Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 160 Big Discovery

Chapter 160 Big Discovery ([-])
Thinking about his words, Tang Bohu didn't think he seemed to be lying!The purpose of rubber is not to let others know!Tang Bohu doesn't want others to get rubber. This is one of the cores of industrial technology, and a lot of equipment needs rubber. If anyone knows the purpose of this thing, Tang Bohu will chase him to the ends of the earth and take that person too. head.

The power of industrial technology is great, and whoever grasps the opportunity first can change this era.

Tang Bohu said again: "Do you have the seeds of this thing?"

"I don't have a seed," he replied immediately, "but I dug up a small one and planted it myself."

After speaking, he pointed to a sapling planted in a flowerpot and said, "That's the kind of tree."

Tang Bohu looked back, and it really was a barley oak tree!It's all effortless.

The foreign businessman was very happy to hear that Tang Bohu could speak their language, as if meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country, he said excitedly: "Can you take me home, I lost my way in the sea!"

"Go home?" Tang Bohu said with a smile, "What do you want to do when you go home?"

Although he didn't know what Tang Bohu would say, but Tian San looked at his lord's smile and knew in his heart that this foreign businessman would not survive. Whenever Tang Bohu wanted to kill someone, he would always show such a smile.

"I want to tell people in our country that there is a place called Daming!" the foreign businessman said excitedly.

Tang Bohu looked at the little oak tree and said, "Do you have any other goods that you can show me?"

"Yes! Of course there is!" The foreign businessman said kindly to Tang Bohu: "I brought a lot of things to Daming."

"Let her go!" Tang Bohu said to his Jin Yiwei in Guanzhong dialect.

Seeing those officers and soldiers let go of themselves, the foreign businessman was so excited that he took Tang Bohu to a small warehouse, opened the door and said, "This is something I collected after drifting at sea for more than half a year. I don't know if there is anything you like, I can For you! My friend!"

Tang Bohu said in fluent English: "You are very enthusiastic."

Looking at the things in the warehouse, the most common thing here is ore. A small thing caught Tang Bohu's attention. He hurriedly picked it up and observed it, saying to himself: "Is this a potato?"

Seeing that Tang Bohu seemed to like his own things very much, he looked at him with a smile and said, "Do you like this thing? I found this in the depths of a continent. This thing seems to be some kind of plant seed."

Tang Bohu looks at potatoes. This thing was first discovered in South America, from the Indian mountains, but was later brought to Europe by Colombian colonists, that is, the country along the Caribbean coast, the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, the Netherlands, and Spain!Tang Bohu immediately thought of these countries that are now starting their sailing business.

Tang Bohu turned around and looked at the foreign businessman. This person must have a different background, unlike an ordinary businessman. Tang Bohu felt that the guy in front of him was more like a person born as a pirate. Compared with this time period, it was the most rampant time of Caribbean pirates.

Tang Bohu looked around again, and found that there was nothing to arouse his interest, so he asked, "Is that all?"

The foreign merchant nodded, "My friend! As long as you can send me home, I can give you all these things!"

Tang Bohu looked directly at the other party, with a very simple and honest smile on his face. Although it was winter, Tang Bohu could still see sunburn marks on his clothes. It seemed that he was a person who had been at sea for a long time, Tang Bohu continued. : "Okay, I can take you home!"

"Great!" The foreign businessman said happily.

Tang Bohu also smiled, but turned to Tian San with a smile and said in Guanzhong dialect: "Kill him!"

"I can go home now!" The foreign businessman said happily, "I finally..."

His voice stopped abruptly, he lowered his head in disbelief, a steel knife had already pierced his chest, Tian San snorted coldly and drew out the knife, swiped the knife again with a blank expression, and directly chopped off his head!

The foreign businessman's head rolled to the ground with surprise in his eyes.

Hu San looked at Tang Bohu, who was laughing and murdering, trembling, kneeling on the ground!

Tang Bohu put the potatoes in his arms, held up the small oak tree and said coldly: "This person can't stay either!"

"Yes!" As soon as the words fell, Tian San swung his knife again and chopped off Hu San's head, blood staining the ground.

Tang Bohu still smiled and walked out of the house as if nothing had happened. Tian San followed closely behind and whispered to his subordinates: "Clean up this place, and keep this matter secret!"

Several Jin Yiwei went to do it immediately, and Tang Bohu observed the oak tree as he walked.

Tian San followed behind Tang Bohu silently, he knew what kind of person his lord was!However, he was still shocked by Tang Bohu's decisiveness in killing. Tian San followed Tang Bohu and killed many people, but he couldn't understand why Tang Bohu would kill a businessman from a foreign country, and he was so decisive.

The real reason is only known to Tang Bohu, Tang Bohu is very happy today, this is definitely a big discovery!After discovering potatoes and rubber, for Tang Bohu, the next industrial plan will be smoother, but he is happy but also worried. The colonial war in the West has already begun.

The era of great voyages has also begun, but today's Ming Dynasty is still resting on its laurels!

Tang Bohu was very anxious, he desperately hoped that Daming could take that step!After Zheng He went to the Western Seas during the Yongle period, Daming blocked off the sea, even to the point of not being able to go to the sea, which Tang Bohu rejected very much.

"My lord, I've packed it up!" Tian San reported, "The two corpses have also been cremated into ashes, and no one will find them."

Tang Bohu nodded, and Tian San became more and more able to handle things!There are some things that Tang Bohu didn't say that he can already handle them by himself.

Back at Tangzhuang, Tang Bohu planted the sprouted potatoes in the newly built greenhouse!But Tang Bohu hesitated again about this small oak tree. It is not easy to plant an oak tree. I don't want potatoes to be so casual about the environment. Right now, this small rubber tree is half dead.

The main place of origin of the oak tree is the Columbia region where the foreign businessman is located, and it is also one of the places of origin. Tang Bohu envied the unique industrial advantages of the West.

Carefully holding the small rubber tree, Tang Bohu planned to transplant it to the south after the roots of this tree became harder. During this period, he must take care of it carefully. This may be the only rubber tree in Daming.

It didn't take much effort to get it, Tang Bohu felt that he got a big deal!Even God is taking care of himself.

(End of this chapter)

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