Chapter 161

Rubber trees are not suitable for planting in the north, but more suitable for planting in the south, which requires abundant water resources and a warm climate!Standing in the newly built greenhouse, Tang Bohu observed that the vegetables had almost been sown!If the fertilizer is sufficient and the temperature in the greenhouse is acceptable, Tang Bohu is sure that he can eat fresh vegetables within two months.

Walking out of the warm greenhouse, Tang Bohu saw that the group of orphans he had taken in at the beginning were already patrolling Tangzhuang in good shape!

Going forward, Tang Bohu said to them, "I've grown a lot taller, do you still like living here?"

"As long as the younger brothers and sisters have food to eat!"

Tang Bohu looked at the child in the lead with a little arrogance, and then said: "I remember you, your name is Tietou, right?"

"Yes!" Iron Head replied.

Seeing the other party's straight-forward answer, and standing up straight, I didn't expect Niu Er to train them well, "Where is Niu Er?"

"Coach Niu is busy." Tietou continued, "Coach Niu said, let us train ourselves."

"Is Niu Er busy?" Tang Bohu was puzzled. In the capital, Tian San was patrolling with people, Yan Song was watching at the factory, and Wang Shouren was watching at Tangzhuang Academy. It seemed that Niu Er was the only one who had the most free time. What was he doing? busy.

"Take me to see your bull coach."

Tietou knew that Tang Bohu was the biggest landlord here. Although he had a very bad reputation outside, everyone said that Tang Bohu was a murderous official in Jinyiwei. It's very free, and no one will bully yourself.

Moreover, the people in Tangzhuang are also living well, and they are also very friendly to their children.

"Yes! Chuang Tzu!" Tie Tou stood up straight and replied, and then led Tang Bohu to find Niu Er.

Passing by several houses with smoke curling up from their kitchens, and walking on the path paved with bluestone, Tang Bohu found Niu Er, a little strange!The scene before him was Niu Er arguing with a boy, and that boy was Su San who was brought back from Liaodong!

;Seeing that the scolding between the two became more and more fierce, Tang Bohu didn't want to watch the scolding between the two, so he stepped forward and interrupted: "What are you arguing about?"

"I've met the owner!" Niu Er immediately saluted Tang Bohu!

"Hmph!" Su San turned her head, "You look like a dog!"

"Who do you think looks like a dog!" Niu Er was immediately unhappy, waiting for Big Eyeball to say angrily.

"It's you!" Su San cursed, "To say you look like a dog is to insult a dog!"

"Speech!" Niu Er spat out a mouthful, took a few steps back, pulled out a knife from his waist, and cursed, "Damn! Master is going to chop off your head today, and see what's growing in your dog's mouth!"

"Come on!" Su San also raised her bow!

"Enough!" Tang Bohu yelled angrily, and then kicked Niu Er's ass, "Are you going to pay back the uncle?"

Niu Er immediately lost his temper in front of Tang Bohu.

Tang Bohu kicked and punched Niu Er, "Do you dare to ask your uncle's name? I want to greet your uncle's family! They are all in their twenties. Do you want to lose face by competing with a child?"

After yelling at Niu Er, Tang Bohu turned around and hit Su San on the back of the head with a thump, "And you! Niu Er is your elder and an official of Ming Dynasty! There is no one in his mouth, will he? Speak well! Can't you even respect your seniors?"

"But I..."

Just as Su San was about to quibble, Tang Bohu yelled again, "What? How dare you fight back? Believe it or not, I threw you to that place in Liaodong, where even birds don't shit?"

After Tang Bohu scolded, the two stood side by side like a deflated ball, not daring to speak anymore.

"Tell me, why did you quarrel?" Tang Bohu asked helplessly, and Tietou stood aside with his younger siblings, watching Tang Bohu scold and both of them held back their smiles.

"He snatched my girls!" Su San pointed at Niu Er and said immediately.

"Who stole your bitch!" Niu Er jumped up immediately, "Who is your bitch again?"

"Wait!" Tang Bohu stopped them and said, "The amount of information is a bit large, let me read it..."

Su San had indeed taken a fancy to a widow before, but now Su San said that Niu Er robbed his wife?Could it be that Niu Er also took a fancy to that widow?
Tang Bohu tentatively asked, "A widow?"

"En!" Niu Er and Su San nodded together.

"Who is this widow exactly?" Tang Bohu touched his chin, making two very potential characters under him fight, and then said: "You all have your eyes on that widow?"

"En!" Niu Er and Su San nodded together again.

Tang Bohu said again: "That's good! Since you are all interested in this widow, but it is impossible for her to marry both of you men at the same time, there are three ways now!"

Niu Er and Su San immediately raised their heads and looked at Tang Bohu.

Tang Bohu smiled and said: "The first way is to let the widow marry one of you, but the other must not object!"

"No!" Su San objected immediately! "You can marry this surnamed Niu!"

"Hey~!" Niu Er glared again, "Why not!"

"Shut up!" Tang Bohu cursed angrily, "I haven't finished yet!"

Niu Er and Su San shut their mouths.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "The second way, you two will be my confidantes in the future, I can't watch you two disagree, if you don't give in to this widow, I can only kill that widow! "

"My lord! No!" Niu Er said.

"No!" Su San also resolutely refused!

"Alas..." Tang Bohu shook his head and sighed: "Then there is only one way. In a few years, Ming Dynasty will definitely fight a war. Maybe it is to attack the grassland, or it may be to enter the East China Sea, so this widow has meritorious service. You all give your body now." I'll take care of it, and when the time comes, the widow who deserves the most credit will marry him!"

Hearing that Niu Er and Su San were silent, it seemed that Tang Bohu's condition was still questionable.

Su San thought about it for a while and then said immediately: "What if this man surnamed Niu sneaks into someone's house in the middle of the night and kills that widow? Is the raw rice already ripe?"

"Am I that kind of person!" Niu Er's face flushed with anger, "What do you mean boiled cooked rice with raw rice? That's a widow, it's already cooked! At most, I would stir-fry the cooked rice."

"Okay!" Su San scolded loudly: "You bastard, you still want to flip the cooked rice and fry it, you really want to do that! Am I right!"

"Stinky boy, don't spout blood!" Niu Er scolded angrily!

"What's wrong with me spraying you!" Su San glared at the other party, spit out a few mouthfuls, "Bah, bah, bah! If I keep spouting, I'll spit on you, what a drop!"

(End of this chapter)

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