Chapter 134
"Then tell me, what does it mean to tie this old man up and still deceive others like this." Xu Pu said without struggling and let Tang Bohu's Jin Yiwei untie him.

"How about taking a step back, Mr. Xu Ge?" Tang Bohu continued: "Why make it difficult for your Majesty and the boss, how about everyone taking a step back."

Seeing that Xu Pu didn't speak, Tang Bohu went on to say: "My lord is still surnamed Zhu in this world. If you are really in a hurry, no one will look good."

"I can take a step back!" Xu Pu continued, "But I have a request."

"But it doesn't matter!" Tang Bohu cupped his hands and said.

"I can retreat! But I have one request, that is, you, Tang Bohu, will replace me as the eyes of scholars of Ming Dynasty." Xu Pu said in a low voice.

"Ha! Are you kidding me?" Tang Bohu immediately turned his head, "Don't make trouble, my lord, I still want to live a few more years."

Xu Pu went on to say: "The old man is nearly seventy years old, although Li Dongyang did not deal with me in the court! But in private, Li Dongyang and I have the opportunity to have a long talk. He has told the old man about you Tang Bohu several times."

"What did Li Dongyang say about me?" Tang Bohu immediately pricked up his ears and became alert.

"Hahaha!" Xu Pu said with a smile: "Li Dongyang said that you, Tang Bohu, are a deadly guy, and now it seems that you are really good."

Tang Bohu put away his fan and didn't want to pay any attention to this old guy anymore, whether he can still chat, whether he can chat.

"I'll ask you again." Xu Pu stared at the young Jin Yiwei in front of him, "Tang Bohu, would you like to be the eye of the world for reading?"

"Reluctantly." Tang Bohu also said compromised: "As long as the boss is willing to take this step, we can talk about anything."

Xu Pu smiled, "Your Majesty gave you a death order to persuade me, didn't you?"

Tang Bohu didn't want to answer, the old guy kept his words in his mouth and slowly followed the routine.Where is the most basic honesty between people?

"Alas..." Xu Pu sighed regretfully, "It really is a death."

"If you lose your life, you lose everything." Tang Bohu said, "I don't want to think of you, who are going to smash your head to death every now and then to thank the world. It's like everyone is afraid of your death, and it's worth spending an old life in vain. Not good."

"If the old man doesn't regress this time, what will happen to you, Tang Bohu?"

A ray of vision shone in the dark secret room, and with the passage of time, the light that originally shone on Tang Bohu's body moved to Xu Pu's body.

"Hmph! Don't retreat?" Tang Bohu snorted coldly, "Believe it or not, I bumped my head against your door and died in the middle of the night!"

"My lord!" Tian San became impatient when he heard this.

"Forget it." Tang Bohu waved his hand and said, "This way is too cruel to me."

"Huh..." Tian San let out a long breath.

"Then let Tian San bump his head to death at your door in the middle of the night." Tang Bohu nodded thinking,

Tian San: "..."

Xu Pu stood up and said to Tang Bohu, "Don't send me out yet."

"Ah?" Tang Bohu didn't realize it.

"I'm going to see His Majesty now, and I'm resigning! This time I'm resigning for real." Xu Pu glanced at Tang Bohu in distaste,

"Oh! That's great. It's really rare for a prodigal son to turn around and not get money!" Tang Bohu slapped the table and said loudly: "Tian San, see off the guest!"

Xu Pu: "..."

----------------------Dividing line
On the second day, Xu Pu appeared in the capital again, but he still did not go to court. Under the eyes of many officials and scholars, he walked into the Forbidden City in official clothes at dusk, all the way to the place where Emperor Hongzhi Zhu Youtang was. Qianqing Hall.

Two hours later, Xu Pu walked out of the Forbidden City, and he had already taken off his official clothes and changed into a civilian one, but Xu Pu had a relaxed smile on his face, and at this moment he felt an unprecedented relaxation.

Seeing Xu Pu coming out, several young officials stepped forward one after another.

"Ge Lao, you are..."

"Master Ge, where is your official uniform!"

Xu Pu didn't answer, but just laughed and read a poem aloud: "Back pain, welcome guests and tiredness, dizziness and difficulty in holding thin books."

"What's wrong with the old man?"

"This poem...could it be..."

Everyone was discussing, only to hear Xu Pu chanting as he walked: "Resign from office and go back to fate, don't look at it like Tao Qian and Fan Li."

Listening to this poem, the scholars and scholars along the way stepped aside one after another and stood solemnly aside.

Xu Pu is still walking: "Luoxia Tianyuan throws it for a long time, Wuzhong sings and drinks, don't linger"

"My lord, go all the way!"

"My lord, go all the way!"

"My lord, go all the way!"

Everyone bowed and said goodbye.

Xu Pu chanted loudly with a smile: "Songyang Yunshu Yichuanyue has returned from school four or five years late."

And just as Xu Pu's back was getting farther and farther away, the palace gate of the Forbidden City that was supposed to be closed was not completely closed, but a gap was left. This is the respect given by the emperor, and this kind of courteous reception There are only a handful of officials in the Ming Dynasty. The old man who has experienced four dynasties in one generation and has been in the cabinet for three dynasties has stepped out of the court today.

Li Dongyang stood above a bar, the autumn wind made his clothes rattle, "Another old man is leaving."

Yang Tinghe nodded, "It seems that a new situation is coming, what will happen next."

Li Dongyang continued: "Dongchang and Jinyiwei have been busy a few days ago, collecting a lot of things, and many officials will be taken down."

"Shaking the cards?" Yang Tinghe nodded and said.

Li Dongyang nodded, "Although most of those officials came from Xu Pu's sect, they also follow Xu Pu's leadership, but these people only learned Xu Pu's form, but did not learn Xu Pu's spirit."

"Hehehe..." Yang Tinghe sneered while drinking a glass of wine: "They didn't learn Xu Pu's honesty and uprightness, but they learned how to fish for the common people!"

"What should be poured still has to be poured, we just need to be ourselves." Said Liu Jian who was sitting on the side.

He Ding watched the smile on Xu Pu's face gradually disappear.

"Admiral, is it possible to close the net?" Dongchang House, who was standing aside, asked He Ding.

He Ding frowned and said, "How is Jin Yiwei doing?"

"According to our informant, there is no movement from Jinyiwei."

Hearing his subordinates return to He Ding, he let out a sigh of relief and said, "Jin Yiwei will not move, and neither will we! You send people to keep an eye on all the target officials, and draw up a list to His Majesty! Let His Majesty give these people Make a decision."


Several Dongchang banners were ordered.

Jinyiwei Pro-army Command Division...

Sitting in his spacious lobby, Mou Bin lowered his eyebrows and thought, "I didn't expect Tang Bohu to really convince Xu Pu, an old man, but it relieved me a lot."

"Mu Shuai, shall we do it now?" asked the captain of Jin Yiwei who was beside him.

"What's happening in the East Factory!" Mou Bin asked.

(End of this chapter)

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