Chapter 224 Rescue
Now it is an hour before Zishi Haishi. Looking at the quiet Suzhou city, the cold moonlight shines on Tang Bohu's face, "I don't want any accidents to happen, so I call Tietou here."

After a while, the hot iron head came to Tang Bohu.

Looking at the head whose bones had grown, Tang Bohu said: "I need you to take down the north gate of Suzhou, and I only give you half an hour."

"A lowly post takes orders!" Tietou replied with Niu Er's usual posture facing Tang Bohu.

"My lord, they are still a bunch of kids." Niu Er said anxiously, "Why don't I go."

"I can do it well!" Tie Tou said loudly, "Master, let me go this time."

Tang Bohu went on to say: "There are nearly a thousand people on the four sides of the city defense, plus the guards of Zhang Lin's mansion, we can't do anything in the city. If the four sides of the city defense come to support, none of us can leave, take down the North City Gate , After taking Zhang Lin out, leave immediately, you must be quick! Who owns the city defense of Suzhou now."

Tian San replied: "The spies have already investigated this question. On the surface, the city defense of Suzhou City is still in Zhang Lin's hands. In fact, after this year, the city defense of the entire Suzhou City has been completely changed. The person who is in charge of the city defense is Suzhou City. County Magistrate Lin Shu!"

"The magistrate is still there, but the city defense has fallen into the hands of a county magistrate!" Tang Bohu said with a smile: "The courage is really boundless."

Tietou excitedly came to his brother, "Master is going to use us!"

----------------------Dividing line
On Zhang Lin's house
Already lurking in it, Su San carried a bowl of porridge and a few steamed buns and walked towards Zhang Lin's room. A guard stopped him and said, "What are you going to do?"

Su San smiled and said: "Master Zhang, Mr. Zhang said he wants to have some supper, so I'll send it over."

The guard looked at the food box and there was only a bowl of porridge and steamed buns, and nodded to let Su San go.

Su San came to the door and gently knocked on the door, and a tired voice came from inside the room, "Come in."

Pushing the door and walking in, Su San turned around and closed the door carefully, the guard outside didn't see Su San's weird smile, closed the door and said to Zhang Lin who was sitting on a chair reading: "Master Zhang, your supper is here .”

"When did I say I want to eat..."

"Hush!" Su San immediately made a silent gesture, interrupted Zhang Lin's voice, put the snack in front of Zhang Lin and whispered: "Master Zhang, just take a bite."

Su San finished speaking and left. Zhang Lin looked at the night snack in front of him and fell into deep thought. This kid sent the night snack and looked like this, but he kept it from the guards outside. ?Night snack?Su San's words are still in Zhang Lin's mind, take a bite?Zhang Lin immediately picked up the spoon and rummaged through the porridge, but found nothing, and then moved his eyes to the steamed buns on the side.

Quickly took a steamed bun and tore the white steamed bun into pieces. Zhang Lin's eyes brightened. Inside the steamed bun was a note: Save you, pretend to be poisoned
Zhang Lin understood immediately, and quickly put the piece of paper into his mouth to swallow.

The guard standing outside the door heard the strange movement, immediately pushed them away and walked in, and saw Zhang Lin lying on the table trembling, foaming at the mouth, and the bowl containing the porridge had been smashed to the ground.

Hearing the movement, the new county magistrate of Suzhou also hurried into the house. Seeing Zhang Lin like this, he said, "Master Zhang, what's wrong with you, Master Zhang? Master Zhang? Zhang Lin."

After a few calls, Zhang Lin pointed at the scattered porridge on the table tremblingly and said, "There is poison in the porridge!"

"Poisoned?" Lin Shu asked suspiciously, "Where's the porridge boy?"

"Let's go and investigate the humble job!" The guard left in a hurry,

Lin Shu looked at Zhang Lin's embarrassment and said, "Go and see a doctor."

"My lord!" The guard replied, "Where can I find a doctor in the middle of the night?"

Lin Shu said with a cold face, "Look for it. If you can't find the imperial doctor, let him die here. Anyway, he will die sooner or later!"

At a moment's notice, the guards came to report: "My lord! The boy who delivered the porridge has already run away. I'm afraid he came prepared."

Lin Shu nodded.

Another guard came to report, "My lord, the doctor has been found."

"There really is a doctor in the middle of the night." Lin Shu said.

The guard also smiled and said: "It's just a doctor who sleeps on the side of the road. I don't know if he can be cured."

Tian San, who had been dressed up carefully, walked into Zhang Lin's mansion all over his body.

Lin Shu covered his nose and said, "This is not a doctor, he is clearly a beggar!"

The guard said with a smile: "My lord, let's treat it alive. If it can't be cured or if the doctor dies, we can save a worry."

Lin Shu nodded.

Tian San, who was pretending to be a traveling doctor, looked at Zhang Lin's appearance, pretended to feel his pulse, and said, "This person's poison has penetrated into the bone marrow, and I'm afraid I can only cure him with my unique medical skills."

"Hurry up!" Lin Shu said impatiently.

Tian Sanbei said with a smile: "My lord and the officials please stay away. My ancestral art cannot be seen by others."

Hearing this, Lin Shu began to hesitate.

Seeing the other party's demeanor, Tian San said again: "My lord is right outside the door, how can I run away."

Lin Shu waved his sleeves, calling himself and everyone to go out, and then closed the door.

Seeing that everyone left, Tian San whispered to Zhang Lin: "Master Zhang, stop pretending, I'm here to save you."

Zhang Lin opened his eyes and suddenly straightened his body, looked at Tian San and said, "Are you from Tang Bohu?"

Tian San nodded and said: "Master Zhang, you change into my clothes, dress up like me and go out, in the words of Master Tang, you are a civet cat for that."

"It's a civet cat for the prince." Zhang Lin added.

"Yes, that's what it means." Tian San said while taking off his clothes, "I'll put on Mr. Zhang's clothes and stay here."

"Wait!" Zhang Lin immediately felt that something was wrong and said, "How can you be sure that I won't be recognized when I go out, and that you won't show any flaws if you stay here?"

Tian San tore off the fake beard on his chin, tore off the fake eyebrows and said, "Don't worry about it, hurry up! We have our own arrangements."

After a cup of tea, Zhang Lin's door was pushed open.

"Healed?" the guard asked.

Pulling down his hat, he nodded and replied in a hoarse voice: "Your Excellency has already fallen asleep."

Just when the guard felt that the doctor's voice was not right...

A firework exploded in the night sky.

"Who sets off fireworks in the middle of the night!" Someone said annoyed.

Taking advantage of these people's attention being diverted, Zhang Lin lowered his head and quickened his pace to leave here.

"Don't you want your consultation fee?" The guard shouted to the doctor who was leaving in a hurry, and when he saw the doctor leaving unmoved, he muttered, "What a weirdo."

(End of this chapter)

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