Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 202 The Imperial Examination Situation

Chapter 202
"This is a southern tree!" Tang Bohu said, "The most important thing about this kind of tree is light and proper warmth. The climate in the south is the best."

"According to what you say, it is a miracle that this kind of tree has survived to this day." Tang Guangde looked at it and said, "Isn't it just a tree! What is there to plant? In fact, willow trees are pretty good, easy to feed."

"Father, I have a dream." Tang Bohu said sadly, "Do you know about dreams?"

"Can dreams be eaten?" Tang Guangde asked.

"What's the point of eating without dreams." Tang Bohu answered.

Tang Guangde fell into deep thought, and seemed to have some reason, but he was speechless!

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In Tangzhuang's factory, Yan Song finished the work at hand, came to the office where Zhong Ling'er was located in the attic of the factory, and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Yan Song pushed open the door and walked in, "Miss Zhong, this is the factory constant this month."

"Leave it alone." Zhong Ling'er said flatly.

Zhong Ling'er watched Yan Song put down the volume and said, "Recently Tang Bohu encountered a difficult matter."

"I see."

Yan Song spoke very quietly, Zhong Ling'er laughed dumbfounded and put down her pen and said: "Tang Bohu beat you a lot, you have become timid."

"It's not that I'm timid." Yan Song smiled and said, "It's just that those who know the current affairs are heroes. I will participate in things that Mr. Tang asks me to participate in, but I can't touch things that Mr. Tang doesn't let me get involved in. Mr. Tang is an ambitious man." People, this kind of people will firmly hold on to the people around them, and those who are disobedient will be safe pawns around them.”

Yan Song went on to say: "If I want to rely on Tang Bohu to make a fortune, I can't rush for quick success, and I can't make rash progress. I am very young now, and I have a bright future."

Zhong Linger nodded.

Yan Song walked out of the attic, then turned around and closed the door for Zhong Linger, his eyes were pensive.

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Xu Jing’s business has temporarily come to an end, and everything is handed over to the people under him. The so-called money can’t buy happiness, and Tang Bohu has lived a lazy life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset, and he can lie down absolutely. Don't sit, don't stand if you can sit, the happiest thing in life is to sleep until the brain is hypoxic, as the saying goes, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, the more I get to the exam, the more waves I get, the spring is coming, although I don't see the imperial examination, but Tang Bohu is fully interpreting the meaning of this sentence.

Just when Tang Bohu was about to molested Zhong Linger, an evil star came to Tangzhuang to say that he wanted to relax, but whether there was anything indescribable, it still depended on Zhu Houzhao's thoughts. Fishing by the stream, "Tang Bohu, why can't you catch fish even though it's spring?"

Pulling up the fishing rod, there was a white carp hanging on Tang Bohu's hook, "Prince, look at me, I caught a fish."

"Oh." Zhu Houzhao agreed out of boredom, "I finally went out to the East Palace, so I can only go fishing?"

"Fishing can calm the mind and soothe the body and mind." Tang Bohu explained: "And I also set out a long line to catch a big fish."

"Chun Wei is about to start the test!" Zhu Houzhao was a little excited: "Tang Bohu, is your second battalion commander still there?"

"What is the second battalion commander? Why can't I understand what His Royal Highness is saying?" Tang Bohu shook his fan vigorously, "It's still about what His Royal Highness wants to do."

"Second Battalion Commander!" Zhu Houzhao emphasized: "Of course the artillery was fired!"

"His Royal Highness, haven't you fired enough cannons last time?" Tang Bohu's head was full of black lines. The last time he bombarded scholars almost took off a layer of skin. It would be unimaginable, with a sad sigh on his face, he didn't want to mix with the prince anymore, and he was afraid that if he kept mixing, he would lose his head before he became famous.

"I didn't know what happened last time when I drank all kinds of meat and vegetables." Zhu Houzhao said excitedly, "How about we do it again in a different position, this time blasting him to the ground and weeping ghosts and gods."

Tang Bohu looked up at the sky, "It seems to be raining."

"Where does the rain come from when there are no clouds in the sky?" Zhu Houzhao said, "Tang Bohu, don't change the subject, the prince will go to the Shenji Camp to steal the artillery!"

"Your Highness, stop making trouble." Tang Bohu said in distress, "I still want to live a few more years."

"At the beginning, people killed people and set fire to the imperial dining room, made a big fuss in the Taiyuan Hospital, fought against the East Factory, Tu Duoyan, and wiped out the Japanese pirates!" Zhu Houzhao said loudly, "Tang Bohu, what happened to you? How did you become cowardly! Where did that lawless Tang Bohu go?" .”

"Recently, I want to pretend to be a grandson." Tang Bohu said: "An old guy said that I will be killed by a evil star this year, and I am afraid that I will be in great trouble, so I have to behave with my tail between my legs."

"Tang Bohu!" Yang Sheng said with a dissolute smile in his Jinyiwei uniform, "What are you doing?"

"Fishing, come together?" Tang Bohu invited Yang Sheng.

Zhu Houzhao turned around and met Yang Sheng's eyes. The two of them met, their eyes widened, and they said in unison: "Yes! You!"

Wow!Yang Sheng hurriedly waved his fan to cover his face: "It's not me, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince admitted the wrong person."

"It's you!" Zhu Houzhao pointed at Yang Sheng and said loudly, "Come here, let the prince beat you up again!"

Yang Sheng: "..."

Zhu Houzhao put Tang Bohu's shoulders on his shoulders, looked at Yang Sheng who was wearing Jinyiwei's uniform, and said, "Why did you drag a good scholar into such a fire pit as Jinyiwei? It's really harmful! What are you looking for in him? We want such a person to enter Jinyiwei."

"He also has advantages, and this advantage has attracted many women to him." Tang Bohu said.

"What advantages! So powerful?" Zhu Houzhao asked.

Yang Sheng snatched the words and said: "Of course I have advantages. My advantage is that I have money. My family has a lot of money!"

"Isn't it money? The prince also has it..." Zhu Houzhao said that he wanted to dig money into his cuff, but when he thought of his monthly salary in the East Palace, he stopped his hand sheepishly.

"Good Jin Yiwei, where did your Xiuchun Knife go?" Tang Bohu looked at Yang Sheng and said, "Why did you bring a fan with you, how decent is it!"

"Recently, the cook at home lacks a handy knife to cut vegetables." Yang Sheng said leisurely, "My uncle gave the knife to the cook at home."

"I use the Xiuchun knife to cut vegetables. Your cook is so good at cutting vegetables." Tang Bohu laughed, and the Xiuchun knife was used as a kitchen knife. This may be the worst time that Jinyiwei was hacked. Do you want to tell Yang Sheng about Jin Yiwei's character design.

Alas... Yang Sheng and Zhu Houzhao stood together, and Tang Bohu couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional. One is my uncle, one is this prince, and these two guys seem to be incompatible with each other, and their fate is against each other...

 There are some new characters to be released recently, but I haven't decided on a name yet!If your Majesty is interested, you can leave a message in the book review area, such as Yang Sheng. This is definitely not a set-up where you get a box lunch after a few chapters. It is the kind with hundreds of chapters. No matter how indescribable the character design is, Xiao Zhang will write it in various poses, but according to the quality of the character design, Xiao Zhang will choose according to the situation, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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