Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 128 Talking about the discoloration of the tiger

Chapter 128 Talking about the discoloration of the tiger
Zhu Houzhao and Tang Bohu came to a fork in the road, "His Royal Highness, the next official will go to see his parents at home before meeting His Majesty."

"En!" Zhu Houzhao nodded and said, "The old parents in the family are important, and I will explain it to my father."


The two teams parted ways, He Ding greeted the prince but did not greet Tang Bohu.

"He Ding, is my father okay?" Zhu Houzhao asked He Ding standing under the city gate on horseback.

"Your Majesty, everything is fine!" He Ding replied with a smile, "I don't know where Master Tang is."

Outside the city gate is not only the Dongchang family, but also Jinyiwei and Dali Temple.

"Tang Bohu said he wanted to go home and have a look." Zhu Houzhao explained.

After the whole group gave way to let the prince enter the city, Zhu Houzhao felt that his body and mind were different when he returned to the capital. He was more or less surprised when he was in Liaodong, but his heart was inexplicably stable when he returned to the capital.

Mu Bin, who received the news at his home, opened and closed his eyes and thought: "Did this Tang Bohu enter the city?"

"Yes! Shuai Mou!"

"Hehehe." Mou Bin said with a smile: "This Tang Bohu is really slippery, he is still the same as before, and no one looks at the other side and doesn't pay attention."

Tang Bohu is back in Beijing!

Most of the officials who were officials in Beijing became nervous for a while. At the beginning, Tang Bohu threatened most of the civil servants with some crimes to let the prince join the team that went to Liaodong. This point is still so fresh in his memory, as if it just happened yesterday. over average.

The officials in the capital were very nervous, and this nervousness unconsciously infected other people, who all talked about it and turned pale.

And Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing repelled hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses with less than [-] troops in Liaodong City. This deed was also widely spread in the capital, and several versions of Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing's deeds were written among various teahouses. To tell the story, Daming hasn't fought many battles these years.

But there are even fewer battles like this where one wins more with less. The last time Tang Bohu led Donghaiwei's Jinyiwei defeated the Japanese pirates, and this time Tang Bohu teamed up with Yang Yiqing to defeat Duoyan's army with less than [-] troops.

And at the moment in the palace, Yang Tinghe was telling the current emperor about the doggerel written by Zhu Houzhao, "Your Majesty, although His Highness the Crown Prince is playing around, he has a good temper, but following Tang Bohu, the more he learns, the more outrageous he becomes."

Yang Tinghe became more and more excited as he talked, and took a few poems and said: "Your Majesty! Look at these poems, they are simply insulting! What kind of cannons are firing at his mother! This... This is... It's Bi Qiniang Of the!"

Even Yang Tinghe, who has read a lot of sage books, also swears.

"Father! My son is back!" Zhu Houzhao swaggered into the Qianqing Palace, "Oh! Yang Tinghe, is Grand Master Yang here?"

Zhu Youtang signaled Yang Tinghe to step back, looked up at his son and said, "I lost weight."

Yang Tinghe glanced at Zhu Houzhao and left with a cold snort.

"Not so bad!" Zhu Houzhao casually picked up a piece of pastry that was placed on the table and ate it, "Father, you don't know that the life on the grassland is hard, and my son is so tired of eating mutton these days."

He Ding whispered a few words beside His Majesty, Zhu Youtang immediately looked up at Zhu Houzhao and said, "Did Tang Bohu enter the capital?"

"Yes! This guy said he was going home to see his parents first." Zhu Houzhao stuffed dried meat and dried fruit into his mouth.

"Go down." Zhu Youtang said to He Ding.

"Old slave understands." He Ding glanced at Zhu Houzhao with a smile and walked out of Qianqing Palace, just in time to bump into Liu Jin who was waiting outside the door.

"Eunuch Liu, are you safe?" He Ding looked at Liu Jin and said.

"The admiral is flattering you." Liu Jin said cautiously: "I can't afford to be called a father-in-law by the admiral."

"Liu Jin, we are all servants of the royal family, we don't need to distinguish between high and low!" He Ding continued, "Liu Jin, you have been with the crown prince for so many years, the crown prince must value you very much."

"It's hard to say how important it is." Liu Jin acted humbly and said: "His Royal Highness thinks highly of Tang Bohu, and I, Liu Jin, are just serving tea."

"Eunuch Liu, don't underestimate yourself." He Ding continued: "Actually, the royal family belongs to Dugu, and the widows are talking about them! And it is not easy for us eunuchs to accompany them all the time. Do you know why Li Guang fell?"

Liu Jin chirped and said, "Is it because of the admiral and Tang Bohu?"

"You really think so? Liu Jin, your journey is too far away." He Ding sneered, "You are too far behind Tang Bohu."

"Admiral Admiral, please enlighten me." Liu Jin bowed and said this time.

He Ding still had a sneer on his face and said: "Li Guang fell because he was ambitious and wantonly amassing money! There is no shortage of capable people around the emperor, so they need someone who is obedient and loyal to protect the Lord! But this The people around the emperor must also not be ambitious."

"Once you have ambition, your good days are over."

Liu Jin didn't understand He Ding's words. Seeing that the other party stopped talking, Liu Jin had no choice but to stand quietly and wait for the movement in the Qianqing Palace.

Seeing Zhu Houzhao wolfing down his food, Zhu Youtang shook his head and said, "You must have suffered a lot in the grassland."

"En!" Zhu Houzhao nodded.

"Are you going to go in the future?" Zhu Youtang said, implying that he should not go to the grassland after suffering.

Zhu Houzhao swallowed a mouthful of jerky and said: "Not going? Are you kidding me! Father, I told you that this time it was those big braids who were too weak and was beaten by Yang Yiqing and Tang Bohu for seven days before I could make a move." Nothing."

"Father, don't worry! My son will definitely cut off these grassland braids next time, and give my father a face!" Zhu Houzhao said, patting his chest.

"You still want to kill yourself?" Zhu Youtang faintly jumped, "You also wrote those poems?"

"Poetry? It seems...it should be...made by the prince." Zhu Houzhao said hesitantly.

"Get lost!" Zhu Youtang cursed suddenly.

Zhu Houzhao ran out of the Qianqing Palace in embarrassment, and as expected, he accompanied the king like a tiger!The royal father's mood is really unpredictable, "Liu Jin, we will meet in the East Palace!"

"Respectfully send off His Highness the Crown Prince." He Ding said respectfully.

Liu Jin noticed He Ding's meaningful gaze, was puzzled but couldn't say anything, and followed Zhu Houzhao's footsteps to the East Palace.

------------------------split line
Xu Pu quietly looked at the gradually boiling tea, and said to the servants beside him, "Tang Bohu came back but didn't enter the palace, nor did he enter the city?"

"Yes, my lord!" The servant replied, "This Tang Bohu is indeed cunning."

"This kid is not willing to join the game!" Xu Pu poured all the water that had just been boiled on the ground, "But how can Tang Bohu stay out of it when he is in the officialdom."

(End of this chapter)

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