Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 226 Talented Scholar and Beautiful Lady

Chapter 226 Talented Scholar and Beautiful Woman ([-])

The boat drew ripples on the water, and sailed towards Taihu Lake with the spring breeze. I was so tired that I didn’t sleep all night. The hundreds of Jinyi guards on the boat were too tired. Many people fell asleep after putting on their clothes. Zhang Lin With a wry smile, he said, "Although you rescued me, there was a lot of commotion about this incident. I'm afraid that some people will not want to be kind afterwards."

Tang Bohu watched Tian San release a pigeon, and smiled relaxedly: "Master Zhang, don't worry, as long as you come out, someone will come to wipe my ass."

Zhang Lin went on to say: "I don't understand one thing, even if you took down the north city gate, how did you keep the east, west, and south sides from moving? Last night I saw that Lin Shu didn't have any reinforcements rushing to help. "

"Maybe those guards are blind." Tang Bohu said with a smile.

Zhang Lin looked at Tang Bohu. In just over a year, the young man in front of him has changed a lot. He has a city, has calculations, and has strategies. Last night, he was engaged in the work and things came to fruition. In just two hours, Tang Bohu was able to make the city of Suzhou full of storms. If you don't move, it's enough. Once you make a move, you will be caught off guard, and you will move out of the overall situation, even counting the slightest change.

Tang Bohu smiled cleanly under the sun, Tian San stepped forward and said, "My lord is about to enter Taihu Lake in an hour."

Counting the time, Tang Bohu said in a low voice: "Ask the boatman to full sail, let's speed up and get comfortable, don't wait for Suzhou, Changzhou, and Hangzhou to react, otherwise we will have difficulty getting out."

Zhang Lin patted Tang Bohu's shoulder and said, "Young man, why don't you listen to the old man's opinion."

The cooks on the boat had seen Tang Bohu and his party killing people, so they didn't dare to neglect them.

Tang Bohu touched his stomach and said to Tian San: "Do we have anything to eat?"

Everyone hasn't eaten anything since last night, they are really starving, Tian San said: "There are some fish at the boatman's place."

"Let everyone fish if they can fish, and those who have dry food to eat some dry food. We will be busy again when Taihu Lake is docked." Tang Bohu said.

"The humble order." Tian San went to work immediately.

"Tang Bohu, can you listen to the old man?" Zhang Lin raised his voice.

"Hey, Niu Er!" Tang Bohu continued, "Is Su San on board?"

Niu Er replied, "They are all asleep on the boat now."

Tang Bohu nodded.

Zhang Lin stepped forward to stop Tang Bohu's gaze and said, "Stinky boy, did you listen to what the old man said?"

"I listen!" Tang Bohu nodded.

Zhang Lin said, "Although you rescued the old man, it will still be difficult for us to get out after Hangzhou, Changzhou, and the two closest state capitals react."

Tang Bohu said leisurely: "It will take two days to go from Hangzhou to Suzhou at a fast pace, and it will take one day and one night to go from Suzhou to Changzhou at a fast pace. We can reach Taihu Lake by water this afternoon. It will take tonight to react at the earliest, but this afternoon I picked up Qiuxiang and left Jiangnan."

"Then they also walked into the waterway?" Zhang Lin said.

Tang Bohu smiled and said, "We are now on the only waterway at the exit of Suzhou. Are there any other boats besides us on this big lake with a radius of tens of miles?"

Zhang Lin suddenly looked around, only the quiet lake, and indeed no boats, no!It should be the fishing season now. Why are there no fishermen? Could it be... He stared at Tang Bohu and said, "How did you do it?"

Tang Bohu grinned, "Master Zhang thinks that Jin Yiwei will be idle these days after we come to Suzhou?"

Niu Er also said with a smile: "As early as before Qingming, our adults bought all the ships and destroyed all the ships that could sail."

Tang Bohu was a little distressed, "Master Zhang, in order to save you, I have spent a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources."

"Good boy!" Zhang Lin sighed, "So you have already counted it all."

"Master Zhang, you should take a rest as soon as possible." Tang Bohu closed his eyes under the warm sunshine and said, "We are busy at Taihu Lake."

------------------------split line
Lin Shu lay on the bed in pain, the pain in his legs made him faint several times, the doctor stood beside him cautiously and said, "My lord, your legs are probably useless."

Hearing the doctor's words, Lin Shu's eyes were full of jealousy, and he roared angrily, trembling, "Tang! Bo! Tiger!"

"My lord, Feige has already sent the news." The clerk said, "I think the adults above will use their actions soon."


The prefect of Hangzhou looked at the letter sent by Fei Ge, and said to the officials with a gloomy face: "Everyone, Tang Bohu sent Zhang Lin out."

"This tree is really a waste!" Someone cursed loudly.

The prefect of Hangzhou said with a sneer, "Although Lin Shu is still alive, he is indeed a useless person."

"How did Tang Bohu succeed?" Someone asked.

The prefect of Hangzhou handed the letter to others and said: "The letter is very detailed. It only took Tang Bohu two hours to rescue Zhang Lin and flee Suzhou. The action was very fast. Lin Shu's response was already very timely, but he still couldn't catch up."

"It's not that Lin Shu is too useless, it's that we underestimated Tang Bohu's ability!" Someone said again: "We always thought that there was an old grudge between Tang Bohu and Zhang Lin, and that Tang Bohu would not interfere with Zhang Lin's affairs, but none of us thought of this Tang Bohu Killing another carbine and taking action to plan the overall situation can be regarded as the right time, place and people, this young man is not easy to deal with!"

"Then what should we do now?" Someone asked the prefect of Hangzhou again.

"Move as soon as possible, and keep people if you can." The prefect of Hangzhou said with a sigh of relief: "If we can't keep this dumb, we can only eat it ourselves."

"But what should we do with the list in Zhang Lin's hand?" Someone said anxiously: "That is the lifeblood of Jiangnan, if it is held by others..."

The prefect of Hangzhou watched his servants making tea but did not speak.

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When Tang Bohu opened his eyes again, he had already arrived at Taihu Lake. Looking at the unpolluted lake surface, he saw the memory of Huguang in Taihu Lake, and the original Taihu Tower was rebuilt. Taihu Lake was also the biggest turning point in his life.

"My lord, can we dock now?" Niu Er asked.

Tang Bohu nodded, "Come to the shore, and contact our spies in Washington after landing."

"I understand the humble position." Niu Er bowed to order.

When the big boat docked, Niu Er took the lead to protect Tang Bohu. A large group of very eye-catching Jinyiwei stepped off the boat and stepped on the embankment of Taihu Lake. They headed straight for Washington. On the street, these ordinary people have never seen such a scene.

(End of this chapter)

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