Chapter 154
Zhu Youtang went on to say: "Since I don't want to kill you now, I will give you a chance to redeem your merits."

"He Ding!"

"The old slave is here!"

Zhu Youtang opened his mouth and said: "Mobilize all the power of the East Factory, and make a list of all the people who own coal mines or deal in coal mines in Daming and send them to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Daming East Factory for record."

He Ding thought about Zhu Youtang's order.It has to be said that the workload of finding out all the people in the world who own coal mines or are engaged in coal mine business is huge, it is almost impossible to complete in a short period of time, and it requires a lot of human and financial resources.

"The old slave leads the order." He Ding gritted his teeth and replied.

When Tang Bohu was in the business of coal stoves, Zhu Youtang ordered Dongchang to thoroughly investigate the coal mines in the world. However, due to the downfall of Li Guang at the beginning, Dongchang had a major change of blood. This matter was put on hold for a long time. carry.

"Tang Bohu!"

"Chen is here!"

Zhu Youtang went on to say: "I have to say that you also made great contributions in Liaodong. I wanted to promote you and let you sit in Beizhen Fusi! Become the No. 1 commander of Jinyiwei, but right now... "

"I think it's good to be a thousand households." Tang Bohu said immediately.

"Drink!" Zhu Youtang snorted coldly and said, "This time the reward for you will be withdrawn, but if I don't see Qingcai in a month's time..."

"The life of this minister belongs to His Majesty."

"It looks like you are sincere." Zhu Youtang said in a cold tone, "If you two can't handle things that you can't make money, you will not be able to see your heads."

"The minister respects the decree."

"The old slave respects the order!"

Tang Bohu and He Ding had a big fight in front of the Forbidden City, but they walked out of the palace without incident, which surprised many people. For others, Tang Bohu and He Ding fought in front of the Forbidden City.This matter has already collided with the imperial court in a certain sense.

But Zhu Youtang's attitude is really so unpredictable, there is no punishment or scolding, and the civil servants who heard about this incident criticized Tang Bohu verbally, and the opportunity to bring down Tang Bohu, a vicious tiger, has come. Tang Bohu has always used these civil servants They still remember the fact that Tang Bohu has so many officials' corruption and bribery evidence, which makes all the officials in the capital Talking about the tiger's expression, they did not dare to act recklessly under Tang Bohu's pressure. Now this time Tang Bohu is fighting in front of the Forbidden City.So they were given a chance to overthrow Tang Bohu, so all the civil servants wrote memorials and submitted them to the Supervisor of Rites, using words to refute the notoriety of Dongchang and Jinyiwei for the evil deeds of Tang He, Tang Bohu and He Ding.

Tang Bohu, a vicious tiger, was once again notorious in the capital.

Second day

Xu Zhenqing listened to this ditty in the Wenhua Building and heard many scholars who came to Beijing for the exam say about Tang Bohu's Jinyiwei and Dongchang's evil deeds.Since ancient times, there have been many scenes of factory guards fighting each other, and the civil officials of the Manchu Dynasty are also very happy to see this kind of thing. If Dongchang and Jinyiwei are in the same breath, then the civil official group will inevitably be threatened.And when the factory guards fight each other, the civil servants can naturally stand in the middle to balance all of this. This is a situation that everyone is happy to see.

Many people think so, but Xu Zhenqing doesn't think so. He knows Tang Bohu very well, he knows that there must be a reason for Tang Bohu to do this, and the reason is also to paralyze these so-called civil servants. In fact, Tang Bohu and He Ding are still in the same spirit. Dongchang and Jinyiwei clinging to each other is for others to see,

If Tang Bohu and He Ding are really in the same spirit, then when this threatens the civil society, the good days of Tang Bohu and He Ding will come to an end. They have to take this risk to protect themselves. It cannot but be said that Tang Bohu's painstaking design Xu Zhenqing admired it very much.

When Yang Tinghe heard this, his expression didn't fluctuate much, but he was even more worried. He hurried to Li Dongyang's house to ask this cabinet minister who had been observing Tang Bohu.

"Student, Yang Tinghe has met Mr. Li Ge."

Li Dongyang was reading a book and when Yang Tinghe came, he put away the book and said: "It's freezing cold, I don't know what's important for Mr. Yang to come to the old man's house."

Yang Tinghe saluted and said: "I don't know if Mr. Ge heard about what happened in front of the Forbidden City, the fight between Tang Bohu and He Ding, Dongchang and Jin Yiwei."

"I heard about it early this morning." Li Dongyang looked at the capital city swept by the northwest wind and said, "It's better not to get involved with Tang Bohu and Dongchang Admiral He Ding, they are not simple people. There is a reason for it, we'd better not act rashly before we don't know, the situation is unclear."

"Students remember the teachings." But Yang Tinghe still didn't quite understand: "What is Tang Bohu trying to trick this time?"

Beijing Tangzhuang
Tang Bohu mobilized some factory workers to come to the field. Hundreds of workers started digging the field with hoes. They scraped away the frozen soil and left the wet soil in the field.Then it was built into an acre of fields, and Tang Bohu bought a lot of silk from the south of the Yangtze River, which is translucent and easy for sunlight to pass through. Tang Bohu is leading the preparations for making greenhouse vegetables.

And the fact that Tang Bohu wanted to grow vegetables in winter was well known by everyone in Tang Zhuang. Everyone thought it was impossible, how could it be possible to grow vegetables in winter.

Tang Bohu's father sat on the edge of the field and looked at his son with a melancholy expression. The old farmer beside him said, "Master Tang, our farm owner has been stimulated by something. How can we grow vegetables in winter?"

"What can I do if the brat is messed up." Tang Bohu's father also had a sad expression on his face, "This bastard can spoil it as much as he wants, anyway, he earned the money, so he can't spend much money on it. As long as the brat is happy."

"Master Tang, you have to take care." The old farmer looked at Tang Bohu with a look of pity, as if Tang Bohu was hopeless.

"I'm in Master Tang, why are you so leisurely!" He Ding was wearing the clothes of an ordinary farmer, and he didn't dare to wear the clothes of Dongchang Changgong for fear of being discovered that he came to Tangzhuang.

"I have to grow vegetables, otherwise His Majesty will chop off my head, Eunuch He, you should know."

Hearing Tang Bohu's painting, He Dian jumped up: "Master Tang, do you really or falsely don't know? Do you know how many officials are impeaching you? The papers of impeachment against you have piled up like a mountain, and I dare not show it to His Majesty."

"Eunuch He, don't worry." Tang Bohu stretched out the shed: "As the saying goes, a lowly man has his own reward."

"What do you mean?" He Ding was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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