Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 142 Mountain Rain

Chapter 142 Mountain Rain
In the private room on the top floor of an inconspicuous restaurant in the capital, Xu Zhenqing was sitting at the wine table and eating food!A middle-aged man came to his dining table and said with a smile, "Long time no see."

Xu Zhenqing looked up and saw Chen Guang also smiled and said, "After a few years, you haven't changed at all."

"Brother Xu is still the same, still so polite." Chen Guang warmed his body and said, "In the end, there are only you and me in the five-year agreement, and one of them is still absent!"

"En!" Xu Zhenqing poured wine for Chen Guang, and then carefully put down the jug.

Chen Guang took a sip and said: "The wine in the south is refreshing, while the wine in the north is strong!"

Xu Zhenqing also took a sip on her own, put down the wine cup and looked at the snow-capped capital city, looking at the deserted streets as if expecting something.

"He won't come." Chen Guang said, "That guy is still dreaming of his spring and autumn dream in the grassland."

"It's a pity." Xu Zhenqing sighed and said, "He didn't fight Tang Bohu!"

Chen Guang continued: "He claims to be Zhang Sanfeng's disciple. Whether it's true or not is only known to him, but this guy's ability is quite good."

"Hehe!" Xu Zhenqing said: "Tang Bohu messed up the grassland like that, it's enough for him to have a headache! My brother who played with him since he was a child is very clever!"

"The little prince of Chahar is going all over the place now, he must have a headache!" Chen Guang said this while looking at the snow-white people all over the city, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Once this old fellow Xu Pu leaves, the capital will lack someone who can take the lead!" Xu Zhenqing continued, "It's time for those jumping clowns to come out."

"There are a lot of people from Jiangnan!" Chen Guang said, "You have noticed it too."

Xu Zhenqing nodded, "I noticed."

"As soon as this winter is over, it will be spring!" Xu Zhenqing went on to say: "Scholars and scholars have studied hard for ten years, and they have been waiting for this day. Many people come here for this day."

"Something might go wrong." Chen Guang looked worried.

Xu Zhenqing went on to say: "Yan Song didn't take part in the Imperial Examination Spring Chamber this time, Zhu Zhishan also gave up, let alone Tang Bohu! I couldn't even enter the Spring Chamber, and I always feel that this year's Spring Chamber is about to come."

"How could you have such insights at such a young age?" Chen Guang said with a smile: "I look at you and think that you look like a person who has experienced a lot of weather, which doesn't match your age! You are too old."

"Hehe..." Xu Zhenqing smiled and was speechless.

Chen Guang propped his temple with one hand and said in annoyance: "What happened to the students this year, they all look like monsters. It seems that our generation will be compared."

"Master Chen Guang is too modest." Xu Zhenqing said: "Master Chen, your vision has always been very vicious. Tang Bohu's move into the Jinyiwei is very wonderful, it is wonderful!"

Chen Guang also smiled, "This year's autumn is very lively!"

Xu Zhenqing nodded.

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In the Forbidden City Palace
Zhu Houzhao was eating jerky and watching the snow scene in the warm East Palace. Liu Jin waited on Zhu Houzhao's side in every possible way, pouring tea and adding firewood to the brazier.

"Liu Jin, do you think why the prince can only compose poems when he and Tang Bohu are drunk?" Zhu Houzhao hesitated, "Why can't the prince usually compose poems when he is drunk?"

Of course Liu Jin knew what happened, but she just saw it through and didn't say it!Whenever Zhu Houzhao was drunk, Liu Jin was sober enough to know what Tang Bohu was doing, and said cooperatively: "That's because Tang Bohu is a talented man, and his highness will naturally be exaggerated by his talent if he drinks with a talented man, so the prince is also there That’s when talent came naturally.”

"Is that so?" Zhu Houzhao hesitated: "Is talent also contagious?"

Liu Jin continued: "His Royal Highness, from the perspective of this old slave, this is indeed the case."

Liu Jin spoke nonsense in a serious manner, just to make the prince happy, no matter whether these words are good or bad for the prince!
To an unsound male eunuch, they were royal servants.They don't care about face, reputation and future.

From the moment they entered the palace, their life was limited to the present and no future.

They will not have love, nor will they have children, and it is very unlikely that anyone will support them in their old age!
And these eunuchs can only seize the present and climb up step by step. Their physical insufficiency makes them often discriminated against. This kind of discrimination will cause their psychology to be distorted in the long run.

And this kind of distortion also caused the eunuchs in the palace to fight hard to get the favor of the emperor.

Because only the eunuch standing next to the emperor can let others look up, from being discriminated against to looking up.

Of course, there have been many good eunuchs in the past dynasties, but such eunuchs in each dynasty are really rare.

Zhu Houzhao seemed to have believed Liu Jin's nonsense, maybe Zhu Houzhao would understand when he was older.

Putting his feet close to the brazier, Zhu Houzhao said while enjoying himself comfortably, "I really want to go out of the palace to play."

"But Tang Bohu is still in prison."

Hearing Zhu Houzhao mentioning Tang Bohu, Liu Jin's eyes flashed with jealousy, and then said with a smile: "Your Highness, don't worry, Mr. Tang is only confined for a few days, and he will be free in a few days."

"Alas..." Zhu Houzhao sighed: "But I was also grounded! Even if Tang Bohu is released from prison, I still can't leave the East Palace."

"Your Highness, don't worry." Liu Jin continued: "Although His Royal Highness cannot leave the East Palace, after Mr. Tang is released from prison, Mr. Tang can enter the East Palace."

"That's right!" Zhu Houzhao slapped his thigh and sat up suddenly: "He can come to the East Palace to play with me!"

Zhu Houzhao's laughter came again from the East Palace.

The wind and snow became heavier and heavier, and Hongda's Forbidden City was covered with a silvery white.

After putting her little daughter to sleep, Queen Zhang went to the eaves to watch the snowstorm.

"Empress Empress." The little palace maid brought a blanket to cover the Empress and said, "Empress Empress, pay attention to your health. The imperial doctor said, Empress Empress, you have just given birth to your little princess. You are weak and you should pay attention to the temperature."

Breathing out a mouthful of white mist, Empress Zhang was worried about her younger brother who was exiled. She took out a letter hidden in her cuff and said, "He wrote, saying that he has found a place to stay."

It is said to be in exile, but after all, he is the queen's younger brother. The Zhang family has watched the queen accumulate a lot of connections over the years.

As long as the eldest daughter of the Zhang family is still the queen, there will be no major changes in the status of the Zhang family.

Throwing the letter in her hand into the brazier, Empress Zhang said to the maid beside her, "Send something to the Tang Mansion."

"Yes!" The little maid replied.

"Tang Bohu rescued our siblings, this kindness must be repaid." Empress Zhang instructed: "This gift must be serious, not light."

(End of this chapter)

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