Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 201 The Imperial Examination Situation

Chapter 201
Wude did not speak but handed a file to Zhu Youtang and said: "Your Majesty, you will know after a look. Although Tang Bohu and Xu Zhenqing seem to be in harmony, there is no unbreakable window paper in the world. After Tang Bohu understands , then these two are enemies who have turned against each other."

Zhu Youtang opened the file and looked at it for a long time and said, "Has this Xu Zhenqing done so many things in the ten years of traveling?"

"Yes." Wude went on to say: "Has your Majesty ever thought about this possibility? Even if Tang Bohu wants to deal with Xu Jing, he doesn't need to use such tricks. It's not so much a conspiracy between Tang Bohu and Xu Zhenqing as to go around in such a big circle." Xu Zhenqing played a trick on Tang Bohu."

Zhu Youtang replied: "My first thought when I heard about this was Tang Bohu's trick for Xu Jing, and many people must have thought the same way, and if I hadn't seen this dossier, I would definitely have thought the same way! "

Wude nodded, "It's actually a trivial matter, but if this incident happens in the east, it will cause great trouble to Chaotang and Tang Bohu. Xu Jing offended Tang Bohu, and Tang Bohu held a grudge in order to deal with Xu Jing. He designed this trap and sold it. The question was given to Xu Jing, Tang Bohu leaked the test questions, he must be doomed in the court, and Xu Jing is just a victim."

Zhu Youtang: "If Xu Zhenqing designed this matter, he not only wants Tang Bohu to be ruined, but also wants Tang Bohu's life!"

"Your Majesty, do we want to intervene in this matter?" Wude asked.

"What did Tang Bohu do?" Zhu Youtang said thoughtfully.

Wude replied: "Tang Bohu didn't do anything, he just arrested Xu Jing without making a fuss."

"Tang Bohu doesn't understand sensuality, but he's smart." Zhu Youtang ordered, "Focus on this matter, I want to see how Tang Bohu can get out of this matter."

Wude bowed and saluted, left Zhu Youtang's side, and walked out of the Forbidden City with a heavy heart!Will Xu Zhenqing really design a trap to deal with Tang Bohu?Or is it that Xu Zhenqing is just a pawn in this ring, looking up in annoyance and sighing that he is wearing a simple monk robe and walking on the street with people coming and going, not at all conspicuous.

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The conversation between Tang Bohu, Xu Zhenqing and Wen Zhengming was still going on, and there was a chat between them without saying a word. Wen Zhengming continued, "What is Lao Wang doing recently?"

Xu Zhenqing said: "For the imperial examination, he has been studying hard behind closed doors, and even the classes in the academy have been suspended."

"Maybe he is studying life now." Tang Bohu said, waving his fan: "At this moment, he should be fighting between heaven and man, just like the so-called fighting against himself, enjoying the endless joy, and always preparing to overcome the catastrophe and attain the Tao , and then become a saint.”

"Hehehe!" Xu Zhenqing shook her head and smiled wryly.

"I should go too." Tang Bohu stood up and said, "Recently, there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm others. You must not have the intention to harm others, but you must also guard against others. This world is really troublesome."

After listening to Tang Bohu's words, Xu Zhenqing drank a cup of tea calmly.

Only Xu Zhenqing and Wen Zhengming were left in the room. Wen Zhengming thought about it and said, "What does Tang Bohu mean by that?"

Leaving here, Tang Bohu walked on the alley in Tangzhuang. It was easy to deal with Xu Zhenqing, as long as he used his Jin Yiwei's right to arrest Xu Zhenqing and torture him to extract a confession, but this would not do him any good except venting hatred and revenge. Xu Zhenqing was his own child Good friends during the period, playing with myself, Wen Zhengming, and Zhu Zhishan since childhood!In this era, I don't have many friends.

Will catching Xu Zhenqing chill Zhu Zhishan and Wen Zhengming's hearts? Even if they can explain it clearly, there will still be gaps in their relationship in the future.

Tian San ran to report, "My lord!"

"Have you found anything?" Tang Bohu asked.

Tian San replied: "Xu Zhenqing just met Xu Jing, and did not do anything else, and Xu Zhenqing's actions these days are very clean."

"No water leaks." Tang Bohu thought: "Xu Zhenqing met Xu Jing, and then Xu Jing bought the test questions. Xu Zhenqing didn't do anything during that time, and didn't do anything before again?"

"Yes!" Tian San replied: "Since Xu Zhenqing came to Tangzhuang, she has been in Tangzhuang almost all the time, and has never had any contact with strangers."

"Looking at it this way, he looks like a messenger?" Tang Bohu asked.

"It seems so." Tian San replied.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "Bury the bodies of Xu Jing and that guy in a place where no one is around. It's definitely not that simple for Xu Zhenqing to keep staring at this matter."

"The subordinate understands." Tian San replied.

The greenhouses in the field have been dismantled, and the farmers are digging new soil in the field to prepare the crops of the season. Tang Bohu looks at the young oak tree that has taken root and thinks about how to cultivate this seedling. After all, this kind of plant cannot be found in Daming. Now, it is the only oak tree in Daming.

There is an extract called rubber in the oak tree. Many important things in industrial civilization are inseparable from rubber, such as steam engines...

"My lord, what do you think!"

Tang Bohu heard Tian San's words and turned his head: "What's the matter? I'm sorry, I was disconnected just now, what are you talking about!"

Tian San wiped the cold sweat off his forehead vigorously, "My lord, I mean that we have been doing more and more things by hand recently, and we have enough manpower. The brothers who followed here from Donghaiwei to Liaodong are now only left There are dozens of people, and the rest are from old thousand households, but there are only a few hundred people, according to the official position of an adult, there can be more than a thousand people, ten hundred households, but we only have a few hundred people now!"

"There are no more manpower." Tang Bohu continued: "In the early years, those who followed us were all the backbones and elites. Whether it is doing things or looking at people, we must be careful. You and Niu Er Yang Sheng will watch this matter together. , as many people as you can, if you can't recruit people, let's make a living."

"My subordinate understands."

Tang Bohu emphasized again: "I still say the same thing, no matter how skilled the manpower is, we don't want everyone. Don't bring in those stinky fish and rotten shrimp that can't be put on the table."

"Humble job!" Tian San replied with a bow.

Tang Guangde, Tang Bohu's father, saw his son observing a small sapling, and also stepped forward and said, "What kind of tree is this? I haven't seen it before."

"Father, do you know how to raise trees?" Tang Bohu asked his father.

"Although your father and I were born in restaurants, our ancestors also farmed." Tang Guangde said: "If you want to plant trees, you must understand trees. Your father and I have never read such a book. What kind of planting!"

(End of this chapter)

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