Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 183 The Imperial Examination Situation

Chapter 183

After Xu Jing left, Tang Bohu fell into contemplation. How many poor students studied hard for decades just to get ahead, how many put all their youth on the imperial examination. The imperial examination is the springboard and the only way for poor scholars to get ahead!In order not to be a commoner in Qianshou like their parents, they risked their lives to study.

Today's emperors attach great importance to imperial examinations, and there can be no mistakes in the imperial examinations, let alone mistakes.

Putting his mind away, Tang Bohu walked out of the house and came to a tree-lined path in Tangzhuang, Tian San came to Tang Bohu and said, "What do you want to do, sir?"

"Recently, you have been managing the patrols in the capital." Tang Bohu said worriedly.

"Return to your lord." Tian San replied: "The humble officer has never slacked off on patrolling the capital, and he has also caught a few thieves these days."

As the spring breeze blew across the lake, Tang Bohu continued: "From now on, some spies will be dispatched from our Jinyiwei, and I want to monitor one person."

"Please tell me, my lord, even if it is a humble job, I will not hesitate." Tian San said.

Watching the ripples subside on the lake, Tang Bohu waved his fan and said, "This man's name is Xu Jing, and he is from Jiangyin. It should not be difficult to find out in the Jiangnan scholar circle. Keep an eye on this man's actions until the imperial examination begins." gone."

"I understand." Tian San replied and left in a hurry.

In the distance, Zhong Ling'er stood not far away and looked at Tang Bohu with a smile at some point.

"Why are you here?" Tang Bohu asked.

Zhong Ling'er smiled and said: "I found that there are often Jinyiwei in this place."

"The matter of Jin Yiwei has nothing to do with you, right?" Tang Bohu was a little wary.

She gave Tang Bohu a coquettish look, "What are you so nervous for? I just came to see it. By the way, a scholar just met me by chance. He gave me a hairpin."

"Ms. Zhong's beauty and beauty are naturally admired by many people." Tang Bohu said.

"That young man's name is Xu Jing." Zhong Ling'er said, "Before I met him, I heard from him that this Xu Jing had all the friendship with you."

"A guy with big eyes but low hands, how can I have any friendship with him." Tang Bohu looked at the delicate hairpin on Zhong Ling'er's bun and said, "He gave you the hairpin, and you just accepted it for nothing?"

"How dare I!" Zhong Ling'er said, "I'll give him a few more taels of silver."

"You are so smart!" Tang Bohu walked beside Zhong Ling'er and said, "You gave us Tang Zhuang's face, and then swept the other party's face, I don't know how wonderful Xu Jing's expression was at the moment when he accepted the money. "

Zhong Ling'er covered her mouth and smiled softly: "You, you, everyone knows that gentlemen are good, why don't you give me something!"

"I gave you the management of the factory. My factory in Tangzhuang runs tens of thousands of taels of silver every month. Do you seem to be short of things?"

Zhong Ling'er pouted and said aggrievedly: "Then why don't the great talents of Tang just be more straightforward and give me the factory? This girl is not in vain, just treat this factory as a dowry gift for marrying me." .”

"That's a good idea." Tang Bohu nodded, "If you marry me, then what's yours will be mine. Anyway, the factory will be regarded as a bride price, and you will become my woman. If you have a factory, the factory will still belong to my Tang family, so it's useless A lady is a good deal."

"Then you agree?" Zhong Ling'er said in a charming manner against the spring breeze.

"It's a good idea." Tang Bohu's words seemed to pour cold water on her.

"Then you still care about this Qiuxiang in your heart." Zhong Ling'er put away her charming demeanor and said, "Qiuxiang is also the adopted daughter of a wealthy family in Huafu.
Madam treats Qiuxiang as a daughter, but I was born in a worldly life, compared with Qiuxiang, I am just a prostitute serving men for pleasure. "

"Don't underestimate yourself." Tang Bohu was a little emotional, "In my heart, you are all women, independent individuals, no distinction between high and low. If I really have a family background, how can I let you stay in my house for so long? Like Qiuxiang, you are all beautiful women in the world in my heart."

Tang Bohu's words made Zhong Ling'er stop in her tracks and stare blankly at the other party. Although she didn't know if Tang Bohu was speaking from the bottom of her heart, it was the first time she heard such words in more than 20 years. There are many men around Ling'er who covet her, but in the eyes of those men, it can be seen that they just regard themselves as playthings, don't want the so-called affection and love, just see a plaything that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Zhong Ling'er hadn't experienced the so-called respect for a long time, Zhong Ling'er suddenly smiled, quickly embraced Tang Bohu's arm, and leaned against this man who was a few years younger than herself.

"Miss Zhong, wouldn't it be too impolite for you to do so in such a bright day?" Tang Bohu wanted to free his hand, but the other party grabbed it hard and smiled!The self who came here through time travel has never experienced a woman before, and felt the warmth and thoughtfulness of Zhong Ling'er, and felt ashamed to have a physical reaction.

Zhong Ling'er hugged Tang Bohu's arm and said: "I don't care what they think of me, anyway, I have decided to grab you Tang Bohu for the rest of my life, and I want you to marry me!"

"Miss Zhong!" Tang Bohu smiled wryly: "You are a good girl, don't ask a man to marry you every now and then, okay, how decent is it, can you be more reserved."

"Don't be reserved, I will be your woman." Zhong Ling'er said very stubbornly.

"Then Miss Zhong, please..." Tang Bohu paused, "Let me be reserved."

"You..." Zhong Ling'er looked at Tang Bohu and didn't know what to say for a while, raised her pink fist and hammered Tang Bohu's body continuously, and then left in shame and anger.

Back at his home, Tang Bohu planned to take a look at the brochures sent by Tian San when he patrolled the capital these days.

Zhong Ling'er brought a cup of hot tea in a low voice, put it on the side of the table, and watched Tang Bohu quietly pick up the teacup and was about to put it into his mouth, but Tang Bohu stopped and looked up and said, "Miss Zhong, why are you looking at me like this?"

"This is the tea I brewed myself, I want to watch you drink it." Zhong Ling'er said.

"Watched me drink it, did you make it yourself?" Tang Bohu couldn't help thinking and said in a low voice: "Could it be that you took the medicine? Make me dizzy and then sleep with me in my clothes. Raw and cooked rice, jump into the Yellow River to wash it too." Unclear."

"Wow! What a powerful calculation!" Tang Bohu nodded as if admiring.

Hearing Tang Bohu's words, Zhong Ling'er clenched her fists angrily, and her eyes went dark as a gust of fragrant wind blew by.


Zhong Ling'er punched Tang Bohu's left eye right in the middle, and then there was another burst of fists that covered the sky, and screams came from the study.

(End of this chapter)

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