Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 225 Killing without blinking

Chapter 225 Killing without blinking
A group of people chased out of the house, looked at the empty street and didn't know where to chase, and saw a white figure passing by the street corner, "There! Chase!"

Hearing the sound of dense footsteps, Niu Er hid in the dark, waiting for the opponent's men to come to the middle of the street. Niu Er came out from the darkness with Jin Yiwei.

Lin Shu, who had chased him halfway, looked at Jin Yiwei's hands and said in surprise, "So it's Jin Yiwei's people, why are you here?"

Niu Er casually said, "Just passing by."

Lin Shu looked at the group of Jinyi guards in front of him, wondering: "It's really fun for you to go out for a walk in the middle of the night."

"Then what are you doing?" Niu Er also asked.

"There was a doctor who cured him to death." Lin Shu said distressedly, "I'm arresting that doctor."

"So that's it, sorry for the interruption!"

Niu Er turned around and left...

"Hurry up and find out, where did that guy go?" Lin Shu asked, "Did Nanzhen Fusi send Jin Yiwei down recently?"

The people around me replied: "No!"

"Then where did this group of Jinyiwei come from?" He immediately thought of Tang Bohu, Fusi Qianhu in the northern town of Beijing, with hundreds of Jinyiwei under his command, and shouted in surprise: "It was tricked, Tang Bohu didn't leave at all. , He came to rescue Zhang Lin, it was a trap, immediately ordered to go down and close all the city gates! Even if you turn Suzhou City over, you have to find it.”

After Niu Er left the line of sight of Lin Shu and the others, he immediately ran!Leading people to leave Suzhou City quickly, Lin Shu right now is a wild cat who has been angry all the time, catching and biting anyone, I don't know if the time I bought is enough.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Niu Er said to the people behind him, "We have to get there before these guys arrive at the North City Gate, and have a round with Mr. Tang!"

At Zhang Lin's mansion, Tian San took off Zhang Lin's clothes and changed into his Jinyiwei uniform. He didn't escape from the back window at all. He opened the back window just to attract their attention. In fact, he had been hiding under the bed. People came out in droves, the mansion was empty, Tian San walked out of the mansion and sank into the night.

The city of Suzhou is a bit noisy tonight, and there are people running quietly on all the lower roads in the city without saying a word.

"Report to your lord! There is a group of people going out towards the north city gate."

"What did you say!" Lin Shu said with wide eyes, "They have already left the city? How did they get out of the city in the middle of the night? Are the guards blind?"

"Yes... a group of children took down the north gate of our Suzhou City." The little official said, "These children are well-trained and their methods are very good. We are not their opponents."

Lin Shu jumped anxiously and said, "What are you doing standing there, hurry up and chase after him!"

It's over...it's over!Lin Shu's eyes darkened, it seemed that his good days were over, and his official career was over, and he sat on the county magistrate because he was lifted up by the people above, just to watch over Zhang Lin...

The time was up to Yinshi, when Lin Shu chased out of the north city gate panting, just in time to see a large boat leaning against the shore and about to set sail, Lin Shu shouted loudly: "Surround up and don't let anyone go."

"I mean County Magistrate Lin! You, a small county magistrate, want to stop me from Jinyiwei Qianhu?" Tang Bohu walked out of the crowd and said, "It's pretty fast, but do you know how many catties you have?"

"Take them down for me!" Lin Shu was really in a hurry, as his career was related to his life and he had to fight for it.

Tang Bohu's men and horses drew out their embroidered spring knives to protect the boat behind them, facing Lin Shu's men and horses!
"As long as you turn around and leave now, I'll treat it as if nothing happened!" Tang Bohu said coldly, as Jin Yiwei kept coming out from all around, ranging from dozens to hundreds, the number of them was increasing.

Lin Shu suddenly saw that standing behind Tang Bohu was Zhang Lin who turned into a traveling doctor.

"You don't do anything yet!" Lin Shu said frantically, "There are thousands of soldiers in Suzhou City, all come back to support us!"

Tang Bohu stood in front of Zhang Lin and said: "I didn't want to kill tonight. Since you are aggressive, I can't do anything! Jin Yiwei obeys the order!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of Jinyiwei agreed in unison.

Lin Shu retreated step by step in the face of Tang Bohu's men. Right now, he only has dozens of people who are not his opponents at all. He wonders why... the other officers and soldiers in Suzhou City don't come to support him. Those thousands of guards are more than enough to deal with Tang Bohu, but They never showed up.

"Except for Lin Shu, don't keep any of them!" Tang Bohu ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone raised their knives and slaughtered the officers and soldiers who followed Lin Shu indiscriminately. Although some people wanted to resist, there were only a few of them.

Heads were rolling, and blood was all over the ground.

Lin Shu turned pale in the face of the decisive Tang Bohu. This Tang Bohu was just a scholar, why was he so violent.

"Break his legs." Standing behind Tang Bohu, Zhang Lin said, "I want him to die in the next life!"

"Okay!" Tang Bohu sneered and raised his stick, trampled over the head, and walked to Lin Shu.

"Tang...Tang Bohu...you don't do this." Lin Shu stepped back.

Niu Er and Tian San went up at the same time, pinning Lin Shu's body to the ground, Tang Bohu walked step by step, Lin Shu trembled all over, the young man in front of him, Jin Yiwei's eyes were so cold and emotionless.

Tang Bohu raised his stick and swung it down!


There were bursts of screams outside Suzhou City...

On the second day, when the first commoner came outside the city and was about to start working for a day's livelihood, he came outside the north city gate and sat down on the ground in fright. The scene in front of him made his scalp tingle, and dozens of The head fell to the ground, blood all over the ground, corpses all over the ground.

--------------split line
Tang Bohu was sitting on the boat, looking at the scenery of the lake and mountains, drinking tea leisurely and elegantly, Zhang Lin looked at Tang Bohu strangely and said: "I heard rumors about you in the capital these years, at first I thought it was just a joke, but now for those I believe the rumors of the ruthless Tang Bohu."

"I never thought I would be a good person." Tang Bohu said with a smile.

Zhang Lin said helplessly: "What made you so violent? A good scholar turned into a murderous executioner without blinking an eye."

Tang Bohu enjoyed the spring breeze and said: "Master Zhang, I crawled out of the dead people in Donghaiwei, I slaughtered a Donghaiwei into a dead city, and in Liaodong I besieged and killed more than [-] Yan Dajun, killing people without blinking an eye? I'm just numb to death, and it's not my intention to save you this time, I don't want to rescue you at all, it's just entrusted by the old Duke, but don't be too grateful to Dade for it."

(End of this chapter)

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