Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 195 The Imperial Examination Situation

Chapter 195 The Imperial Examination Situation ([-])

"You saved my face for me, but the person who was beaten up was the prince!" Zhu Houzhao said hesitantly, "Isn't it not good for you to restore the face of the prince?"

"Then what does His Royal Highness think?" Tang Bohu continued to ask.

"Generally, you should not move your mouth when you can do things with your hands." Zhu Houzhao said firmly: "The prince will be beaten back!"

"But that Yang Sheng passed the Jiangnan Tribute Academy's imperial examination, so he can at least be considered a scholar." Tang Bohu persuaded him, "According to what our Daming said, this famous person cannot be beaten casually."

"I'm the prince! Can't I beat you too?" Zhu Houzhao said.

"If His Highness the Crown Prince beats up this scholar, the court ministers will surely spare the Crown Prince lightly," Tang Bohu said.

"Then the beating of the crown prince was for nothing?" Zhu Houzhao said while rubbing his nose.

"In fact, we can use a more gentle method." Tang Bohu continued: "For example, if we ask Yang Sheng to write a review of several hundred words, the content must be profound! No profound rewriting."

Zhu Houzhao: "What is a review?"

"It is to write his confession on paper and confess to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the form of a letter." Tang Bohu shook his fan and said, "And this is also very suitable for a scholar. Isn't he, Yang Sheng, a scholar! We will use the method of a scholar. deal with him."

"It's a new thing." Zhu Houzhao nodded with great interest, then paced and said: "By the way, the prince has always wondered why the prince can't compose poems by himself on a normal day, but he has a drink with you, Tang Bohu. It’s a word of mouth, but the prince can’t remember it at all afterward.”

Hearing Zhu Houzhao's words, Tang Bohu's heart tightened, "It may be that His Royal Highness was possessed by Wenquxing after he got drunk."

"Don't lie to me!" Zhu Houzhao said, "The Crown Prince pressed Liu Jin for a long time before he confessed that these poems were written by you, Tang Bohu, and you just put the name of the Crown Prince on it."

Tang Bohu patted Zhu Houzhao's shoulder lightly and said, "His Royal Highness, you have finally realized it!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhu Houzhao waved his hands and said, "Recently, a few dancers from the Western Regions came to the palace. They wore very little clothes and danced pretty well. Are you interested in going to the palace to see them together?"

Observing Zhu Houzhao, Tang Bohu thought that Zhu Houzhao could be considered a teenager, just in puberty!And now it's spring, the little prince's crotch is probably about to stand up under the sprout of spring.

Shaking his head and refusing, Tang Bohu said leisurely, "I have a light taste recently and am a vegetarian!"

Understanding Tang Bohu's meaning, Zhu Houzhao went on to say: "Okay then, I'm going to have lunch soon, I have to go back quickly, remember to bring me the review next time."

"His Royal Highness, go slowly." Tang Bohu respectfully sent it off.

In a corner of Tangzhuang, Yang Sheng said to several captains of Jinyiwei around him: "This morning, my uncle beat up a very special person. Do you know who it is?"

Several captains of Jinyiwei looked at Uncle Yang and shook their heads dully.

"That's His Majesty's own son. My future Emperor and Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty was beaten up by me! You can say that I can brag about it for a few years..."

Yang Sheng was bragging triumphantly, but several Jinyiwei consumers looked at each other in blank dismay, and someone said: "Yang Baihu still has clothes at home, so I have to leave."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Another captain of Jinyiwei said, "It seems that I forgot to cover the fire after cooking at home, and I have to rush back to avoid the house flooding in time."

"It doesn't look very good today, I'm afraid it's going to rain, and I have resigned from my humble position." said the third captain of Jinyiwei.

Yang Sheng watched them leave one by one.I couldn't help but feel a little lost in my heart, "Why are you walking so fast, I haven't finished talking yet."

The air around became quiet. Thinking of the gazes of the little flags and the captain, Yang Sheng suddenly felt something was wrong, and whispered: "Not good, there is a murderous look!"

"You don't even know the face you slapped me!"

Hearing only a scolding sound, Yang Sheng only felt that he was kicked on the back, and immediately after that, he was hit by fists, hands and feet continuously.

"Stop! Who are you? I'm an official of the imperial court. I'm Jin Yiwei!"

"Stop beating! Who are you, why are you beating me?" Yang Sheng begged for mercy and screamed. ,

When the opponent's group fought for nearly an hour and a half next time, they finally stopped. .

Yang Sheng struggled to stand up, his clothes were ragged, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he raised his head and finally saw the boy in front of him.

"The crown prince is very proud, isn't he?" Zhu Houzhao said speculatively: Donggongdong just happened to be short of a few eunuchs recently.I think it suits you. "

"No." Yang Sheng quickly covered his crotch and closed it, "I would rather die than cut it! I am the only seedling in the family, and I am counting on me to carry on the family."

"For Tang Bohu's sake, the crown prince spared you today. Be careful next time you have something under your crotch."

Zhu Houzhao finished venting and walked away. Yang Sheng lay on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face. The roots of descendants are gone, it seems that this capital city is really dangerous.

Sighing, Yang Sheng regretted why he didn't learn the Yang family's marksmanship well at that time, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a mess.

Tian San looked at the cause and effect of this scene from a distance, and he witnessed that the incident about Yang Sheng and Uncle Yang was actually his own fault.exist
Tang Bohu's foolishness made the prince let Yang Sheng go, but he didn't expect Yang Sheng to be arrogant. Who is bigger between the prince and you? Doesn't he have a point in his heart?
Tian San shook his head helplessly and sighed, he had some news to tell his master Tang quickly.

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Listening to what Tian San said, Tang Bohu knew the general idea of ​​the matter!When the little book boy in his family disappeared, he would naturally notice something strange. After careful inquiry, Cheng Minzheng finally found the door, and found Tang Bohu's door!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Cheng Minzheng, you are finally here." Tang Bohu opened and closed his eyes and said, "Where is Cheng Minzheng now?"

Tian San reported: "Master Cheng Minzheng is waiting in Qianhu, our capital."

"Isn't he coming to Tangzhuang?"

"He said he wanted to explain the matter clearly in court." Tian San continued: "This Cheng Minzheng is really a stubborn old man, he won't listen to what he says, and he also said that it should be a business and he should act like a business. It will be different at home."

"Why is it different?" Tang Bohu stood up disapprovingly and said, "I just don't want to go to my Qianhu yamen, let that old guy stay there and wait to become a fairy."

(End of this chapter)

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