Chapter 145
Under the tense and treacherous situation in the capital, Tang Bohu finally walked out of the prison a few days later, Tian Sanzao had been waiting by the side, and when he saw Tang Bohu came out, he stood respectfully by the side.

There is a very unique water pavilion on the main road leading to Tangzhuang and the capital, and I don't know who built it.

Zhong Linger stood here looking at the lake after the snow with a calm expression.

"Miss, are you waiting for Tang Bohu?" said the servant who was currently serving.

Zhong Linger nodded, she knew that Tang Bohu would be released from prison today.

A figure flashed in the woods not far from the water pavilion, Zhong Linger saw it from the corner of her eye but pretended not to see it.

These days, people around me have been staring at me, although these guys keep a distance from me, and the reason why I let them monitor me so wantonly.

It was also because they belonged to Tang Bohu.

Just as Zhong Linger imagined, within three hours a carriage stopped not far away, and when she turned around, she saw the long-lost young man who had bid farewell to Jiangnan.

"The daughter of the people has met Master Tang!" Zhong Ling'er saluted!

Looking at this stunner, Tang Bohu, was also very tormented, and the distinction between good and bad in this woman was also very vague, "Miss Zhong, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see!" Zhong Ling'er covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Master Tang has been very prosperous this year."

"No, it's just luck for a while." Tang Bohu shook his head and sighed, "Ms. Zhong came all the way from the south of the Yangtze River to the capital. I don't know what happened."

It is very cold between the heaven and the earth that is melting snow, even breathing can feel the cold.

"Master Tang's words are a bit unfamiliar to the little girl." Zhong Ling'er continued.

A gust of cool wind blew and people couldn't help shaking for a while. Tang Bohu tightened his clothes and looked at the thinly dressed Zhong Ling'er and said, "Miss Zhong, it's too cold here! Let's go home and have a chat."

"The little girl is here to accept Master Tang's love."

Tang Bohu invited Zhong Ling'er to sit in the carriage, and then rode to Tangzhuang by himself. Although he knew that there was a stunning beauty in the carriage that fascinated men, he was still very clear-headed. It was a coincidence that Zhong Ling'er came to the capital. Coincidentally, it seems that she has the cheek to live in her own home.

Under the escort of Jin Yiwei, Tang Bohu finally came to his home.

"The brat is finally back!" Seeing Zhong Ling'er, Tang's father said, "Go and rest first, dinner is about to begin."

Tang Bohu nodded and led Zhong Ling'er into the study, closing the door and it was quiet!
"Okay, Miss Zhong, you and I both understand." Tang Bohu sat on the chair and stared at each other and said, "It's just the two of us here, so we don't have to hide anything and just say it."

Zhong Ling'er slid her fingers along the rim of the teacup, and said in a low voice, "Isn't the little girl as good as Qiuxiang?"

"Actually, I have always thought that you are a very smart woman." Tang Bohu continued, "I feel a little overwhelmed by the fact that you sent me for nothing."

Zhong Ling'er stood up, her pink and thin clothes vividly outlined her perfect figure, she walked behind Tang Bohu with graceful steps, and walked away from him step by step under the boy's calm gaze. Sight, came behind him.

Tang Bohu could smell the elegant fragrance on her body.

Zhong Ling'er supported his shoulder with one hand, leaned down and whispered in Tang Bohu's ear: "The little girls are all sent to the door, can't Mr. Tang speak?"

"Hehehe..." Tang Bohu said with a smile, "I dare not touch you!"

"Why!" Zhong Ling'er embraced Tang Bohu with both arms, and the two leaned together, "The little girl is not some wild beast, I don't know what Mr. Tang is afraid of."

Zhong Ling'er said charmingly: "Master Tang, do you know how many men want to share their long-cherished wish with my little girl?"

Tang Bohu pulled Zhong Ling'er to embrace this stunner in his arms, looking at her delicate facial features and fair face.

Zhong Linger: "Master Tang?"

Holding Zhong Ling'er in his arms, under her panicked expression, Tang Bohu lowered his head and kissed her red lips,

After kissing for a long time, Tang Bohu left her lips, put his hands on her waist and said: "Miss Zhong, I am a normal man! Do you know that you are playing with fire!"

Zhong Ling'er was kissed by a man for the first time, she stood up in panic, Tang Bohu's behavior was beyond her expectation.

"Thank you." Tang Bohu said.

"Thank me for what." Zhong Ling'er turned her back to Tang Bohu.

"Without you, my parents wouldn't know how to deal with the generous gift from the queen."

"You're welcome." After all, Zhong Ling'er had been through the dust for a long time and quickly regained her composure.

Tang Bohu also stood up and said, "Why did you come from afar, can you tell me now?"

Zhong Linger was silent for a long time, as if hesitating for something.

"Can't you still say it?" Tang Bohu asked again.

"Sister Matchmaker asked me to come." Zhong Linger explained: "The situation in Jiangnan is very tense recently. When Qiuxiang returns to Washington, you need a woman who can help you with housework."

"Matchmaker?" Tang Bohu was a little surprised.

"Yes!" Zhong Linger looked at the snow scene outside the window and said, "Actually, Sister Matchmaker and I are also sisters, and I came to the capital to escape the eyes of those aristocratic families, and to come to the capital to take care of you and watch over you. "

The matchmaker can order Zhong Linger?Tang Bohu once again had doubts about the strength of the matchmaker. Before, Tang Bohu only thought that the matchmaker was just an ordinary and Washington-like clan, but she was able to order Zhong Linger, a figure whose reputation resounded across both sides of the Yangtze River, which was incredible.

"Are you going to do what the matchmaker says?" Tang Bohu continued to ask.

"It can be said to be like this." Zhong Linger continued: "Even if you ask me to marry you, I will listen to her without hesitation."

Listening to her words, Tang Bohu somehow sympathized with her.

Zhong Linger continued: "Tang Bohu, in fact, you don't have to think that I am so superior. In fact, I am just a prostitute, wandering among the various clans in the south of the Yangtze River!"

"Relying on my own skin to attract people, how many men want to take off my clothes, how many men look at me with the dirty eyes."

Zhong Linger held her arms and continued: "Those men make me feel sick! Even though I want to resist countless times, I want to be an ordinary woman."

Tang Bohu looked at her thin back: "If you are just an ordinary woman, this beautiful skin will harm you."

Zhong Linger nodded undeniably, opened the door and the cold wind broke into the room and whistled in her ears.

(End of this chapter)

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