw a soldier shouting on the wall: "The firearms of our Liaodong City were stolen by the Chahar tribe and our chief soldier was injured. Wait for our chief soldier!" My lord will reunite with everyone after he recovers from his injury."

"What did you say!" Someone under the city wall immediately became anxious.

"Da Ming's gunpowder was stolen by Chahar?"

"The alliance is over?"

At the same time, dozens of fast horses suddenly appeared in the distance of the grassland and came towards Liaodong City. A grassland warrior came to the leader of his tribe: "Chahar led a large group of people and horses to attack us suddenly!"

"Chahar attacked our pasture with a firearm."


Every military newspaper is telling that Chahar is attacking various tribes.

Everyone lost their minds to form an alliance, and now Chahar is killing all directions in the grassland with a firearm!Who can control Liaodong when the backyard of his own house is on fire.

Aixinjueluo Qi Piangu, who was leaving slowly on a horse, had a different thought in his mind. The fact that Chahar helped Daming to pacify the Duoyan tribe was a bit weird. If Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing were like this from the beginning Arranged, thinking about it carefully, he felt a chill in his heart.

One link after another, from the beginning when Yang Yiqing sent invitations widely in the grassland to the current assassination, everything was arranged, and all the leaders of the tribes in the grassland were also clearly arranged.

Brute force is seen a lot, but wisdom like this is rare. This Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing used a small Liaodong city to stir up the bloody storm in the entire grassland.

If Chahar, who got the firearms, wants to dominate the grassland, then many, many people will die in the grassland in these years!
Aixinjueluo sighed in his heart, fortunately he did not offend Tang Bohu!But thinking back on why Tang Bohu's eyes were so strange when he knew his surname.

----------------------Dividing line
Liaodong City
"Have they all gone?" Yang Yiqing drank his tea, calm as if no assassination had happened.

"All gone," replied the soldier.

"I see." Yang Yiqing nodded. He was looking at a blueprint. This is the new Liaodong City designed by Tang Bohu!According to Tang Bohu's idea, Liaodong City should be built into a military fortress that can be attacked, retreated, and defended. Yang Yiqing didn't know much about military fortresses, but judging from the structure of this blueprint, the word "military" was indeed displayed. vividly.

There is nothing superfluous in the building of this fortress. It seems that every detail is closely related to the military!
"Go find some craftsmen! Ask for the best!" Yang Yiqing ordered.

"My lord! Liaodong is surrounded by desolation, I'm afraid we can't find good craftsmen!" The subordinates around Yang Yiqing felt a little troubled.

"Then go to the capital to find it!" Yang Yiqing ordered, "This new city must be built, it may make the frontier of Ming Dynasty stable for a hundred years!"

"Yes! The subordinate understands."

Yang Yiqing walked out of the room, looking at the deserted Liaodong City, there was still worry in his eyes, Liaodong had been desolate for too long, and needed construction!As long as Liaodong is prosperous, it needs population, economy, and food!Needing everything, Yang Yiqing regretted that he should have asked more questions before Tang Bohu left.

For example, how can Liaodong recover quickly.

Of course, Yang Yiqing is also confident that Liaodong can recover quickly in a few years. Looking at the moon in the night sky, the night is silent, and he thinks of the matchmaker again, that beautiful face without makeup!I don't know how long I will be in Liaodong, and I don't know when I will see the matchmaker again next time.

the other side of the prairie

Chahar has just laid down a grassland, and he knows that he has embarked on a road of no return since he helped Daming defeat the Duoyan tribe. Even if he does not follow Tang Bohu's plan, his situation on the grassland will not be too good in the future !Helped foreigners to destroy a prairie tribe.

This matter will arouse the public outrage of all ministries in the grassland. In order to realize his ambition, since Chahar now has firearms, why not give it a go!He doesn't want to live the rest of his life being bullied by others, he wants to become Genghis Khan, he wants to become Kublai Khan, he wants to achieve great things!

Even with the infamy on the grassland, these grandmas have been bullied by other tribes for so long and he has had enough!
Chahar took a sip of goat milk and said to the warriors beside him: "Clean up the battlefield, let's go back and rest! Attack Wacha tomorrow morning!"

Second day

Several explosions blew up the dawn!The little prince Chahar led an army of more than [-] people from his tribe to attack Wacha, and Wacha was defeated under the onslaught of a large number of firearms!
"They are going to run!" said a warrior who was beside the little prince.

Seeing a group of horses about to drive away, the little prince Chahar smiled...

The successive explosions made the fleeing soldiers of the Wacha tribe who had just fled off their backs. The role of the landmines was fully exerted on the grassland. The little prince Chahar quickly surrounded the fleeing soldiers of the Wacha tribe. The leader of the thorns said: "You have bullied my tribe all these years, I will get back ten times and a hundred times this time."

After speaking, the little prince cut off the head of the leader of the Waci tribe!In a great battle, it took only one day for the little prince to wipe out a large tribe on the grassland with the help of firearms.

The power of the new firearms in the Central Plains really resounded through the grasslands on this day.

--------------------split line
Tang Bohu and the others had already left Liaodong for some distance, and a large group of people found a small river to rest!I saw a horse running from a distance, and only when I saw it clearly did I know that the other party was wearing the official uniform of Dongchang. It seemed to be the eunuch of Dongchang.

"Master Tang!" The visitor handed a letter to Tang Bohu and said, "Admiral He Ding of the East Factory, a letter from Eunuch He!"

Tang Bohu accepted the letter and asked, "How is the capital these days?"

After talking about it a few times, Niu Er and Tian San also raised their spirits.

"The capital is very turbulent recently!" The fan replied: "Eunuch He is very busy, and now he is looking forward to Mr. Tang's return as soon as possible."

Tang Bohu opened the letter and was surprised by the contents. Xu Pu was going to retire at this time. Xu Zhenqing was also mentioned in the letter. Is there a connection between Xu Zhenqing and Xu Pu?Dethrone the queen?Is Shou Ning Hou crazy?One thing He Ding wrote very carefully in the letter.

 The title of the book is "3000 Years of Disappearance", a supernatural urban novel with some fantasy elements
(End of this chapter)

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