Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 244 Blood Stained Liaodong

Chapter 244 Blood Stained Liaodong

In Wang Yang's Mongolian army, Li Gao rushed to a cannon, aiming at the trebuchet above Liaodong City!
On the top of Liaodong City, Su San also saw Li Gao, who was behaving strangely, leaning against the city wall, drawing his bow fully at a very tricky angle, just when Li Gao's torch was about to light the fuse, Su San pointed The bow and arrow in the middle came out, and pierced Li Gao's throat with precision with a whistling sound, and the torch that hadn't been ignited fell to the ground.

Li Gao's eyes were full of horror, and he fell to the ground speechless while clutching the blood that kept flowing out of his throat.

"Tian San!" Tang Bohu roared and said, "I don't care what method you use, just destroy those cannons for me."

"Yes!" Tian San replied loudly.

Aim the artillery on Liaodong City at the opponent's artillery, but the angle is not good!The Mongols' artillery was too close to Liaodong City, and the shells inside would fall by themselves when the head of the cannon was lowered, and they couldn't explode at all.

Hundreds of Mongolian soldiers held their shields and formed a wall, guarding the artillery.

A captain of Jinyiwei roared while holding a ignited incendiary bomb, turned over, jumped off the city wall and threw himself at the opponent's cannon, "I'll fight you guys!"

There was a huge explosion, and the flesh and blood of the Jinyiwei captain was blown up along with the artillery!
Niu Erhong had tears in his eyes, he knew the Jinyiwei who just jumped off the wall, "He is only 17 years old, and he just married a wife!"

With the first comes the second, the third...

Soldiers defending the city jumped down on the city wall with incendiary bombs in their hands, determined to destroy the artillery that threatened the Liaodong City the most even if they lost their bones and ashes.

"Stop!" Yang Yiqing hissed.

As soon as the words fell, these people had already jumped off the top of the city and died with the artillery!
Gunpowder smoke is everywhere, filling the entire battlefield!Niu Er was covered in blood, and every Mongolian army that climbed to the top of the wall fell down one after another!

Tang Bohu stabbed a prairie man in the chest with a knife, the blood splashed on his face, and he could still feel the scalding temperature of the blood, killing people like numbness, there is no mercy and pity in his eyes, if you relax even a little bit, someone will cut you with a knife body.

Tian San turned around and kicked a Mongolian away, but he didn't care about a knife flying from behind, and slashed fiercely on his back!

"Ha!" Tian San roared angrily, turned around and kicked away the sneak attacking Mongols, enduring the severe pain and standing with a knife.


A burst of thunder illuminated the battlefield and everyone's resolute expressions, and heavy rain poured down.

Behind the army, Chahar looked at the heavy rain and said tremblingly: "Retreat! Retreat!"

Seeing that Liaodong City was about to collapse, and the sky began to rain again, Chahar had no choice but to withdraw his troops!As if the heavens were helping Tang Bohu, tens of thousands of Mongolian troops retreated one after another. The pressure on the Liaodong city suddenly disappeared a lot, and the last enemy was retreated from the city wall.

Yang Sheng fell on the top of the wall exhausted, feeling the real war for the first time.

Aunt Gu was still trembling with the kitchen knife in both hands. Yang Sheng looked at Aunt Gu who was in a mental state and stepped forward and said, "Aunt Gu, they have retreated! They have retreated! It's okay."

Breathing heavily in the heavy rain, Aunt Gu looked at Yang Sheng blankly for a long time before returning to her senses and putting down the knife in her hand.

"Tian San!" Niu Er noticed the blood left on Tian San's body, and immediately stepped forward to support him and said, "You..."

Due to excessive blood loss, Tian San swallowed a mouthful of saliva and fainted on the spot before he could say anything, Tang Bohu immediately ran over and found the shocking wound on his body, the skin and flesh were parted and even the white bone residue could be seen, "Quick! Bring Tian San in!"

Niu Er picked up Tian San and walked to the house in the city.

When he came to a dry room, Tang Bohu tore open the clothes on the back of Tian San, his heart was still beating and he was breathing, "Tian San, you must not die. If you die, who will do those shameful things for me?" .”

"My lord!" Is Tian San still alive?Niu Er was panicked, Niu Er and Tian San were like brothers after years of friendship.

Tang Bohu looked at Tian San's shocking wound, from the shoulder to the waist, the flesh was already white and opened, "Give me the needle and thread! Quick!"

"Okay, okay!" Niu Er nodded, and ran out like crazy, looking for wine and cotton thread one by one in the heavy rain.

"My lord!" As if conscious, Tian San said in a daze, "My lord, I can no longer work as an errand! I'm going to die."

"Shut up." Tang Bohu picked up a jug of wine and took a sip himself!Barely counts as spirits.

"My lord, give me a sip. Let me go more comfortably!" Tian San seemed to smell the smell of wine, and said in a daze.

"What to drink!" Without saying a word, Tang Bohu poured the wine on Tian San's back, and he passed out again with a sharp pain, shaking his teeth.

"Don't get tetanus, don't infect the wound." Tang Bohu murmured, "Why isn't Niu Er here yet?"

"My lord!" Niu Er came running and crawling, carrying a needle and thread, "My lord, I found it!"

"Okay!" Tang Bohu quickly took over the needle and thread, burned the needle on a candle to sterilize it, and then began to carefully sew up his wound. The person who traveled through time did not have any medical knowledge, but only knew some simple wound care. There is no penicillin on the prescription, let alone vaccinations, so everything will depend on fate!

I hope Tian San's wound is not infected and there will be no tetanus!Any one of these two will kill Tian San in this era!

Sweat flowed from the forehead, along the eyelids into the eye sockets!Resisting the soreness and blinking vigorously, "Niu Er, help me wipe my sweat!"

"Okay!" Niu Er's mind went blank at this moment, he didn't want to lose his brother Tian San, seeing Tang Bohu stitching Niu Er's wound, he hurried forward to wipe his sweat.

"Niu Er, take care!" Tang Bohu continued: "The wounds of the guards are also opened up like this, just do as I do! If you can save one, it is one!"

"My lord!..." Niu Er was a little confused.

"Hurry up!" Tang Bohu said loudly.

"Okay!" Niu Er panicked and left in a panic.

Tang Bohu sewed up the wound carefully, and even opened his own skin. The spine and internal organs should not be injured. He sewed up all the wounds, and let out a sigh of relief, "I hope you will be blessed and live well."

Bandaged Tian San's wound with clean gauze, exhausted from the battle, Tang Bohu sat down on the ground against Tian San's bed, took a sip of wine, "Tian San, if you die! I want the entire grassland to be buried with you!"

The heavy rain didn't stop, and Tang Bohu fell asleep drowsily when he felt tired.

------------------------split line
It was also raining in the capital, and Qiuxiang felt very uneasy when she saw the heavy rain all over the sky. She put her hands together and prayed to God for Tang Bohu to come back safely.

 Thank you Nine Realms Supreme for your reward, old readers who followed me all the way, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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