Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 133 What a pair of sharp tricks

Chapter 133 What a pair of sharp tricks
"Imperial Physician! Xuan Imperial Physician!" Zhu Youtang said loudly.

In this situation, the officials of the Chaotang didn't know what to say for a while, but everyone saw that the place where Xu Pu was supposed to be was now empty.
"Retire!" Zhu Youtang said angrily, shaking his hands.

Li Dongyang and Yang Tinghe looked at each other and nodded to each other. They both understood in their hearts who wrote this matter. The queen voluntarily asked to be deposed as the queen. Shou Ninghou wrote a blood letter with his own finger to prove his sister's innocence. The government and the public were shaken, and everyone focused all their attention on Xu Pu, a veteran of the three dynasties, who had asked to resign and stayed away from the court for several days.

But when everyone wanted to go to see Xu Pu one after another, they found that Xu Pu was not at home. They just left a letter from home saying that they would go on a long journey and would not return home for a short time. Because he wanted to retire from his old age and return to his hometown, the reason had nothing to do with the Queen and Marquis Shouning.

And in the letter home, it is also written to let colleagues see the facts clearly, and don't make wild guesses.

What the queen and Shou Ninghou did shocked the government and the public. The elder sister voluntarily deposed the queen in order to protect her younger brother, and Shou Ninghou wrote a blood letter to prove her sister's innocence in order to protect her sister. What he did moved the people very much.

The incident between Shou Ninghou and the queen shocked the officials in the court. They thought it was an emotional card, but when they saw Xu Pu's family letter, all the officials became speechless from shock.

Misunderstand?I thought Xu Pu was always threatening His Majesty to set the record straight, but judging from the content of the family letter, the officials thought that His Majesty had dealt with it unfairly, and many officials were desperate to vindicate Xu Pu, the old man, but the arrival was just a misunderstanding ?
Hearing this, Li Dongyang laughed three times, not knowing what it meant.

A few days later, the imperial decree came, and the empress was still the empress only because she was incapable of discipline and was banned for three months!A punishment that didn't hurt or itch, but Shou Ninghou was demoted to a commoner because he had the heart to repent!Exile thousands of miles!

At least his life was saved.

The matter has come to an end here, the punishment that should be punished, the curse that should be scolded, the emperor is still the selfless emperor, Zhu Youtang handles a matter fairly and justly, as long as it achieves the effect he wants to achieve.

Xu Pu is still not at home, where did he go?
Xu Zhenqing wrote down a few words, the handwriting was almost the same as Xu Pu's, and Wen Zhengming said in shock: "Has your handwriting reached this level yet?"

Xu Zhenqing said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing. Xu Pu's own handwriting is somewhat similar to mine."

Where did Xu Pu go?He didn't go anywhere, and now Xu Pu is sitting in front of Tang Bohu, being imprisoned in a dark room in Tangzhuang.

"Tang Bohu! Why do you do this!" Xu Pu struggled while trapped in the chair.

Tang Bohu sipped his tea and said leisurely: "I just want to invite Mr. Xu Ge to have a cup of tea."

"What kind of hospitality is this?" Xu Pu was firmly tied to the chair.

"Hey? Mr. Xu, why are you tied up?" Tang Bohu said with an embarrassed smile: "Mr. Xu Ge was shocked. The subordinates are all reckless people. They have been fighting with the subordinates everywhere, and their behavior may be rough! Come and untie Mr. Xu Ge."

Xu Pu looked at Tang Bohu and said, "Did you only see this old man tied up now?"


Tang Bohu smiled disapprovingly and said: "Mr. Xu Ge is already 70 years old this year. It's really healthy to think about tossing around at such an old age."

"Tang Bohu, what do you want to do!" Xu Pu said.

Tang Bohu shook his fan and said with a confident smile: "Xu Pu, you were originally from Jiangnan! You came from the Jiangnan Gongyuan. In the fifth year of Jingtai, you won the second place in the imperial examination. At that time, you were awarded the editorship of the Imperial Academy. After staying in this position for a few years, he came to Chenghua for 15 years, and the official worshiped the right servant of the Ministry of Rites. After several twists and turns, he was promoted from the right servant to the left servant, but finally fell into the official department."

"I have nothing to hide from my official career for most of my life." Xu Pu said.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "In the early years of Hongzhi, the new emperor ascended the throne! You were appointed as a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion to participate in the maintenance, and to be a minister of the Ministry of Rites! At this time, Xu Pu, your status as an old man is like a prime minister. , the next year will be the chief assistant of the cabinet!"

"Tang Bohu, what exactly are you trying to say!" Xu Pu asked.

Tang Bohu smiled and said: "Old Xu Ge, he has been an honest and honest official all his life, and he loves talents! He has served as a scholar in three dynasties, and the official worshiped the cabinet! I, Tang Bohu, admire you. Many officials in Ming Dynasty should follow your example. If I, Tang Bohu, were an official I can't do what you do, I, Tang Bohu, are not as good as you in this regard."

"But Mr. Xu Ge, have you ever thought about it!" Tang Bohu continued: "It is because of your reputation and status! Every move you make will affect the hearts of many scholars and even officials! At this juncture, you must ask Mr. Gao How many voices of dissatisfaction will be caused by returning home!"

Xu Pu did not lower his head and then replied: "The Zhang family ascended to heaven because of Empress Zhang alone! Your Majesty even named Empress Zhang's father the Shangzhu Kingdom! Your Majesty is too spoiled for the Empress's family. The old man has tried to remonstrate several times, but His Majesty has avoided it." Let’s not talk about it, but this time Shou Ninghou accompanied Liaodong, and then in the name of fighting bandits, he wanted to murder the ministers of the court and China!”

"Tang Bohu, you almost died at the hands of Shou Ninghou. You and I know why Shou Ninghou is so eager for quick success and even not afraid of Liaodong's betrayal, why he wants to win military merits?"

"I know." Tang Bohu said calmly: "He is for military power." "Yes! For military power!" Xu Pu continued: "Whether your Majesty favors the Queen's family, I will bear it! Manchu officials can do it." Turn a blind eye, but the Zhang family cannot touch military power! This will be a great threat to Daming! Tang Bohu, do you know what I want to say?"

Tang Bohu agreed with Xu Pu's words, "My lord is afraid that the scene of Wu Zetian will appear in Daming."

"That's right!" Xu Pu went on to say, "Queen Zhang is a strong woman, and she is favored by Your Majesty. This woman can be the first in everything, but military power is our last line! Tang Bohu, you also know that the crown prince does not learn from her." He has no skills, and he only knows how to play around all day long."

"The prince is not so unbearable." Tang Bohu said awkwardly: "His Royal Highness also wrote a few poems!"

"Drink!" Xu Pu snorted coldly: "It must be your ugly work of Tang Bohu. Others can't see it, but the old man can see it!"

"Hehehe..." Tang Bohu laughed, embarrassingly!Sure enough, this old guy saw through, what a pair of sharp tricks!

"Tang Bohu, you didn't kidnap this old man to chat, did you?" Xu Pu said.

Tang Bohu: "Of course not!"

(End of this chapter)

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