Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 143 The Queen's Gift

Chapter 143 The Queen's Gift

Tang Bohu and Wude got a little drunk, they both laughed and talked while holding the jug, Wude said: "Tang Bohu, don't think I'm a monk, think that I was also a popular girl back then."

"It's just you!" Tang Bohu said drunkenly while holding the jug, "Look at your fatness, there are still women who like you!"

"That's now!" Wude took a sip of wine and said, "That! Think back then..."

Mou Bin was standing outside the cell door at the moment, Tang Bohu and Wude were so drunk that they didn't notice him.

"How long have they been like this?"

Hearing the question from Jin Yiwei Commander Mou Bin, the guard said, "From last night to now, it has been like this."

"Just let him be happy for a few days." Mou Bin continued: "Serve with delicious food and drink."

"I understand." The cell boss replied.

"Chen Guang has come back! This guy actually still wants to drink here!" Mou Bin said with an angry expression, "What a grandson."

"Does your lord need to wake him up?"

"No need!" Mou Bin turned around and left, "Let him deal with it when he wakes up. After talking, Mou Bin took a deep look at Wude who was also drunk."

A carriage entered Tangzhuang, and when it arrived at the gate of the Tang Mansion, the coachman said to the doorman standing aside: "The old man came to return the gift."

After making eye contact with several gatekeepers, they walked into the house to report. Tian San also noticed this unusually decorated carriage, and asked the driver, "Whose carriage is it?"

"This is Tian Santian Baihu." The coachman said with a smile.

Hearing this, Tian San immediately became vigilant, and the other party directly stated his name and official position, and asked tentatively, "Dare to ask me?"

"Tian Baihu don't need to be nervous." The coachman said, "It's the queen who asked me to give the gift, a small gift is not a respect! I hope you, Mr. Tang, can accept it."

"Queen?" Tian San looked suspicious.

"Let me take my leave." The coachman left in a hurry, and Tang Guangde, Tang Bohu's father in the Tang Mansion, was also puzzled when he saw such a carriage when he came out of the mansion.

When the curtain of the car was lifted, Tang Guangde gasped, and inside was a whole carriage full of jewels.

"This..." Tang Guangde was terrified, "Who gave it to you?"

"It's a gift from the queen! It's said to be a favor from Mr. Tang!" Tian San stood aside and explained.

"This bastard, why did he provoke the queen again!" Father Tang remembered jumping.

Standing at the gate of the Tang residence, Zhong Ling'er also saw this unusually decorated carriage and said to Father Tang, "Uncle, we have to accept these gifts, and we must accept them."

"Accept...accept!" Tang Guangde had seen so much money for the first time in most of his life, "No, no, no! This cannot be accepted!"

Tian San stood aside and looked at the things in the carriage. He naturally understood what happened in the capital these days. If Tang Bohu persuaded Xu Pu not only to save Shou Ninghou, but also to keep the status of the entire Zhang family. , it would not be an exaggeration to say that these things were given as rewards.

"Uncle, please accept it." Tian San said.

Of course, this gift must be accepted. Since the queen is willing to give the gift, it means that this favor is over here. If you accept it, you can calm down, but if you don't accept it, the queen will think that the Tang family is not looking for money. What is it?If this gift is not accepted, the next one may be a disaster.

Why did Ying Zheng trust Wang Jian when Wang Jian attacked Chu with the whole country's troops?Because Wang Jian asked Yingzheng for money and land, if a person doesn't want money or wealth, then what he wants may be something that makes people dread.

Zhong Ling'er continued: "Li! We can accept it, but the carriage must still be returned to the queen."

"But... but this large sum of money." Tang Guang was a little flustered, "Why don't you ask Bohu what he means?"

Zhong Ling'er came to the side of the carriage and said: "Uncle, don't worry, since it has already been delivered, it will not be easy to return it intact. Let's accept it first! Ask Bohu what he means. If the gift cannot be accepted, we will accept it." It is enough to return a gift for the same amount of money! If we can accept it, we will use this money to build factories and Tangzhuang, so that the villagers can live better."

Hearing Zhong Linger's words, Tang Guangde nodded his head, this way he could live with reason and face.

Zhong Ling'er said again: "Tian San! Go to Tang Bohu and tell him how to make a decision on this matter."

Tian San nodded, he felt that Zhong Ling'er's aura in a few words had a hint of the mistress of the Tang family, could this Zhong Ling'er really be an old friend of your lord?With doubts, Tian San walked towards the capital.

Along the way, I saw Xu Zhenqing who had just returned from the capital.

"I've met Lord Tian!" Xu Zhenqing bowed and said.

"Mr. Xu is in the capital on this heavy snow day?" Tian San asked.

Xu Zhenqing nodded and replied, "Meet an old acquaintance in the capital."

"En!" Tian San nodded and brushed past him.

Xu Zhenqing looked at the back of Tian San leaving with a different look in his eyes. He returned to Tangzhuang, where Yan Song arranged his residence, put a few books on the table, took off his snow-covered coat, Light the brazier to keep warm!Drinking hot tea, Xu Zhenqing sat quietly in the room and read a book.

Tian San came to the imperial prison of Dali Temple, handed over a few taels of silver to the guards, and then walked into the prison. The place was filled with this rancid smell, and occasionally a few mice would scurry from his eyes. Pass.

Occasionally, some prisoners would yell that they were wronged, and some prisoners would stare blankly at the front!Tian San doesn't like this kind of place, it's too dark here, and the dark cell gives people a very depressing feeling, everything here is full of darkness, there are ferocious jailers, criminals begging for mercy, and waiting for next year's autumn The beheaded prisoner, under the guidance of the jailer, Tian San quickened his pace.

After passing a few corners of the cell, Tian San saw a relatively clean cell. For this kind of environment, this cell is simply a paradise. As expected, the adults of his family are here.

"My lord!" Tian San called softly.

Tang Bohu, who was lying on the table drunk and drunk, murmured, as if to answer!
"What's wrong with my lord?" Tian San asked the jailer standing beside him.

"Master Tang drank too much." The jailer pointed to the drunken monk sitting opposite Tang Bohu and said, "That smelly monk also got drunk."

Tian San clutched his forehead in pain, he could drink wine in the prison, recite poems while eating meat, and only his own adults were right. He asked the jailer to open the prison door, and Tian San quietly put on Tang Bohu who was already drunk. A coat!It's cold outside, I hope my grown-up won't catch a cold.

(End of this chapter)

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