Chapter 245
In the capital, the battle of Liaodong is something that many people are concerned about. The latest battle report came that Liaodong City has been defended again. Everyone's hearts are hanging in their hearts. hooves.

It has been raining heavily for two days, and under the pouring rain in the capital, a scholar walked into a restaurant, "Little Er, come and boil a pot of wine and a plate of beef."

"Okay!" the man agreed.

The scholar had just rushed back from Liaodong to help Liaodong withdraw troops to deliver letters home, and Xiaoer served a plate of beef and wine warmly, "Guests take it easy."

There are still noisy discussions in the restaurant, and these words are inseparable from the word Liaodong.

"Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing killed the mountain of corpses in Liaodong. The corpses of those Tartars almost overflowed the city wall!" said a scholar.

"How can the court not send troops!"

"The blood that Tang Bohu killed in Liaodong stained the sky, and Yang Yiqing refused to give in to the 50 Mongolian army!" A scholar said: "The city of Liaodong is full of heads."

"I just came from Liaodong, and I saw it with my own eyes!" Another scholar who delivered a letter from Liaodong said loudly: "The city walls of Liaodong have been stained red with blood, and the corpses are piled up like a mountain. The smell of blood can't even be blown away by the wind. "

"I didn't expect Tang Bohu to be such a loyal person." Someone sighed.

"I am ashamed to be inferior to Tang Bohu." Someone said: "When the country is in crisis, only Tang Bohu stood up. Now that the officialdom is full of Shen Ke, those who are officials are not as good as a grassroots who has no official position."

"I came back from Liaodong with dozens of letters from my family!" A scholar said, "I saw with my own eyes the horrific battle in Liaodong. The Mongolian army rushed like locusts. Yang Yiqing and Tang Bohu stood on the top of the city without retreating a step. Even if the Mongolian army climbed to the top of the city, they would fight to the death, what kind of courage is this."

"I just came back from Liaodong." A scholar said, "I have the family letters of these soldiers with me, but it's more like a suicide note! These soldiers didn't shrink back because the city was destroyed, because they knew that Liaodong was destroyed. The Mongols can pass through the Shanhaiguan Pass and enter the capital, they are protecting their families, and they are protecting us.”

A wave of passion was burning in the hearts of these scholars and scholars, and they all wanted to rush to Liaodong now, "As a man, how can you shrink back when your family and country are in trouble!"


A group of monks came to the capital to buy a lot of dry food. The guards guarding the city saw this group of monks and said curiously: "What are you doing here?"

"Rush to the aid of Liaodong!" A stick monk with a long stick packed his dry food and started on his way.

"Even monks can go to aid Liaodong!" The guards guarding the city couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness. Soldiers should be galloping on the battlefield, and even monks can go...

In the Forbidden City, Zhu Houzhao in the Qianqing Palace read the military report that just came and said loudly to the courtiers kneeling on the ground: "When can we send troops to Liaodong?"

Lin Jiang, Minister of the Household Department, said: "His Royal Highness, it takes more than half a month from the transfer of money from the Household Department to the conscription and dispatch of troops. Now that His Highness is about to ascend the throne, every ration must be carefully calculated!"

"What a careful plan!" Zhu Houzhao said loudly: "When Lin Jiang's father invited you six ministers to a banquet, did Tang Bohu offend you? That's why you held back for so long?"

"I dare not!"

Zhu Houzhao said loudly again: "Where is the Minister of War!"

King Shu of the Ministry of War stepped forward and said, "The minister is here!"

"You tell Gu! Can your military department send troops to Liaodong?" Zhu Houzhao asked.

"Return to Your Highness!" Wang Zaijin said in a low voice: "Now the Ministry of War records 20 soldiers, and there are still [-] soldiers who can leave Beijing! Half a month!"

Zhu Houzhao gave Lin Jiang a hard look, and this scene happened to be seen by Liu Jin.

Angrily throwing the paperweight in his hand on the ground, Zhu Houzhao scolded, "Do you want to see Tang Bohu die in the hands of those braids in the grassland? If Tang Bohu dies, I want you to be buried with him!"

"After Gu ascends the throne, Tang Bohu will be made the Grand Marshal of the World's Soldiers and Horses!" Zhu Houzhao said loudly.

"No, Your Majesty!" Several civil servants prostrated themselves on the ground and said: "Your Majesty, absolutely no, the title of Marshal Yelu Hongji in the Song Dynasty is the title of Yelu Hongji, and it must not be used for Tang Bohu."

"Don't worry about it!" Zhu Houzhao said loudly, "Even if Tang Bohu dies in battle, Gu will give him this posthumous title!"

"You..." Several civil servants pointed at Zhu Houzhao, wanting to speak.

"What's wrong with Gu!" Zhu Houzhao said with a broken jar.

"Hunk Lord, Hunjun!" A civil official shook his head and said: "Your Highness, if you insist on making Tang Bohu the Generalissimo of the World's Soldiers and Horses, I will beat him to death as a thank you to the world."

"Crash to death?" Zhu Houzhao said with a sneer: "Okay! You hit! I just want to see if you die!"

"Ah!" He roared and bumped his head against the pillar!His body trembled twice, and he fell straight to the ground.

Liu Jin stepped forward to take a look, took a breath and said, "His Royal Highness, you didn't hit him to death, you just passed out."

"His Royal Highness!" Li Dongyang stepped forward and said, "It's better to send [-] troops first, and then send an envoy to negotiate peace! Buy time for Yang Yiqing, and then wait for the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War to have regulations. It is not too late to send troops."

"The envoys are going to make peace?" Zhu Hou looked at all the ministers present and said, "Who is the right one to send?"

"I thought that..."

"I know!" Zhu Houzhao interrupted Li Dongyang and said, "Send Lin Jiang, Minister of the Household Department!"

"This..." Everyone shook their heads when they heard Zhu Houzhao's absurd decree, and someone said: "Master Lin wants to preside over the affairs of the household department, how can..."

"I'm determined!" Zhu Houzhao waved his sleeves and said, "Immediately send [-] troops to reinforce Liaodong! Don't delay!"

Zhu Houzhao, who left a group of ministers kneeling on the ground, left the Hall of Qianqing, and Liu Jin followed Zhu Houzhao cautiously, "Your Highness, don't worry, Mr. Tang will be fine with his life."

"Liu Jin, you said that Gu is going to be the emperor, and I can't even keep my best brother. Am I a failure?" Zhu Houzhao said disappointedly.

"If you say that other people can't save their lives, this old slave will believe it, but Mr. Tang has always been a cunning person, and no one can save their lives! Mrs. Tang will definitely be able to save their lives." Liu Jin said.

"By the way, Liu Jin, how many people do you have in Dongchang!" Zhu Houzhao's mind flashed: "You take the Dongchang people to reinforce Liaodong."

"Your Highness, this old slave is not the admiral of the East Factory, so he cannot command the East Factory." Liu Jin said.

"What's the matter." Zhu Houzhao said nonchalantly: "As long as you go to reinforce Tang Bohu, the director of ceremonies of the East Factory, Bingbi, will give you the position of Admiral of the East Factory!"

"The old slave obeys the order." A hint of surprise flashed in Liu Jin's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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