Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 129 Treacherous

Chapter 129 Treacherous
A big event about Queen Shou Ning Hou. I thought that there would be a turning point after Tang Bohu and others returned to the capital, but it was beyond the expectations of many people.

Tang Bohu didn't even enter the capital, leaving many people in vain!After His Royal Highness returned to the capital, he talked with His Majesty for a few words, but he didn't mention anything about Marquis Shou Ning. The atmosphere in the capital that had just calmed down became strange, and many people were very concerned about this matter.

Among them is Xu Pu's sudden retirement, the old minister wrestled with the king!In the early morning of the second day, Xu Pu still did not come to the court because of illness. This situation has been going on for several days, and Zhu Youtang did not show much reaction.

It stands to reason that at least the imperial doctor should be sent to have a look, or the imperial edict should be comforted!But Zhu Youtang didn't want to pay attention to it at all, as if he had forgotten the character Xu Pu.

When Tang Bohu returned home, he slept until noon, and the meal was ready!

Tang's father looked at his son and said, "It's good to be able to come back intact after a battle."

"That's right! This time, there is no danger!" Tang Bohu clinked glasses with his father and drank it in one gulp.

"I drink as soon as I get up, and I'm not afraid to drink up my stomach!" Mother Tang looked at her son reproachfully!
Tang Yue laughed and ran to say: "Brother! Our family has made a fortune, we have money!"

Touching Tangyue's head, Tang Bohu messed up her neat bun. It is true that the family's business is getting better and better these days, the coal stove business is doing very well, and the factory has expanded a lot!Under the operation of Jiangnan Huafu, Tangzhuang's coal stoves are in short supply in Jiangnan, and the supply has always been in short supply.

Tang Bohu suddenly felt something pulling his pants.

She looked down and saw that it was Xiaobai. The tiger had grown a lot after not seeing it for a few months, and now Tangyue couldn't hold it anymore.

After the family finished eating, Tang Bohu stretched his waist and walked out of the house. When Tian San saw his lord come out, he said, "Master, everyone is ready."

Tang Bohu nodded and walked into a room next to the factory. This room is small but exquisite!

Seeing that everyone was sitting together, Tang Bohu looked at the crowd and said, "Tell me about the situation in Tangzhuang these days."

Yan Song was the first to stand up and said: "The owner! Our factory is currently carrying out two projects, one is perfume, and since it is autumn, our factory workers are getting more and more. Now except for the residents of our Tangzhuang, the workers working in the factory There are more than 3000 people in total!"

Yan Song glanced at Tang Bohu's expression and continued: "For the expansion of the factory, we also bought a piece of land outside Tangzhuang, planning to build another factory building."

"Up to now, the net income of our factory in the past three months is 150 million taels!"

Hearing this huge number, Tang Bohu was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the factory he built alone made so much money.

After Yan Song finished talking, the old foreman also stood up and said: "We add a few more processes to the production process of the perfume. The original alcohol fragrance is not long enough, so we added musk to increase the fragrance retention time of the perfume. In order to make better use of the wind, we have improved the vents under the coal stove, and we have done a lot of work on the firmness of the coal stove.”

After listening to their reports, Tang Bohu set his sights on Wang Shouren.

Wang Shouren stood up and said, "The academy now has more than 300 students. Because the academy is too small, it is difficult for us to recruit other students, and many students are not so easy to accept our Tangzhuang knowledge."

There are only a few principals in one mu of land in Tangzhuang, and Tang Bohu suddenly realizes that he is short of manpower.

"Yan Song!" Tang Bohu said: "With 100 million taels to build Tangzhuang, I will see a brand new Tangzhuang within half a year!"

"I understand." Yan Song replied.

Tang Bohu said again: "The construction of the academy should be done as soon as possible, and the factory will allocate the money."

Directly spending 100 million taels to build Tangzhuang, Wang Shouren was a little confused. Could it be that Tang Bohu wanted to build another capital city?Unable to bear the curiosity in his heart, Wang Shouren said, "Will the 100 Two Sessions be too many?"

"No expense spared!" Tang Bohu said, "Tangzhuang is my first site, and I want him to be what I want him to be."

As for what it would look like, Tang Bohu already had a plan in mind. He wanted this place to be a paradise-like existence, a semi-modern city. If he wanted to develop industries, someone had to take the first step.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "The old foreman has to worry about craftsmen."

"En!" The old foreman nodded and said, "It's just that some people in the capital are recruiting craftsmen to Liaodong, and they may not be able to find so many craftsmen to build Tangzhuang in a short time."

Hearing this, Tang Bohu remembered that he had told Yang Yiqing that he would build Liaodong City into a military fortress.

Sighing helplessly, he said: "Then look outside the capital, from near to far, in a word, don't spare your money, don't be afraid to spend money, we have plenty of money now."

Hearing Tang Bohu's words, the old foreman nodded confidently.

After the meeting, everyone was busy with their own affairs. Tang Bohu became the most leisurely person strolling in Tangzhuang. Wen Zhengming was studying hard and came to prepare for the imperial examination and didn't want to disturb him.

Tian San walked beside Tang Bohu and whispered, "I lost my follower."

"Lost it?" Tang Bohu was a little surprised: "Lost Wude?"

"The subordinates are not good at doing things! Please punish the owner!" Tian San said.

The monk Wude has always been very mysterious. Tang Bohu felt that this guy was watching his every move with a pair of eyes, but whose eyes he was, Tang Bohu was very curious. He has a strong scout anyway.

Tang Bohu was even more convinced that there was a problem with this immorality.

While thinking about it, a familiar figure came, Tang Bohu took a closer look and immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "Your Majesty, Tang Bohu!"

"Okay!" Zhu Youtang waved his sleeves and said, "If you don't come to the palace to see me, do you have a grudge against me?"

"Don't dare!" Tang Bohu said straight.

"You don't blame me for sending you to a place as bitter and cold as Liaodong?" Zhu Youtang continued.

Tang Bohu lowered his head, "Your Majesty must have his own reasons for doing this, and I dare not doubt it."

"Hehehe..." Zhu Youtang smiled: "It's been a lot smoother to stay in Liaodong for a few months, but I heard that your reputation in the court is getting bigger and bigger? Many

Officials are turning pale when they talk about you, Tang Bohu. "

"The minister is the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty, and he is in the position of supervising and inspecting officials!"

"Okay! Don't show your loyalty to me." Zhu Youtang was a little annoyed, "Tell me about Shou Ninghou."

(End of this chapter)

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