Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 196 The Imperial Examination Situation

Chapter 196
"My lord!" Tian San persuaded, "This is not good, this Cheng Minzheng is notoriously stubborn."

This Cheng Minzheng is now serving as the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, and he is also in charge of the Jingyan. Jingyan means the lecturer in front of the emperor, which is equivalent to serving as a student. His rights are similar to those of a bachelor of the Imperial Academy, except that this official position of Cheng Minzheng can often be swayed in front of His Majesty. , when the emperor doesn't understand something, he can say a sentence and explain it.

Tang Bohu sighed and said, "Talk about this matter to Li Dongyang."

"I understand." Tian San hastily left Tangzhuang again. From the very beginning when Tang Bohu asked Jin Yiwei to monitor Xu Jing, Tian San still didn't understand. He always thought that Xu Jing had offended his Master Tang, but now Seeing that Xu Jing really has a plan.

Is this what my adults discovered by chance?Thinking of this, Tian San fought a cold war!Can Tang Bohu really see through people at a glance?
Doubting in his heart, Tian San hurriedly came to the capital again and came to Li Dongyang's mansion. It was now evening, and Li Dongyang had just finished his dinner. Knowing that Tian San was Tang Bohu's capable subordinate, he did not hesitate to invite him into the house.

Tian San told Li Dongyang what happened in the past two days.

After listening to it, Li Dongyang's face was heavy, and he said, "This matter must not be made public."

"Humble job understands." Tian San continued: "Only me, Mr. Tang and a few captains of Jinyiwei know about this matter. Mr. Li Ge is very strict with us, and the only ones who know the ins and outs of this matter are the humble job and Master Tang."

"Okay!" Li Dongyang nodded and said, "Where is Cheng Minzheng now?"

"It's in our Jinyiwei Qianhu yamen." Tian San returned.

"Take me there!" Li Dongyang replied worriedly. The imperial examination was the first major event since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. If there was an accident in the imperial examination, he would be the chief examiner of the imperial examination!To hold yourself accountable must be the first to bear the brunt.

"Cheng Minzheng!" Cheng Minzheng, whom Li Dongyang met at Jinyiwei Qianhu Yamen, said, "How can you be so careless!"

Cheng Minzheng was about the same age as Li Dongyang. When he saw Li Dongyang, he said, "Oh...it's hard to guard against house thieves by day and night! I never thought that my school boy would be such a school boy."

"School boy?" Li Dongyang said suspiciously: "I remember that book boy was an orphan in the past. You took him in because you saw him as pitiful. You watched this young man grow up. I've seen this man with a good heart."

"Mr. Li Ge doesn't know something." Cheng Minzheng showed a look of embarrassment on his face, "This Cheng Minzheng has been helping me organize various books and memorials from various places in the study. I also thought that I could use this to let him read more books. Let him gain fame and fame, at least let him know a few more words."

"But I never expected this kid to be addicted to gambling, going in and out of the casino every day!" Cheng Minzheng sighed, "A good kid is ruined! He must have lost all his money and wanted to gamble again, so he wanted to blame me Sell ​​it for some money and then go to gamble."

Cheng Minzheng's disappointed expression fell into Tian San's eyes, and Li Dongyang said: "Tian San, if you still don't take us to see Tang Bohu, this old man will personally intervene in this matter!"

"Then what!" Tian San said with some difficulty: "Master Cheng Minzheng refuses to move to Tangzhuang, and there is nothing he can do about his humble position."

Looking at the dilapidated Jinyiwei Qianhu yamen, there are a few mice scurrying by, saying that Tang Bohu's Qianhu yamen has become a haunted house. At first Li Dongyang thought it was just someone else's exaggeration, but now it is really so.

"Could it be that if Cheng Minzheng doesn't go to Tangzhuang, he Tang Bohu won't come to Qianhusuo?" Li Dongyang was obviously angry.

"This is an adult's business, even a lowly position can't handle it." Tian San explained.

"This Tang Bohu's stinky rules and stinky problems!" Li Dongyang waved his sleeves and said, "Cheng Minzheng, you come with me! It's about tens of millions of students in the imperial examination, so don't take it lightly! You must ask clearly!"

Now that Li Dongyang had said everything, Cheng Minzheng had no choice but to follow Wan Tangzhuang.

Tian San followed behind them step by step, no wonder the adults in his family wanted to talk to Li Dongyang about this matter, it turned out that the adults had already thought that Li Dongyang would not stand on the sidelines.

"What are you laughing at!" Li Dongyang noticed Tian San's expression.

"Nothing!" Tian San said in a low voice: "The humble job just thought of an interesting thing."

Li Dongyang could feel that the people under Tang Bohu's subordinates gradually had the shadow of Tang Bohu's way of doing things. It could be seen that Tian San had a lot of thoughts, but he didn't want to go straight to Tangzhuang.

On an open space in Tangzhuang, Xu Jing and Cheng Minzheng's little book boy was brought in front of Tang Bohu.

"Xu Jing, did we meet again? You can keep silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court." Tang Bohu said leisurely.

After being taken down by Tang Bohu's Jin Yiwei, Xu Jing has calmed down a lot. This time, his reputation is likely to be ruined!He regretted in his heart, but he didn't have regret medicine anymore, he just felt sorry for his parents, and he didn't expect Tang Bohu to wait for him there as if he had laid an ambush.

"Tang Bohu! Did you set me up!" Xu Jing stared at the other party and said.

"No!" Tang Bohu replied decisively, then looked at the little bookboy kneeling beside Xu Jing and said, "Tell me, how did the two of you hook up."

Tang Bohu asked this question, Xu Jing just wanted to answer, Xu Zhenqing appeared behind Tang Bohu, looked at Xu Zhenqing standing behind Tang Bohu, Xu Jing was surprised again, Xu Zhenqing belonged to Tang Bohu!

Could it be that this is really Tang Bohu's trick.

"It's him..." Xu Jing looked at Xu Zhenqing to identify him.

But when Xu Zhenqing took out a simple bracelet with broken marks, Xu Jing immediately shut his mouth when he saw this thing. It was his mother's belongings, and the jade bracelet broke a few years ago. , because it was my mother's dowry, I was reluctant to lose it, so I tried to glue it together and wear it again, and I have been wearing it for many years.

Xu Jing knew that he would never find a bracelet that was exactly the same.

"Why are you here?" Tang Bohu looked back at Xu Zhenqing who was behind him.

"It's okay to be idle, come out for a walk, and I saw you interrogating the prisoner here." Xu Zhenqing played with the bracelet in his hand and said, "Did these two people commit any crime?"

"Yes!" Tang Bohu couldn't deny it.

"These two are the restless flies you mentioned?" Xu Zhenqing said.

"Probably." Tang Bohu smiled wryly.

Seeing what Tang Bohu and Xu Zhenqing said to each other, Xu Jing was very conflicted, whether it was Tang Bohu's trick, or it was just a coincidence.

Xu Jing stared at the bracelet in Xu Zhenqing's hand and was very angry, but he didn't know what to say, what to do if his parents and children were in their hands, until this moment Xu Jing was really scared.

(End of this chapter)

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