Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 147 Zhong Linger Recognizes the Door

Chapter 147 Zhong Linger Recognizes the Door (Part [-])
Tang's mother said to Zhong Ling'er: "Although you come from a rich family, my Tang family is not a big family. We came to the capital from Suzhou and Hangzhou because of Bohu's ability."

Zhong Ling'er knew what the other party wanted to say and just nodded.

Tang's mother: "I don't know what this bastard Bohu is busy with all day long! But I know the time at home is over. If Bohu can take a fancy to you, I won't say anything! But if Bohu Hu doesn't like you, but I still hope you keep a distance from my children."

"Linger understands." Zhong Linger said with a smile.

Mother Tang also nodded. In fact, she was quite satisfied with Zhong Ling'er. Although she came from a rich background, she was also very well mannered and decent. Thinking about it, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen.

Mother Tang's exclamation made Zhong Ling'er a little at a loss.

"I'm afraid this child won't be able to stay in the stomach anymore." Mother Tang said, clutching her stomach.

"Is it about to give birth?" Zhong Ling'er helped Tang's mother and hurriedly said, "I'll go and invite the midwife here."

"Mother is going to give birth?" Tang Bohu also stood up immediately.

Tang's father also said excitedly: "Quickly, go and invite the midwife!"

The whole Tang residence was in chaos, the servants were running back and forth near the delivery room, the midwife came in a hurry and when she heard Mrs. Tang's exclamation, she immediately walked into the delivery room.

"Father, what does it feel like to be a father." Tang Bohu looked at his father and said.

Tang's father stamped his feet anxiously in front of the delivery room, looked at his calm son and said, "You will experience this one day, and you will understand later."

More than an hour later, the cry of a child came from the delivery room.

"It's born!" The midwife hugged the newborn baby and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Tang, you have given birth to a son."

"Father, give me a name." Tang Bohu looked at his father and his newborn brother with a smile, and the little white tiger tilted his head to look at the crying baby who was just born. Tangyue said happily: "I want to Sister."

"It's called Tang Shen." Father Tang said with a smile.

------------------------split line
Inside the Imperial Palace of the Forbidden City

A group of imperial physicians were discussing around the little princess, Zhu Youtang yelled and cursed: "I've given you several medicines, why haven't they seen any effect yet?"

The imperial physicians knelt on the ground in fear, "Your Majesty! The little princess's illness looks like she has contracted a cold, but..."

"Just what!" Zhu Youtang was very anxious!
"It's just that the high fever of the little princess has never subsided, the minister waits..."

"You guys! What's the use of raising you!" Zhu Youtang pointed at these imperial doctors and cursed.

Zhu Houzhao's face was pale!He stood aside and looked at his sister very impatient, but he suddenly thought of one thing, Fengchi?At the beginning Tang Bohu was also infected with the cold, but Tang Bohu recovered after that day and night before the imperial doctor arrived. Thinking of this, Zhu Houzhao stepped forward and said to his father, "Father! My son knows that there is someone who will definitely find a way!"

"Who?" Zhu Youtang endured his anger and said.

"Tang Bohu!" Zhu Houzhao said, "Tang Bohu had a high fever at the beginning, but he recovered after only one night."

"How can the little princess's body be compared with that of an adult like Tang Bohu?" The imperial physicians said, "Then Tang Bohu is only a warrior, although he was born as a scholar..."

"Then can you make my sister better?" Zhu Houzhao scolded the imperial doctors.


Just when Tang Bohu's family was happy for the newborn child, an eunuch came in a hurry. Tang Bohu saw that he was an acquaintance. One of the eunuchs beside Zhu Houzhao, Gu Dayong!

"Eunuch Gu!" Tang Bohu said politely.

"Master Tang!" Gu Dayong saluted politely and said, "Congratulations, Master Tang."

"You are polite." Tang Bohu replied, "I don't know what is the important matter of Eunuch Gu's visit this time."

Gu Dayong went on to say: "His Royal Highness invites Mr. Tang to enter the East Palace for a talk, and also asks Mr. Tang to save the life of the little princess!"

"Save the little princess?" Tang Bohu was surprised, although he was prepared!The fate of this princess in history was indeed very bad, and she died before she was two years old.

"His Royal Highness has been in a hurry for two days and two nights without sleep. His Majesty has been by the little princess's side every day, even ignoring state affairs!" Gu Dayong knelt on the ground and said, "I beg Mr. Tang to save the little princess, the little princess Already sick..."

Looking at the eunuch kneeling on the ground, Tang Bohu glanced at his father.

Father Tang said, "Go quickly."

"You wait here first." Tang Bohu said to Gu Dayong, "I'm going to get some things."

Running all the way, Tang Bohu came to his bedroom and opened a hidden compartment in the wall. The princess is sick?Although sooner or later, Tang Bohu took out Xu Wei's large schoolbag and looked at the medicines in the schoolbag. Now Tang Bohu can only hope that these medicines have not expired, do his best, and obey the destiny.

In the instructions on a box of pills it says baby available!Tang Bohu looked at the box of medicines. Although he didn't know what the princess was suffering from, Tang Bohu took all the medicines he brought with him when he crossed.

Leaving his home, Tang Bohu walked all the way on the trail in Tangzhuang, the snow was still melting!The surrounding air became colder, Tang Bohu tightened his clothes and said, "It's so cold."

"Master Tang, hurry up." Gu Dayong urged.

Go all the way to Beijing!From a distance, Tang Bohu saw Zhu Houzhao rubbing his hands to keep warm under the freezing Forbidden City, shivering from the cold.

"Sir, Tang Bohu pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Tang Bohu dismounted and knelt on one knee.

"Tang Bohu, you are here." Zhu Houzhao stepped forward and said, "You have a way to save my sister, right?"

Tang Bohu looked at the anxious Zhu Houzhao and said, "I want to see the princess' condition first."

"Quick!" Zhu Houzhao said anxiously, "Follow me!"

Zhu Houzhao Tang Bohu, who has been playing around for a long time, saw Zhu Houzhao so anxious for the first time, and finally had a younger sister who ran all the way to the Imperial Medical Office.

Tang Bohu saw that the imperial physicians were busy, and also saw Empress Zhang looking at her daughter in despair, with tears on her face.

Zhu Youtang kept coughing, and there was no way to hide the tiredness in his eyes.

Tang Bohu stepped forward a few steps, came to the little princess's side under the eyes of the imperial doctors, and took off the schoolbag from his back!Just about to unzip the zipper but felt the gazes from all around, Tang Bohu hesitated for a moment, but he didn't hesitate for a long time, and quickly opened the schoolbag to take out the thermometer.

"What is that?" The imperial physicians looked at the thermometer in surprise.

Tang Bohu took the body temperature and found that the little princess's body temperature was as high as 39 degrees five, which was indeed too high for a baby.

Tang Bohu found the box of antipyretics for babies from his schoolbag, took a cup of hot water and prepared to give it to the little princess.

"Stop!" An imperial physician shouted to stop Tang Bohu's actions, "What are you going to give the princess to eat?"

"Take medicine!" Tang Bohu said.

(End of this chapter)

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