Chapter 155
"I mean just stare blankly and wait for God to accept him." Tang Bohu looked at the busy farmers and continued, "How many memorials are there to impeach me?"

He Ding said distressedly: "If you don't say tens, there are hundreds, Mr. Tang, you'd better take care of yourself."

Tang Bohu is used to this kind of thing, those civil servants are just too idle!I don't know what to do when I'm idle, and I always say a few words when I see someone unlucky, to prove my sense of existence.

"Eunuch He." Tang Bohu said with a smile, "How about we change places next time before we fight against the Forbidden City?"

He Ding's eyelids twitched, and he asked, "Where should I change it?"

Tang Bohu looked in the direction of the Forbidden City and said: "Of course it's the top of the Forbidden City, how about we have a decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City next time?"

"Master Tang, stop making trouble." He Ding broke out in cold sweat, "Our family still wants to live for a few more years."

"I'm serious!" Tang Bohu blinked and said.

"Hiss..." He Ding looked at the sky and said, "Our family looks like it's going to snow again, and the clothes don't seem to be confiscated yet? Those bastards in the East Factory are probably still betting money, Mr. Tang, our family is leaving now. "

"Eunuch He, go slowly." Tang Bohu bid farewell.

"Don't send it off, don't send it off!" He Ding wants to leave this daring guy quickly and fight to the top of the Forbidden City?What a joke, this is to fight on the emperor's head.

"Eunuch He think about it." Tang Bohu said loudly to He Ding's back: "I'm serious."

He Ding, who was leaving quickly, got sprained by something when he heard these words, and almost fell to the ground.

Tang Bohu looked at He Ding from a distance, this eunuch could not be called bad, but he couldn't be called good either!It looks a little cute.

After He Ding left, Zhong Ling'er came to Tang Bohu's side in a small step and said, "That is He Ding, the admiral of the East Factory."

"Yes!" Tang Bohu nodded.

"I heard that Master Tang and the admiral of Dongchang fought against the Forbidden City, but now they can talk like friends. It's really incredible." Zhong Ling'er looked at Tang Bohu with a half-smile.

"Yes." Tang Bohu also nodded and said, "It's too unbelievable."

"The admiral of the East Factory must be Mr. Tang acting in a play." Zhong Ling'er saw Tang Bohu's eyes at a glance and continued.

"Woman, you know too much." Tang Bohu straightened his sleeves and said, "It looks like I'm going to kill people to silence my words."

Tang Bohu looked at the seductive Zhong Ling'er and said: "How about this, seeing that you are quite beautiful, I will reluctantly let you buy it, and lie on my bed for nothing tonight, without any clothes on."

"Hmph!" Zhong Ling'er turned her head, "Smelly man!"

"My lord!" Niu Er ran anxiously and said, "Master Tang, I heard that Tian San has been arrested!"

"En!" Tang Bohu nodded solemnly.

"It is said that Tian San gathered a crowd to fight in front of the Forbidden City!" Niu Er said.

"Yes!" Tang Bohu nodded solemnly, "This crime is very serious, and I'm afraid he will be executed after next year's autumn. All we can do now is to offer him a stick of incense, so that he can walk better on the road to the underworld. "

Niu Er blinked, "My lord, don't you want to do something?"

"That's all we can do." Tang Bohu said sadly.

"Your Excellency, it's not good!" A Jinyiwei Xiaoqi said: "Tian Zongqi has been taken to Dongchang Prison!"

"What!" Niu Er opened his eyes wide and said, "Why did they take Tian San away?"

Xiaoqi said in a panic: "It is said that Master Tian is suspected of assassinating His Majesty, and Dongchang will torture him!"

"Bah!" Niu Er spit on the ground, "These bastards are so daring."

Tang Bohu said with a blank face: "Take enough people to snatch Tian San out, even if the East Factory is demolished, I have to rescue them!"

"Humble job!" Niu Er raised his knife and said, "Brothers! Come with me to the East Factory!"

"Master Tang is still acting resolutely and resolutely." Zhong Ling'er said looking at Niu Er who left aggressively.

"You have to play a full set of plays!" Tang Bohu looked at Zhong Ling'er with a smile on his face and said, "Miss Zhong is so cold today, it's better to go back early!"

"Tang Bohu, I really can't see through you more and more." Zhong Ling'er didn't listen to Tang Bohu's words, but looked at him and said, "You are sometimes righteous, but you are a little cunning in your actions, and sometimes you can stand on the sidelines of right and wrong." In front of you, sometimes it's special..."

Zhong Ling'er searched for an adjective for a long time before saying, "Sometimes I'm really shameless."

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Tang Bohu said with a smile, "How can I be so good?"

"Sure enough shameless!" Zhong Ling'er wrinkled her nose and said, "Do you know what your mother told me?"

"What did my mother tell you?" Tang Bohu walked around Zhong Ling'er, "Could it be that my mother asked me to marry you in."

Hearing this, Zhong Ling'er smiled, "That's about it. Your mother said that as long as you want to marry me in, they will never stop you."

Zhong Ling'er grabbed Tang Bohu and whispered, "But do you dare?"

Considering Zhong Ling'er's identity, there are indeed many things about this woman that Tang Bohu can't figure out. He said that in Jiangnan, this woman can fascinate those young men in Jiangnan. There are many enemies of Huaichun boys in the south of the Yangtze River, each of whom can drown himself with a single spit.

But Tang Bohu was already burdened with infamy, so he grabbed Zhong Ling'er's waist while she was not paying attention.

"Smelly man, what do you want to do!" Facing this man's sudden action, Zhong Ling'er said nervously, "What do you want to do in public."

"I, Tang Bohu, really dare. I have done a lot of lawless things, and I don't miss this one!" Tang Bohu said confidently.

Zhong Ling'er broke away from Tang Bohu's hand, and fled with blushing faces!I regretted why I had unconsciously seduced Tang Bohu, but when I looked back, this guy was different from many men I had come into contact with!Regarding the true thoughts in his heart, Tang Bohu never concealed them, but showed them nakedly.

Dare to love, dare to hate, dare to act, dare to act, compared to those men who only know how to look at themselves, but dare not do anything, Tang Bohu is more courageous than them, this is very different from those sour scholars , Tang Bohu doesn't care about etiquette, and he doesn't care about reputation. He looks like a madman who only cares about his own chic and happiness.

Zhong Ling'er raised her head and saw that it was snowing again in the sky, she caught a snowflake and blew gently to let the snowflakes fall, at least Tang Bohu lived very real and magnanimous!Thinking of this, Ling'er's face turned red unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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