Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 184 The Imperial Examination Situation

Chapter 184

Zhong Ling'er squeezed and hit, Tang Bohu retreated steadily while begging for mercy, "Miss Zhong, please stop!"

"Stop pinching! It hurts..."

"This lady! I was wrong!"

"Don't come here, if you come again, I'll show you from the palace! Er... No." Tang Bohu immediately changed his words, "Believe it or not, I'll blow it up for you to see."

Zhong Ling'er squeezed the soft flesh of Tang Bohu's waist, and said threateningly: "Okay, you great talent Tang, try to blew yourself up, so that I can open my eyes!"

Tang Bohu looked at Zhong Linger riding on his waist, she leaned over to look at him, gritted her teeth Tang Bohu sneered and said: "Little fairy, don't be presumptuous! If you want to force me, I will take out my big baby." !"

"What?" Zhong Ling'er was still puzzled.

Tang Bohu turned over and changed their positions again. Zhong Ling'er was pressed by the other party in midsummer. Looking at Tang Bohu's burning eyes, Zhong Ling'er was a little at a loss.

"You...what do you want to do!" Zhong Ling'er said blushing.

Just as Tang Bohu was about to strike, a childish cry came, "Brother, what are you doing!"

Hearing Tangyue's voice, Tang Bohu remained motionless as if petrified, most of the fire in his heart was extinguished, Zhong Ling'er also saw Tang Yue, the posture of a man and a woman was a bit shameful and their clothes were disheveled, Zhong Ling'er quickly fled Tang Bohu.

"Brother, are you bullying Sister Zhong!" Tangyue asked again.

"I didn't bully her." Tang Bohu pulled his younger sister out of the study, "Brother, I just planned to discuss a very profound issue with your sister Zhong, about the structure of the human body, purely academic. And we all look at it with a critical and critical eye.”

"Cut!" Letting her brother hold hands, Tangyue turned her head aside and said, "You're lying to a child! Don't think I don't know what you two want to do."

"Aren't you just a child!" Tang Bohu said flatteringly.

"Hmph! I'm ignoring you!" Tang Yue left with a cold snort and said, "I'm going to play with my mother, my brother is getting worse and worse!"

"The little girl is finally gone." Tang Bohu tidied up his clothes and returned to the study with only messy books left. Zhong Ling'er had already left while he was talking with his sister.

"I almost couldn't control myself." Tang Bohu sighed like a shock after a catastrophe, "Women are really scary."

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Xu Jing returned to the inn where he stayed in the capital, picked it up and kept drawing on the rice paper. After a few hours, a portrait of a woman was clearly on the paper. If you carefully observe the woman in the painting, it will take a few minutes Xu Jing is a student from a humble family, and has never seen any great world, so he naturally didn't know that the woman he met was Zhong Ling'er, a famous beauty in the south of the Yangtze River. Only when he met in Tangzhuang, the face of the other party was deeply engraved. In his mind, Xu Jing looked at the woman in the painting with obsession in his eyes.

His heart was throbbing. He had seen not many women but not many, but the face of that woman in Tangzhuang was amazing. Xu Jing had never seen such a beautiful woman before. After a few pieces of silver, his expression fell into disappointment again.

My fair lady is a gentleman, Xu Jing thinks he is a strong person, and he doesn't want to be inferior to others in everything.

After sending the hairpin and returning some silver to himself, Xu Jing firmly held the silver in his hand and said in a cold tone: "I have a longing for you, but you treat me like a peddler? Do you look down on me so much?"

There was fierceness and desire in his eyes, Xu Jing picked up the drawing paper and lit it and threw it out of the window, watching Zhong Ling'er's face disappear little by little in the flames.

After pouring some cold water on his face, Xu Jing calmed down and thought about the situation when he met her. There were guards around this woman who explained that she belonged to a rich family. Tangzhuang is just a small village, and the only rich family there is Tang Home, a name came to mind.

Tang Bohu!Could it be that this woman is Tang Bohu's woman?Standing at the window of the inn, Xu Jing looked at all the living beings in the capital, and said in a low voice, "No matter whose woman you are, if Xu Jing likes you, I will definitely get you."

Xu Jing said like an oath, when someone knocked on the door of his room, "Xu Jing, are you there?"

Hearing that a classmate was calling him, Xu Jing put away his expression and opened the door with a gentle expression again.
A Jiangnan student said: "Recently, I found out that there is an academy in the capital that is as famous as the Imperial College, and it is run by a Jiangnan native."

"An academy as famous as Guozijian?" Xu Jing was puzzled.

Another classmate said: "Brother Xu Xian doesn't know, there is a Tangzhuang outside the capital, and there is an academy there. It is said that many Gongsheng students of the Imperial College will go there to attend classes."

Tangzhuang?Is it Tangzhuang again?When Xu Jing went to Tangzhuang, he didn't see any academies or private schools, not to mention academies as famous as Guozijian.

"Then go and have a look." Xu Jing said, still thinking about the woman in his heart, hoping to see him again.

"You don't know something. I don't know if you students know about Tang Yin?"

Several Jiangnan scholars discussed while walking.

"Of course I know." Another person said: "It is said that this Tang Yin is a fanatic scholar, and he sang a line of Li Du's poem that has been handed down by mouth, which is not new until now, and this person was speechless to the hundreds of scholars who were on the boat in Qinhuai. Since then, he has become famous on both sides of the south of the Yangtze River, and now there is still Tang Bohu writing the pair on the painting boat, it seems that no one has matched it yet."

"Then Tangzhuang Academy is run by Tang Bohu."

Walking aside, Xu Jing had naturally heard of the name Tang Yin. As for Tang Yin, Xu Jing had also inquired about the character Tang Bohu. He knew that this Tang Bohu was not a scholar but a thousand householders of Jinyiwei.

A group of people walked towards Tangzhuang, but they hadn't noticed that there were several pairs of eyes staring at Xu Jing behind them.

Coming and coming again, Xu Jing looked at Tang Zhuang and looked around for the academy that he hadn't found when he first came, but there were private houses all around and he didn't find the existence of the academy.

Several Jiangnan scholars were also puzzled.

Xu Jing came up to an old farmer who was digging new soil in the field and said, "Uncle, may I ask where Tangzhuang Academy is?"

The old farmer looked up, saw several scholars who looked like students, and said, "The Academy is three miles downstream of our Tangzhuang Xiaohe, and there are many children there, you can see it by the river."

"Thank you, old man." Xu Jing said politely.

Walking towards the small river mentioned by the old farmer, if Xu Jing and others were a wealthy family in the village, in Xu Jing's eyes, they suddenly saw the word "Tang Mansion" written on the door. With a gentle look on his face, he came to the riverside with a gentle smile and saw an academy with the sound of reading aloud.

(End of this chapter)

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