Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 146 Zhong Linger Recognizes the Door

Chapter 146 Zhong Linger Recognizes the Door ([-])

"If it weren't for the support of my matchmaker behind me, I, Zhong Linger, who could calm down those men, might become their plaything now." She turned to Tang Bohu and said, "If I, my matchmaker, let me marry you, I will not hesitate climb into your bed."

"Uh... so what! Hehehe..." Tang Bohu looked around and said, "The weather is really nice today."

Zhong Linger looked up and saw the warm sunshine and smiled knowingly.

Seeing Tang Bohu coming out of the study, Tian San said with a smile, "What are your orders?"

"I didn't say anything, how do you know I have orders."

"My lord!" Tian San said with a smile, "Then Zhong Linger, do you want to..."

"What do you want to do to her?" Tang Bohu turned his head and asked.

"Do you want my subordinates to take advantage of the dead of night..."

"and then."

Tian San's face was full of thieves, "Let the subordinates quietly wipe Zhong Ling'er and send it to the adult's bed, and let the adult take off her clothes as much as he wants!"

"Pick off your sister's clothes." Tang Bohu gave Tian San a disgusted look, and kicked his ass.

"It's true what your lord said!" Tian Sanma liu'er stood up and said, "This subordinate happens to have a cousin, so I will tie her up tonight and let my lord strip her clothes as much as you want!"

Tang Bohu: "..."

"What kind of bellyband do you like, please prepare it for the little ones."

"Get out!" Tang Bohu said with contempt on his face, "As far as my thoughts go, I can go as far as you want!"

Seeing the quarrel between Tang Bohu and her subordinates, Zhong Linger smiled softly.

Now she also understood why the matchmaker far away in the south of the Yangtze River missed him, and why Qiuxiang followed this man wholeheartedly.

Tang Bohu has a very special temperament, which is different from many men in Daming.

His smile is very warm, and his gestures are straightforward and he is not superior. Even if he is now a thousand households of Jinyiwei, a friend of the current prince, and an important chess game in the hands of His Majesty, as long as Tang Bohu does not cause any catastrophe, as long as the prince ascends the throne, according to what he and Zhu Houzhao said The friendship between the two is a matter of time, but he didn't feel that he was superior to others because of these.

What's more is that he and himself can actually joke with each other. At the beginning, I just wanted to find a protective umbrella for myself, so that I could have someone who could protect me so that I could escape from that dusty place.

She has long since abandoned the so-called love and concubine love.

But looking at Tang Bohu now, she felt that this man was very different.

The seed that had been dusty in my heart seemed to be revived again.

Walking all the way in the backyard of the Tang mansion, Zhong Linger looked at Tang Bohu's back with a smile on her lips, since you have the autumn fragrance!The matchmaker must miss it!Why can't I, Zhong Linger!
The most difficult thing to keep in the world is that Zhu Yan Ci Jinghua Ci Shu!

This poem is absolutely correct, after a few more years, I will be getting older and older!Will there still be so many people supporting me when I am old?

There are things that really need to be fought over, so why should I just watch your lovers and concubines.

When I came to the dining table in the Tang Mansion, today's dishes were much richer than in the past. The children in the family came back, and Mother Tang invited me to cook a large table of dishes.

Tang's mother, Tang's father watched his son approaching, looked at a table of dishes with bowls in one hand and chopsticks in the other!
I just waited for my parents to give an order and then swept away the dishes on the table.

"Father, mother!" Tang Bohu said with a smile, "The child is back."

"Sit down!" Father Tang, who was sitting in the upper seat, nodded and said.

Tang Bohu sat down in response, and Tang's mother nodded to Zhong Linger to signal her to sit down too.

"Let's eat!" Mother Tang put a piece of braised pork into her son's bowl, and said in a low voice, "I've been in the capital for a year, take a look at you! I've been busy all day long! I'm either running east or west, If you grow taller, you lose weight."

Tang Bohu smiled awkwardly, put the braised pork from his mother into his mouth, savored the taste Tang Bohu said: "Mom! Are you cooking?"

"Your mother sees that you are not at home all day long, so she wants to give you a good meal." Father Tang said, "I don't even care about my own pregnancy."

"Mother is about to give birth. It's best to have a doctor waiting at home. Maybe the little guy won't be able to stay." Tang Bohu said.

Zhong Ling'er, who was sitting on the side, said: "My little girl knows a few midwives who are good at work, so I can arrange for Madam."

Tang's father and Tang's mother looked at each other, they already understood what this Miss Zhong was thinking.

"Can you move your chopsticks?" Tangyue held her small face and looked at the dishes on the table and said, "I'm so hungry."

"Mother, can I move my chopsticks?" Tangyue said aggrievedly, "Your daughter is about to starve to death."

"Eat, eat." Father Tang smiled awkwardly.

Tang Bohu also served Zhong Linger dishes, and he clearly felt that the atmosphere at the dinner table today was not right.

Only my sister is still the same as before.

"I'm full!" Tangyue put the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and then happily ran out of the house with Xiaobai, wondering where she went to have fun again.

"Mother is full too." Mother Tang supported her waist and stood up.

Zhong Ling'er understood Madam Tang's meaning at this moment and stood up and said, "Little girl, let's go for a walk with Madam, it's just to digest food."

There were only father and son left at the dinner table, and Tang Bohu came to his study side with his wine glass and jug: "Father, what's going on today."

"Are you asking this old man? This old man wants to ask you." Father Tang looked at his son and said, "Tell me about you, there are many women in the family for no reason, and you are still an old acquaintance!"

Tang Bohu poured wine for his father, and then said: "I have known her for a long time, it is an old acquaintance, and this woman is Qiuxiang's sister's sister!"

"The child and I only met her a few times!"

"Really?!" Father Tang was still suspicious of Tang Bohu's words.

"It's absolutely true, it's genuine, it's the conscience of heaven and earth!" Tang Bohu swore.

Tang's father took a sip of wine and said, "Although you have no feelings for her, your mother and I can both see that Miss Zhong looks at you with unusual eyes."

Tang's father went on to say: "Our Tang family is a responsible person. Our ancestors have lived a mediocre life for several generations. Now that you are an official and have money in your family, you will not blame you for marrying more wives and concubines as your father. After all, It’s also for spreading the branches and leaves.”

Hearing what his father had said, Tang Bohu poured wine into his mouth.

In the backyard of the Tang Mansion, Tang Bohu's mother looked at Zhong Linger and said, "I learned from Bohu's hair that Ms. Zhong used to be a nobleman of the Jiangnan Qinhuai Painting Boat, and she was also the number one?"

Hearing Mother Tang's words, Zhong Ling'er stopped her movements and said, "Mrs. Hui is indeed like this."

(End of this chapter)

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