Chapter 126

He Ding stood outside the capital and waited for Tang Bohu on the outskirts of the capital, while the Dali Temple and other civil servants were also waiting for Tang Bohu and the prince to return on the official road outside the capital. Shouning Hou started.

And at this moment, the important person in this reason is about to return to Beijing. This has to make all the forces in the capital scramble to get in touch with Tang Bohu and the prince. After all, it is just speculation. If the two parties, the prince and Tang Bohu, can speak, then it will be a real certainty.

The words of Tang Bohu and the prince are likely to lead to the direction of this whole matter.

----------------------------split line
A hundred miles away from the capital

Throw the letter into the bonfire after reading it, and watch it burn to ashes, the firelight shining on Tang Bohu's face!The few things that happened in the capital were indeed beyond my expectations, the emperor is also a human being!They also have seven emotions and six desires, and they can't be selfless. Zhu Youtang disperses the harem for Queen Zhang.

From this point, it can be seen that Zhu Youtang still values ​​Empress Zhang very much!It's not that dethroning can dethrone a queen, anyway, Zhu Youtang would not agree so easily, Tang Bohu thought that if he were himself, he would also protect his wife, a man who couldn't even protect his wife and family What kind of man, even if Zhu

Youtang was forced to be unscrupulous, and Tang Bohu felt very real about Zhu Youtang like this.

The emperor is also a person with selfish desires and has his own bottom line!Unselfish?No one is perfect and who can do these four words!This kind of Zhu Youtang is the real Zhu Youtang and the real emperor.

Tang Bohu gradually understood what kind of state of mind it was when Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li, the two great Ming kings, established Jinyiwei twice!
Shou Ninghou is just an introduction to this incident, which leads to the game between the veteran officials of the three dynasties and the current Majesty!

Zhu Youtang began to cut off Xu Pu's wings intentionally or unintentionally from a very early age. As a veteran of the three dynasties, Xu Pu's power is too great. The power of the court, and most of the officials of the court echoed his ideas.

How can a person who can influence the wind direction of the court make the emperor not afraid.

The changes in the matter were deduced in his mind. This was a game of arm wrestling between the veterans of the three dynasties and the emperor. Tang Bohu didn't want to be a pawn in the game between the two parties, let alone cannon fodder.

Tang Bohu was meditating, but at the moment Zhu Zhishan and Zhu Houzhao were also talking non-stop.

Zhu Houzhao used the branches to write and draw on the muddy floor, "Old Zhu! Are you scholars the kind of people who are not afraid of anything and are willing to cut themselves?"

"That's not true!" Zhu Zhishan explained: "Most of the officials of the Ming Dynasty are scholars, and the blood of the scholars of the Ming Dynasty must be no worse than that of the warriors."

"That's true!" Zhu Houzhao nodded, "Some ministers dare to point their noses in the hall and scold my father, but my father has nothing to do with them."

"Scholars are worthy of respect." Zhu Zhishan said: "It's not that the emperor has nothing to do with them. On the contrary, it's a good sign for Daming that his courtiers insult the emperor. Your father won't arrest them! You cut off their heads because of your father." Respect scholars, because they are making contributions to the Ming Dynasty."

"Those guys always say that my prince is ignorant." Zhu Houzhao propped his chin with his hands, "If I become a scholar, will these guys respect me?"

Zhu Zhishan nodded, "It seems to be like this."

Zhu Houzhao did what he said, got up and said, "Tang Bohu, teach me how to make poetry!"

"Your Highness, stop making trouble." Tang Bohu held his forehead in pain, "Why don't you be a quiet prince?"

"No! You must teach me!" Zhu Houzhao emphasized.

Zhu Houzhao: "You people who study always claim to be noble. Those civil officials also said that the prince is absurd. I don't want to be called an uneducated prince who doesn't know the Four Books and Five Classics."

Tang Bohu: ""Does His Royal Highness want to make your father look good? "

"En!" Zhu Houzhao lowered his head helplessly, "Liu Jin told me what happened in the palace. Those civil servants asked my father to depose the queen because of my uncle's affairs. The current father must be very unhappy! So..."

Could it be that Zhu Houzhao showed a filial side and said: "That's okay, actually composing poems is not that difficult, you just need to grasp the artistic conception in it, I don't know what kind of poems His Royal Highness wants to learn?"

Zhu Houzhao thought about it and said: "It's the kind that makes people's eyes shine, um! The kind that can make them blind."

Tang Bohu: "This request..."

He wanted to refuse but seeing Zhu Houzhao's expectant eyes, Tang Bohu didn't know how to refuse and said: "In fact, writing poetry is very simple, but it is very difficult to achieve a level. Part of this kind of thing has to do with talent."

"Talk about it." The prince seriously sat cross-legged.

"En!" Tang Bohu continued, "First we need a jug of wine!"

"Wine?" Zhu Houzhao said in a rude manner, what does writing poetry have to do with drinking, "We are writing poetry, so what's the use of wine!"

"His Royal Highness Li Bai also needs wine to write poems!" Tang Bohu said nonsense seriously.

"Yes! It seems very reasonable, Liu Jin!" Zhu Houzhao greeted loudly, "Give me the wine."

Liu Jin hurriedly brought a jug of wine and put it in front of Zhu Houzhao and Tang Bohu.

Looking at the jug Zhu Houzhao said: "Now you can learn poetry."

"His Royal Highness, let's have a drink first." Tang Bohu poured a glass for His Royal Highness, and then drank a glass of wine himself.

"En! This wine is good!" Zhu Houzhao said, smacking his lips.

"It's pretty good." Tang Bohu also said, "Come on! Let's have another drink!"

Zhu Houzhao: "Good!"

After drinking a pot of wine, Zhu Houzhao's face turned red, and he spoke with a bit of a tongue. Tang Bohu looked at him and was a little dazed.
"Tian San! Take the pen, ink, paper and inkstone!" Tang Bohu ordered.


After a night of drunkenness, Zhu Houzhao fell to the ground and woke up leisurely. At this moment, he found that he was holding a writing brush in his hand, and in front of him was a piece of clean white paper with a line of poetry written on it. Mother. Vega at home, come back to my hometown"

"Good poems! The poems written by His Royal Highness are really extraordinary!"

Tang Bohu's loud words scared Zhu Houzhao, who had just woken up, into a shiver.

"Heh!" Liu Jin turned her head and said, "That's natural, our prince's farts are extraordinary!"

(End of this chapter)

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